
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantaisie
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89 Chs

Yours Only


Michael is the most stupid creature that I have ever met! Does he think that I would easily let go of My sister? To be sacrificed? Not on my watch.

I sighed. How in the world am I going to get out of this place?

I was startled by the dramatic appearance of the stunning and dominating hot demon. I can't believe that a whole Queen of Andromeda would be chained down here in a place called Hell all because I chose to tame a beast. That stupid demonic spirit dares use me as a cheap payment to the devil. I bit my tongue hard, I shouldn't have trusted him. If Elys were to be alive and here, he would have been like, I told you so.

I stood up from the floor as the hot demon walked up to me.

''If this is about me offering my sister as a sacrifice, then I am sorry to disappoint you but my answer is still no.''

''We've passed that.'' The demon waved off.

I blinked, what?

The demon held the cuffs that cuffed my wrist and broke it into two with his bare hands. I was...stunned.

''What do you mean?''

The demon grabbed my hands and moments later I was in my room. Back at the castle.

I looked around, ''Y-you brought me back here...''

''The deal has been broken. You're welcome.''


Levi brought out a piece of paper and handed it over to me. I gave him a questioning look.

''What? You think a written request would change my mind?''

''He wanted you to have this.''

''Who?'' I whispered.

''Why don't you find out yourself?'' And he vanished. Leaving a cold chill down my spine.

I sat down on my bed and observed the paper. I unfold it to see someone's handwriting on it.

I read;

Dear Mate,

You reading this means that I have probably done another stupid thing, but I don't regret it as much as I regret giving you over to the devil cheaply and without looking back. You have the right to hate me but please find it in your heart to forgive me even if I don't deserve it. Thank you so much for being a good friend and a loyal one. And...so sorry I made those pretty eyes of yours cry. I am deeply sorry that you had to accommodate all the negative energy, insult your very own family, and rebelled against them.

I am sorry I made you a fool in front of them.

You are so beautiful that I fear I will never get to see your face again but be haunted for eternity of memories of you. Whatever has happened to me, just know that I deserve every single bit of it. What you deserve is a life without me. And I think that I just made that happen.

If I ever get reborn, the gift of luck and that beautiful hairpin you gave me will always be with me.

Move on and know that Levi will always be there to protect you and your little sister and your home from any future attacks from the devil.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Yours Only,


I held onto the piece of paper in disbelief. It felt like I was reading a death wish and it was indeed a death wish.

What is this? What is happening? Why does this feel like a death wish!?

My heart raced as I stood up in shock. Levi reappeared again with a solemn look on his face.

''Where is Michael?''

He did not respond.

''Where is My husband?!'' Tears strolled down my cheeks as the demon shook his head.

''What...happened to him? How did he break the deal he made with the devil?''

Levi pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on and walked over to the fireplace to stare at the fire. ''I made a promise not to tell you why he did it but I would tell you what happened.''

The fire made a splitting sound as I waited to hear what happened.

''To break a deal made with a vile creature like my brother, A demon lord has to be sacrificed. But since you refused to...let go of your sister, we sought for plan B.''

Was I supposed to let go of my sister to be sacrificed? ''And what was the plan B?''

Levi sighed as he turned around to face me, ''He said that if he dies, the devil won't use him for whatever apocalyptic fantasies he has.''

So he did that so that he won't be used. My heart ached.

''So he fell into the Abyss. A dark pit formed by the Greek Gods for the destruction of any soul that is found unclean. And if the soul is found pure or pardonable, it would be reborn and given another opportunity to live again in another form or body.''

My heart sank. Michael can't be reborn because we all know that getting yourself involved with the devil is first-class corruption. I felt a hard lump at the back of my throat as I thought of Michael being found unclean. Does that now mean that his soul would be destroyed? For good?

''Why didn't you stop him? Why didn't you warn him that it was a foolish idea?! Why did you let him do it?!'' I yelled at the top of my voice.

''Trust me, I tried. But I felt he did the right thing.''

Did he?