
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
89 Chs

Tiny Boldness


Last night was the best night ever! I slept like a baby. I stretched and got off the bed and danced in front of the mirror.

Yesterday was wonderful because I had the best dream ever. This prince charming I dreamt of is beautiful, arrogant, stubborn, daring, a sweetheart, and...a savior. I giggled. This is crazy, I rarely dream of any Prince Charming.

But this Prince charming is about to be a knight! He would be able to protect us from any dragons and monsters that come my...I mean, Our way. I smiled.

I turned around again to look at myself in the mirror. I look horrible! Must have been the stress I went through lately. No need to despair Nowel! There is nothing make-up and some body oil can't fix.

I clapped my hands in the air, and my royal maids and Caroline stormed in.

"I want to look more presentable today. Also, add more life to my eyes, please." I grimaced at how dead my eyes looked in the floor-length mirror. They all nodded and got to work. I watched with excitement as they transformed me.

What's the color of his beautiful eyeballs again...? oh, yes!

"The choice of my dressing today should be dark blue with a touch of red and red slippers."

I saw two of them exchange worried looks at how weird blue would be on red. but, does it matter?

As long as I am here today to give him my full support! Today is his first training as a knight. And with my little understanding of his weird personality, I have to be there to make sure it goes well for him. A bad first day of training is considered bad luck to me. So, an experienced princess like me has to be there to encourage him to do better. I smiled.

After all, he is my responsibility now...at least for six months, seven weeks, six days. I have to make sure that he is perfectly fine and ready on his first day of knight training. I hope I am not late already.

Once my maids were done with me, I hate to admit that the blue and red gown on me contrasted terribly with my black hair. But, regardless, I still believed to look good. So, I picked up my tiara and placed it gently on my head. I marched straight to the training ground with smiles all over my face. Today better be good.




I got to the castle field for training. Master, the one in charge, was around giving out instructions as usual.

Andromeda's training grounds are the best so far in the whole world. With adequate training equipment to provide us with the best knight ever to defend our country. I was the Master's first female trainee, and I'm proud of it.

I look around for a dark blue-eyed being with traces of red in them. I couldn't find any. Don't tell me that he is late on his first day of training. I shook my head in disbelief.

"He is late."

I turned around to come face to face with Master. I curtsied immediately.

"Where is he?"

"I don't know Master. But, I'll look for him and bring him here as soon as possible."

"Fine. And when you do find him, please educate him more about my rules as regards training. I don't encourage nonsense."

"Yes, Master." I watched him leave my side in anger and I was a little bit embarrassed. So much for supporting him on his first day of training as a warrior. I guess I have to teach him more about everything.

So, I proceeded to look for him. Starting from the slave quarters. They all greeted me and bowed down to honor my presence here at the slave quarters.

"My princess, what brings you here this beautiful morning?"Asher, the assistant taskmaster asked.

I looked around from where I stood but there was no sign of him. I sighed for the third time today concerning him. He is also a troublemaker.

"Have you seen Michael this morning?"

"Yes, I have. Why, my princess?"

"He is late for his knight training, and I am searching for him," I answered, feeling annoyed at how his disappearance could ruin a lot of things for him. "Can you please search for Michael in this place?"

The slaves agreed to scout everywhere, in the slave quarters for any sign of him. But none was found.

"I would send words to Illinois that he is-"

"No! no, no, no-no!" That would put him in a lot of trouble. And I don't want that for him. "Don't tell the royal members of the court anything yet. He must be in the castle somewhere, I'll look for him."

They all bowed as I exited the slave quarters to look for him. I ordered my maids to spread around and find him. Where could he have gone to? I wondered.

Nothing in this world could surprise me more than when I got to the eastern garden and met someone unexpected.





I watched her closely. I wanted to receive some fresh air when I met her in my demonic form. It was very early in the morning and I let my demon out in the castle garden to relax a little. I expected her to scream or run from just seeing me in my monstrous form. But her reaction to the other side of me shocked me to the very core. She should be around the age of seven or eight years.

I was scared when she began to approach me with that look of fascination on her round face.

All my life, people either ran, screamed, or pointed the crucifix at me whenever they noticed any slight traces of me, the abomination. But she is different.

What is this? She is not even afraid of the fact that I might be dangerous considering my abominable appearance. Maybe she just can't understand that fact. Too young to differentiate good from evil. I assumed.

She sat down on the green grass and urged me to do the same. I did that out of curiosity. Who is this little girl?

"Your horns are huge. Different from the ones I used to see here."

My entire system shut down Immediately. She does understand the fact that I am an entity of darkness. Interesting.

Also, I am different from the ones she sees? What else does she involve herself with? She can see demons? That revelation bothered me a lot.

"But you are different, Why is that?" The soft wind blew her hair sideways as I heard her tiny voice ask. And I battled within my being to provide an answer to her question. But I ended up arriving at more questions.

Why am I different?

How am I different?

I decided to take my other form, the one in which the blueness of my eyes dominates over the red. I planned on confusing that little brain of hers, tricking it into believing that what she saw earlier was not real.

"Wow, you have a human form too?" Her eyes widened in surprise as I stilled at how vain my plan was. Who exactly am I talking to?


Iris? We both turned to look at who just called. And it was the Princess.

"So, your name is Iris?" I asked.

"Yes." She answered with a blinding smile.

Interesting. "Nice to meet you, Iris."


I closed my eyes at how irritating it felt to hear that voice. What now?

"I need to speak with you, right now! In the library."

Where in the hell is this library?