
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantaisie
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89 Chs

Losing Control


The muscles around my eyes began to hurt the more I tightened my jaw and closed the distance between my brows in a deep frown. My eyes fixed on the very object of my frustration, with a sense of coldness and void of warmth.

How could he do this to me? How long has he known about this? Why was he hiding it? Was he ashamed of it?

I swear to the eye god that...

''Nowel,'' I looked at him and noticed that he had also stopped eating. Maybe he finally noticed that I had not touched a single piece of bread on this table since. It was still raining outside and very late. But we still decided to eat.

''What?'' I tried saying by letting the tone of my voice match my glares at him, but I couldn't as my voice sounded neutral and almost soft.

''Why haven't you touched your food yet? Are you feeling alright?''

I clasped my hands together in front of me as I watched him. I made sure I drilled the very life out of him with my eyes.

''Why?'' I began, ''Are you somehow...I don't know, guilty about something?'' I narrowed my eyes at him. I am about to end a demonic asshole with my looks tonight.

His perfectly shaped eyebrows lowered in confusion. ''What...what should I be guilty about?''

I chuckled. Unbelievable.

''The fact that you cheated with that princess bitch of Morbid?'' I asked calmly and the expression on his face was priceless. Maybe he thought I wouldn't find out about it or bring it up with him. I smiled, I can also be unforgiving Michael.

''You...saw that?''

I ball my hands into a fist at the faint sound of hurt I hear in his voice. I hate it when you try an act all innocent or deny it.

''Was it supposed to be in...secret?'' I taunted. The atmosphere of the royal dining hall changed. Everywhere became still. Only the faint sound of thunder and rain could be heard. Then I decided to drop the one bombshell that was eating me the most. The one if not I met with the devil, I might not know.

''Michael,'' I began calmly as I picked up my fork...''I want you to tell me this yourself. I have heard it before but there will be no conviction unless I hear it from your lips,'' And held onto a small knife in my right hand and stared at both of them.

''Am I your mate?''

My eyes met his own and I was surprised to see anger in them. I chose not to be moved by his anger. He can burn the whole castle for all I care. I just want to hear the truth.

I want to believe that the devil was lying or that I misunderstood what he said to me hours ago. I want to have a reason to forgive him once again. I don't want to neglect him.

We both stared at each other and I thought it would never end. Then all of a sudden, he stood up and turned around to leave.

Consumed by anger and fueled by hurt, I stood up and with swift and calculated motion I drew my right arm back, causing the muscles there to coil like a tightly wound spring, and unleashed the silver object, aiming towards him. The knife sliced through the air in slow motion, spinning end over end with deadly intent before hurtling towards its intended target, Michael. I gasped!

Michael stopped when the knife stabbed the door instead of him and we both froze, as the knife missed him by an inch.

I. Was. Frightened when I realized what I was just about to do.

I was about to stab my demon. What came into me to do that?

I watched in horror as he gently pulled the knife out of the door.

Oh my god, what have I done? To my surprise, he didn't retaliate or try to throw the knife back at me in anger as I expected.

He turned his head to look at me and my heart sank when I saw...fear in his beautiful eyes. He was terrified by my actions.

Again, we both stared at each other. My heart was pounding as a million scenarios flooded my mind.

Why was he afraid? He is a monster, right? Ashura's grandchild.

He was the first to look away as he tossed the knife on the floor. The sound the knife made was so loud because of the intense silence between us.

''Next time, aim with your left hand if you are bad with using your right.'' He opened the door and disappeared.

I gasped again at the weight of his words fired at me. I fell to my knees as I stared at my right hand and was grateful that it made me miss.

I can be mad, hurt, and angry at you, but I can never hurt you.

I can never hurt you.

I will never hurt you. It will never come to that.

But why did I try to? I looked at the door again and the horrible scene that happened not too long ago played itself over and over again.

How I rose in anger, lost control of my emotions...the knife in the air and brushed past Gorgeous by a few centimeters and straight for the door.

A tear trickled down my cheeks as it kept on playing and playing nonstop.

I cried. So hard that night.

Am I losing control of myself?





No, you're not. Just emotionally weak.

You are extremely lucky that the knife didn't harm him in any way. I would have also appeared in front of you and ended you for good.

I stared into the Eye again and I was displeased when I saw those conniving little sorcerers plan against what is mine.

This was not part of the deal.

I agreed to make a deal with the Northern witch because I even wanted her in the palace in the first place. She asked me for the magic of illusion to blind those royals into thinking that she was also royalty. She told me that she wanted to bewitch the demonic spirit in falling for her and I saw that as an opportunity to destroy the existing bond between Nowel and Michael.

The devil can't act in a place where there is love. I can't use a person that is in love or is connected to a person by a strong bond such as mates. I had to end it. And the witch was a good distraction and I made that deal with her in the hope that she would come in between Nowel and Michael and bewitch Michael for me and tarnish the stupid mate bond between them.

But no. That witch had to have other plans. She dared to deceive the devil that she was interested in Michael but her goal was to eradicate him. And I swear upon myself that I won't let that happen.

First, I am going to make sure that she pays for outsmarting the devil.

The second is that I am going to get rid of her and that mad wizard for good before they get rid of Michael and put an end to my plans.

To my glory, I have earned myself another puppet. The crown queen of Andromeda herself.

She is emotional, weak, and right for the task I have at hand. I have to make sure that she trusts me without any doubts.

No one can trick the devil except you are another version of myself.

It's funny how I always wish to play fair and righteous. When it comes to dealing with men, I am always tempted to cut corners. They can be that frustrating.

I closed the Eye with a swipe of my hands and placed my hands under my chin.

I will always win and be on top of the game no matter what. I only lose if I want to.

The witches want to play crooked to destroy a treasured weapon of mine, my greatest obsession....then the devil will play dirty to get what he wants. I promise.