

"we'll join forces and together we'll create a future for Catyra" Kelsier informed the others and they nodded . It was time ! To end the reign of the tryant. It was time to regain control over the dark and it's lurking. * Vin stared incredulously at the thin and scrawny girl in front of him. She is the chosen one?? He almost want to laugh at the absurdity of the thought . This tiny girl whose black hair was all tangled up and her olive skin was full of scars ,is the chosen one? How will this girl fight a whole Lord ruler? She wouldn't even be able to get past the guards . A bile rose in his throat and ugly feeling of failure clawed at him . He had failed , the whole of Catyra fate depended on him ! " You think I'm not the chosen one , ? " . She rolled her eyes and begin to walk past him . Well she didn't think so too . Defeat the Lord ruler ? Save the world? Everything sounds like some bed stories and fairytale. She walked away from the dreamchaser . Species that was said to have been extinct thousand of years ago . Everything was just weird !! She needs to get out of here , before all this balderdash gets in her head * But then he saw it ! Tiny intricate black markings on her left shoulder , on her ankle . The sign !! He hurriedly followed her . Perhaps he shouldn't have judge a book by its cover

Winnie17 · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

I...in the dungeon?

Chapter twenty six

Vin wasn't comfortable , sitting close to two women who were chatting so loud . That wasn't the problem , the problem was the fact that he was wedged between them and their thick thighs was clamping both of his skinny own .

He sighed . It's been an hour since he had gotten here but this Lord Cian was nowhere to be found . He glanced around again , gazing at the luxurious structure of the room. Furnitures were placed in different angles , they look old but Vin was sure they would be expensive as hell .

Not everyone could afford something such as furnitures . The loud chatter in the room , died down a bit and Vin couldn't be much happier .

The number of people in this room suprised him , heck ! He had been expecting nobody to show up .

Judging by the rumors circulating around the town , Vin wouldn't be surprised to see no one here but himself . Frank had pestered him to no end , going on and on about how this would be a great opportunity and of course another way to hide .

He still feared the gyoles , will probably always will . There's isn't anybody who wouldn't be , especially after what he did . He broke out of the cell !!

Who could believe that ?

The identity of the man , who helped him that night was still unknown to him but all he knows is that , wherever he may be , or go , he'll forever be grateful to that mysterious man .

He wished he could just see his face for once , so that he could properly express his gratitude for him.

A guttural sound dragged him back to reality, and he quickly look up to see one black eye staring dubiously at him.

He squirmed uncomfortably in his seat , and looked away immediately . These gyoles were totally different from the ones that he previously saw .

But they seems to be connected . They look more mature ? He wasn't sure what the right word to describe them was ,but he knew there was some subtlety to them .

Whereas there was nothing like subtlety to those ones . They're just huge and rough and made for war .

"You are toor go thereee . " He spoke slowly , almost too slowly but thankfully Vin was able to get the gist of whatever he was saying .

"I am to go where ?? . " He asked again , just to be sure . One could never be too sure with this creature .

He pointed his finger to a corridor , a long hallway that has different rooms .

The instant feeling of deja Vu swept him over , and he recalled the incident . Will this one be like that too ?

He stood up , trying to act tough when in reality he was extremely nervous . The rumors about this "man. " Is enough to make one pee in their pants .

He walked towards the place , and he was grateful that he has some other presence . Three more people qued outside the door to a particular room .

Vin guessed that was where Lord Cian was . From the lookof things , they were going to get interviewed in groups and it's just for the better .

He knew he would be more at ease if he wasn't the only one in the room .

He joined the que and they waited till, they were asked to enter . He tried to make out his personality from the sound of his voice , but he failed.

He sounded nothing like the sneering monster that they've made him out to be . His voice was different . Diverse and beautiful .

It had an edge to it , with a soft drawl that lures and it overall effect was pleasant .

But Vin knew they could judge from that . He had to see for himself first .

They made their way inside , the door automatically gave way as if it's already waiting for them . And that was the first weird fact that Vin noticed .

Because they had been standing outside the very door for a while now , and nothing happened .

They stepped inside the room , it was dark with a few visible furnitures . Chairs and tables .

They were arranged in opposite manners and in row of three .

Each of them sat opposite of another and they awaited this Lord Cian of a person .

Suddenly , the light came on from somewhere . Vin squinted his eyes as the abrupt pain shot through them .

But where did the light come from ? He looked up to see a strange object . It was just like a lamp , but there was no oil plate in sight. Which made Vin come to a conclusion .

Magic !

"Ahh that ? That's called a lamp but as you can see , it's electric . Don't try to bother your dull heads about it . Electricity isn't majorly available yet , it'll probably take a few hundred of years again . " Lord Cian spoke in a voice , neither low not loud .

But perhaps hearing it at a close distance ,made Vin realized that he might have missed some important part of the whole thing .

His voice command respect , not demanded them . He had a voice that goes both ways . That can lure you in ,make you want to hear more , yet can scared the wits out of you . It was something that Vin was clearly not accustomed too .

And so are the other participants, as they were all looking uncomfortable in their seat . Just a minute into this , and Vin was already agreeing to the rumors .

This man is definitely something else .

He took a sit behind the majestic chair that was right beside the window, the sun light streaming in fell on his face and he looked ethereal .

A gasp left vin's mouth at the sight of the gorgeous man in front of him . Lord Cian was tall , Vin gave him that .

Even with this disguise of his , he had quite a towering height but not to be compared to this .

His hair was jet black and long . Sleek and shiny , that ran all the way down to his back . He braided them on either side of his face , and his eyes . Well ,his eyes .

They look like they have some life of their own , a great knowledge was displayed in them but definitely not overshadowing the slight disdain and amusement that dances in them .

They were the color of black crystals , clear but dull . He look souless , as if one dared to stare too much into them , they probably will get dragged into places .

Vin quickly averted his gaze , which their face caught . A sinister smirk lurk at the corner of his mouth , as if he was enjoying their uncomfortableness .

Well he certainly look like he was .

"Now let's start shall we ? I think that's enough for now . You've checked me out enough , for now . You'll be lucky to get more of my Divine visual if you're lucky enough to be recruited . " He spoke with a tint of arrogance I'm his voice . Black soulless eyes , observed them all . Roaming around them and lingering a bit more on a particular person .

Vin .

Which only add more to his uncomfortability . Yeah ! The rumors are definitely right . This man look like a sadist

Vin could see the man that sat opposite of him , swallowing and rubbing his sweaty palm together .

They all are in the same shoe .

"Let's get started now shall we ? You look like you might poop or pee in your pants sooner than later . And we both wouldn't want that now , would we ?? . The rules are easy and simple . I'll ask you five question and the first three person to answer will be picked . The rest two will either be killed or maybe thrown in the dungeon or something . " He shrugged and pretended to dust a speck of dust off his clothes .

Panic swell in Vin , and his forehead broke into cold sweat . What ? Be thrown into the dungeon?