

"we'll join forces and together we'll create a future for Catyra" Kelsier informed the others and they nodded . It was time ! To end the reign of the tryant. It was time to regain control over the dark and it's lurking. * Vin stared incredulously at the thin and scrawny girl in front of him. She is the chosen one?? He almost want to laugh at the absurdity of the thought . This tiny girl whose black hair was all tangled up and her olive skin was full of scars ,is the chosen one? How will this girl fight a whole Lord ruler? She wouldn't even be able to get past the guards . A bile rose in his throat and ugly feeling of failure clawed at him . He had failed , the whole of Catyra fate depended on him ! " You think I'm not the chosen one , ? " . She rolled her eyes and begin to walk past him . Well she didn't think so too . Defeat the Lord ruler ? Save the world? Everything sounds like some bed stories and fairytale. She walked away from the dreamchaser . Species that was said to have been extinct thousand of years ago . Everything was just weird !! She needs to get out of here , before all this balderdash gets in her head * But then he saw it ! Tiny intricate black markings on her left shoulder , on her ankle . The sign !! He hurriedly followed her . Perhaps he shouldn't have judge a book by its cover

Winnie17 · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Weird ass day

Chapter eight

Song recommendation . Ciao adios by Anne Marie

The smell of warm and fresh cow dungs filled the air , a reminder that the day is gonna be hectic and rough as usual .

Niverea got up from her flat excuse of a bed , and walked outside . She went straight to the back of the barn , where she could wash her face and mouth .

There was no time for taking a bath and she would rather use the water for more important things than bathing.

Who can blame her ? It's a very long way to the tiny running stream that was used by the whole village .

And if left to Niverea , she would rather not go to the stream at all . The long distance apart , it was the crowd and gossips that made Niverea hate the chore of fetching water .

The women and young teenagers were sure to fill the way and the place in the morning . Niverea would try to avoid them , they would bad-mouth her to no end , and more so they wouldn't even let her get close to the stream .

The reason why almost everyone prefers going to the stream around the early time of the day was because of some mysterious Spirit that lurk around .

Those spirit are said to be soul eater , they devour the soul and leave the body to rot .

Hence , the reason why most women prefer going to the stream in the morning . Afternoon and evening wasn't a safe time for the forest path .

Niverea watched her reflection on the still water surface , her black hair was long and thick but extremely unhealthy and dirty . Her skin was olive and caramel and she loved it .

White skin is mostly fancied in Catyra , and some high demons female would go as far as not coming out of their room for years and months just to achieve their dream complexion of a pale skin .

"What good is it if you're as pale as a sheet ?? . Barka . " Niverea hissed and tossed a dried twigs out of her way . The cow barn was huge ,as madvil and her husband had a lot of cows .

Though it wasn't a profitable business in Catyra . Most demons prefer wild animals and ferocious ones . Only the lowlifes demon and lesser rank creature eats cow meat .

Milk wasn't fancied either , or ginger ale and blood .

They were seriously missing out ,according to Niverea . Because the creamy taste of the white liquid is to die for .

The cows begin mooing at the sound of Niverea's footsteps .

"Shh there or you're not getting any food ! . " She glared at them and like they could hear her , they kept quiet .

"Oh good . But since when did you cows become obedient?? . " She mused to herself and started to lead the cows outside .

The hay was prepared already , and the cows begin eating .

Niverea took the broom , madvil favorite weapon and headed inside the barn to sweep it . It was a relief to get over the crunch and brunch sounds coming from the cows .

She bend down and begin to sweep , coming to contact with some dried dungs , probably the ones she missed yesterday and some newer ones .

"If only the cows would stop poking for the great spirit sake !! . " She murmured as she continued sweeping .

Sweeping the cow dungs wasn't a pleasant chore , but at least it was better than to fetch water . Where everyone would be running their mouth like the running stream .

She finished sweeping , and stood up straight to relieve the tension in her back . The sun was gradually getting out of it's orange cloak , ready to unleash it wicked hot rays down on them .

Niverea must finish her chores before long , else it's probably won't end well for her .

She's done with the sweeping , now remain another tiring chore of leading the cows in .

"If only the cows would come in by themselves . " She sighed

The mooing of the cows alerted her , she turned her head sharply and get eyes widened .

The cows came in by themselves ! In a freaking straight line .

"Barka ! What is happening? " She rubbed her eyes together and squinted at the straight line of cows in front of her .

Is this a miracle? Could only be ! There's no single explanation for this ! Never in all her life had the cows came in by themselves .

"Niverea?? Niverea! Where is ye? Stupid gal' " a voice shouted from the compound .

Niverea was startled out of her reverie and was pulled back into the reality by the earsplitting scream coming from no one other than madvil .

Niverea walked out of the shed , still gaping . She met a furious madvil in the yard ,her short flabby arms akimbo , her mouth was twisted in anger .

Niverea could only roll her eyes more . What is it this time around ?

"Ye stupid girl ! See what you did ! . " She pointed to the floor . Niverea eyes widened in shock and anger . So much for thinking that the cows came in by themselves

The water that she had painstakingly fetched yesterday was splash on the floor , creating a muddle on the red soil .

The amount of falling ashes was lower and less denser around this part of the country , so the reason for the red soil .

"Now get ye little stinky ass and begin to clean up the floor . " She stomped on the middle and few muds splash on Niverea's arm and face . Madvil grinned wickedly and walked past Niverea .

Niverea stood there and sigh for the nth time that morning .

"Barka ! . " She let out a string of more vile curses that it isn't befitting for a " lady . " . But Niverea was no lady !

She was a slave who worked her ass off , feeding the stupid cows and serving the dirty couples .

"How am I supposed to clean this mess up ?? . Tulfooni ,! " She walked towards the shed again and carried the broom and a pan .

She swept the middle into the pan and went to pour it away .

The sun was up high by the time she was done .

After repeating the exercise for a while , the place was thankfully" clean . "

Maybe not so clean , but at least it was better .

She'll still have to fetch another god-damned water !

She carried the clay bucket on her head , and took the fast path . The forest path was the fastest path to reach the stream but because of the dangers ,many people preferred to take the long cleared path .

On most days , Niverea would never take the forest path , no one in their right mind would . but today isn't "most days . " . She was feeling reckless and tired as she trudge on, carrying the bucket on her head .

The unusual silence brought about the memories of the previous day , when she lost the firewood .

The rows of glancingbicicus were staring at her , and the flabbinggabs trees were there as usual , looking for preys .

But something feels different . Each step she took , the feeling of someone or something staring at her was getting more nerve-wracking .

Yes the glancingbicicus was staring at her ,but something dark . Something more sinister!

She quicken her steps and held the bucket more to her chest . Everything was getting weirder today .

A cricket chipped and assure Niverea that she isn't the only living creature in the forest .

"I was beginning to get scared . Thanks little buddy . " She spoke into the air . To herself

At least it'll keep her from getting too scared .

She got to the silent stream and dipped her bucket into it .