
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantaisie
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89 Chs







In...I opened my eyes as I kept repeating it to myself over and over again. It's been one week now that I have escaped death but the near-to-death experience still lingers in my memory. Threatening to haunt my memories forever. Which made me realize how terrible death is. There was darkness, void, and lack of movement but I could still breathe because I was dying and not dead yet.


It's been one week now since I have recovered and she hasn't broken down those doors to see me. I just hope that she is fine and that the attacker didn't pursue her on her quest for safety and get help. I can never forget the look on her face when I was stabbed from behind and the countless times she begged me to open my eyes.

The look on her face when I told her that I love her too. Even though I was not sure yet what it meant to truly love someone, my lips acted on their own that night and said those words to her. It terrified both of us.

''Your Majesty,'' I turned to look at the woman beside me. I had no clue how she managed to become somebody in my life.


''You are...crying," She revealed softly.

Hazel gave me her handkerchief to wipe the tears from my eyes but nothing could wipe the ones building up in my chest. I was almost killed. I almost died. And...I haven't seen Nowel for the past seven days now. I have no idea whether she made it out of here alive that fateful night.

''Your Majesty, I think it is time you know who was responsible for your attack that night. The failed assassination that if it weren't for my prayers and sacrifices, things would have gotten worse.''

She placed her cold hands on my freezing one. I wanted to withdraw my hands from hers but the necklace around my neck reacted to the resistance I had against her touch. Forcing me to remain still as she manipulates me to conform to her will.

''You were extremely lucky to have me close by Your Majesty. Or your enemy will for your life would have prevailed over you.''

I shifted completely to face her eye to eye. Another unknown enemy that wants me dead?

''Not all that smile at you in your face smile at your back, Your Majesty. You need to be very careful of someone.''


I am guessing an unrepentant brat from Avalon. Who seeks revenge for enslaving his kingdom.

''Your Majesty, you wouldn't believe it.''

''Who did it?'' Because whoever it was, I would make sure he paid for what he did to me and for scaring the life out of Nowel.

''She is a little bit my height. Dark long hair-''


Hazel nodded sadly.

Why would...

''She is very possessive of you. Running around to make sure her little demon is fine--''

''Demon?'' How did Hazel find out? That I am a demon or...part demon? Has she also heard the rumors about me?

''Yes, Your Majesty. It's so obvious that you are not ordinary. And don't worry, your secret is safe with me. And I promise to protect you no matter what.''

Your secret is safe with me.

Why do I feel uneasy about it?

''Who wanted me dead?'' I asked her sternly. I would make sure he pays with his life.

''Gorgeous. She calls you her Gorgeous.''

The world around me stilled as my heart sank in betrayal and disbelief. What?


It's a ridiculous revelation. Why in the world of sanity would she want me dead? She was with me the whole time the incident happened. So how was it possible for her to be behind my attempted murder?

"No. It can't be. I refuse to believe whatever lies come out of your mouth, Hazel." I said while finally pulling my hands out of her firm grasp. I refuse to make the same mistake I made with her the last time she was this close to me.

"Oh, Your Majesty you won't say that again if I should show you the numerous evidence we have against her." Her hands found mine again which made me feel uncomfortable.

"Evidence? What evidence do you have against her?" I asked, raging mad inside for her trying to manipulate me into thinking My mate was responsible for my condition. In my two years of knowing her, it's something she can and would never do.

Hazel smiled as if whatever evidence she had to prove that Nowel was guilty would fool me like it fooled all of them.

"Where is my Mate? And I would like to hear it from her mouth that she wanted me dead."

What Hazel said next shocked me completely.





Here I am.

Living in an abandoned house between the border of Alis and Andromeda. I have run out of food completely and my throat burns with thirst.

What am I going to do? I have no money with me and I do not know what to do to get some.

I sat down on the wooden floor to think of possible ways for me to survive. It is such an irony that a queen is worrying about survival. The first to be on my list is to get a job or find one for myself. That's at least the most decent way ever for a woman like myself could earn some money without getting into more trouble.

So, I put on my hoodie and went to town in search of a job. The town of Alis is the smallest so far. It is not ruled by a king but by many governors and rich men that rule it.

As I walked down the busy aisle of the market, I could feel their stares on my back. Maybe all wondering who the hell I was? or suspicious of me being a criminal. Or an assassin ready to kill their husbands as well.

''Maxwell! Bring me those boxes, would you?!''

I flinched hard as the overweight shopkeeper snarled at the little boy sitting on the floor. The boy immediately bounced on his feet and with lightning speed ran towards the back door. I had to strain my neck a little more to see what that little boy might be doing there.

''Yes! Can I help you?''

I snapped out of whatever I was doing to focus on the angry shopkeeper. His face is even more coarse and rugged than his voice.

''Uhm...I was wondering if I could assist you here in your store?''

''You want a job here?'' He frowned.

''Yes, thank you. I want a job here.'' I smiled.

''Are you from this town? Because you look very familiar.''

''Uh...yes, why?''

''It's store policy. We don't employ foreigners and it is punishable by death here if you do.''

I swallowed hard.

''What's your denomination?''

My--what now?

I bit my lips hard as I had no clue what he meant by denomination.

''Uh...I am from...''

''She is under the denomination of the whale family. Third class.'' I peeked a little to see a man in a turban. And he has the greenest eyes I have ever seen.

''Hmm, you know her?''

The mysterious man nodded. ''I know her because she is my sister.''

Your---What now?

The shop owner nodded his head at me in approval. ''Good. Don't be late tomorrow!''

''Yes sir! Thank you, sir!''

He rolled his eyes at me and faced the mystery man who claimed to be my brother. ''Kareem, don't make her come to work in this dark hood tomorrow. It's inappropriate.''


''Don't worry sir, I will make sure that she won't.''