
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantaisie
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89 Chs



The double doors to the courtroom swung open and I marched in. The whole courtroom fell silent at my arrival. I knew I looked horrible.

It's been two weeks since I have last brushed my hair or taken a proper bath. But there is no time for that.

I sat on my throne with my chin held high. My blood boiled out of anger as my eyes landed on the criminal bound with chains in the middle of the courtroom. Perfect, just how I liked it.

He was forced to remain on his knees by four guards and my brain identified him as the attacker. A cruel smile played on my lips as I examined him from head to toe. He has blonde hair that reaches his shoulders, blue eyes, and a dark eye patch on his left eye. There was a triangular tattoo on his frontal and neck.

A member of the occult? This should be interesting.

''Your Highness,'' Adranus rose from his seated position and began the persecution. ''This is the man that is responsible for His Majesty's present condition.''

My hands balled into fists. I wish I was close enough to greet him with one.

''He is known as the Dark Moon assassin. Very good in robbing as well as all kinds of physical assault.''

I frowned.

''He also identifies with a very demonic occultic association that involves forbidden magic, brainwashing, and human sacrifices.''

The whole court frowned and whispered in disapproval of the cultist before us. I wonder why a popular assassin would also take pleasure in learning magic and blood rituals.

''Your Highness, what shall we do to this miscreant?''

I straightened up. This is it, the moment that I have been waiting for. His judgment and fate were placed on my hands on a platter of gold. And I promise myself to make sure he gets what he deserves for daring to lay even a single finger on my Gorgeous. He is going to pay heavily for his transgression.

''Did he tell you why he decided to harm His Majesty?'' I faced Adranus.

''He has refused to speak no matter how hard we go on him.''

Hmm...a hardened one? Maybe nailed to a cross in an upside-down manner would make him open his mouth and speak or if we threaten to feed him his tongue would make him talk!

I think being burnt alive would open his vocal cords. I smirked, what shall it be?

''I have something to say.'' He finally opened up. Causing us to blink in surprise.

''I won't suffer alone.''

The whole court broke out into loud murmurs at the possibility of some potential backups.

''Very well, speak.''




''Very well, speak,'' I commanded.

The whole court fell silent once more at my command. Everyone was eager to hear what this criminal has to say. Everyone wants to know who was involved in the near assassination of His Majesty.

''I,'' He continued, ''I...I did not do this on my own. I had no reason to want to harm His Majesty. But...someone sent me to do it.''

I could hear the loud beats of some people's hearts from afar. Every single person in the room was anxious to know who sent this rascal to kill His Majesty two weeks ago. I just remained calm and thought of how far I was going to go to deal with that person once he or she was revealed.

''Who?'' Illinois glared. He is also displeased that someone dared hurt the king and not Michael. Everybody came here to see the masterminds behind that attack on the king and not Michael. No one cares about Michael but for the fact of him bearing the title, the king has everybody worried and spreading juicy gossip about what and what not happened that night.

They tried to kill the king! Had been their anthem since that night.

''Who is behind your foolish move towards our king?!'' RC Avana roared and all eyes were glued on the object of attraction; the dark moon assassin.

''The person...the person is amongst us.'' He coughed out.


Our eyes locked and then it hit me.

Wait, what was I thinking all this time? It is this faker pretending to be someone she is not just to harm my innocent Gorgeous! If she was behind this one, then I am going to behead her and her accomplice!

''Tell us! Who dares send an assassin to kill our king?!'' She demanded again.

The madman kneeling before us licked his lips as his eyes locked with mine. A sinister smile played on his lips as he did.

''It's...Her Highness.''

The whole court gasped.

I blinked in disbelief.

Which one?

My question was answered when the assassin pointed his rotten fingers bound in chains at me causing all heads to turn and shower me with looks of horror on their faces.

This should be one silly prank being pulled on me.