
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
89 Chs



I woke up with sweat pouring down my body in sticky drops and staining my bed. I had a dream, a haunting one.

I got off my bed, closed the doors and windows of my small cottage, and blew out all the candles, but one. The one at the center of my binding circle. I put on some frightening makeup and fixed my appearance.

This dream involves a demon.

I grabbed onto my calling box filled with bewitching sands and cards of doom.

He has the physical form of flesh and blood, a man.

I wrapped my small body in a dark robe and brought out my box of blue fire.

I at first thought it was a mistake until the ancestors showed me his brilliant destiny.

I stilled the heavy winds a little as I stood in front of the large circle of white chalk, and a candle with a light on it at the center. A complete three hundred and sixty degrees. A perfect circle of the earth. Just what I needed.

I said a forbidden chant as I stepped into the circle. I dropped the box of blue fire and the cards on the floor. I focused on the calling box of sands and began to make a shadow three hundred and sixty degrees circle around the big circle of ash. Once I've done that, I moved my instruments forward and sat in front of the single candle that burns with wax. I drew out my favorite card which has a crown drawn on it, and seven balls of fire on its tips. I began.

Tonight, I am about to summon a demon. And not just any demon. An ancient one. The very reason why Hell existed in the first place.

I chanted three times on the card before I inserted it inside the flaming blue ball of fire. With one spell, the blue ball of fire levitated and floated above the candle.

Perfect. Just perfect. I smiled.

Now to torment that ancient demon until he answers my calling this instant. I continue to chant that calling spell over and over again.

Then, He materialized in front of me on the other side of the candle.

I frown as I stare at the demon before me.

"You are not the one I summoned," I said in irritation and the foolish demon smiled at me.

"Oh, come on Sophie. Must it always be Lucifer who answers your call every time? I must admit that you're so good and daring to try and call HIM."

I glared hard at the young demon that was sitting in front of me. Not less than five hundred years old, and very witless.

"What in the hell...do you want from me?"

A dirty smirk played on his red lips as he rubbed his palms on his exposed and tattooed chest. "I want your heart, beautiful." He drawled, and I responded to his absurdity with a bored look.

"Where is Lucifer?" I asked, trying to be intimidating, but the young demon laughed. The nerve of this demon.

"What is so funny?"

"Where is Lucifer?" He mimicked, "That is funny. As if the Lord of Hell has any business with you that he would answer to you every time you call." He rolled his eyes.

The attitude of this demon sometimes.

"Unless..." He began stressing the word. Oh God! I tried to remain calm and not embrace the temptation of trying my latest experiment on him. smoking demons with water. It is a powerful spell I'm working on.

"You want to make a deal with him?" He tilted his head a little bit to the left and grinned.

Remind me never to try my summoning spells at night. The result would be frustrating. very frustrating.

"Don't be ridiculous Orion. I'm a witch, remember?"

"Pfft. Even Squids make deals with the devil these days. I know."

Oh my God! Did he just...is he...mocking me?

"But a greedy witch would want to try that." He sang to torment me.

I tightened my hold on the helm of my cloak as my eyes widened at what he just called me. A greedy witch? Really?

"So, it is true that the infamous Northern Witch wants to make a pact with the devil. I'm not usually the type of demon that believes in rumors...but yours is baffling. No wonder the Lord of Hell is ignoring your calling. Who taught you how to summon the devil anyway?"

I shook my head. "That is...none of your damn business. I want to speak to your Master right away!"

He burst into laughter and dark energy came out from his tattooed body. "Sophie, Sophie, My dear sweet innocent Sophie. You truly are a comedian. You should try and establish yourself in that rather than being a pathetic little witch who lives in a miserable cottage in the desert."

I bit my lips hard at the audacity of this demon. He has a very loose mouth and I might shut it up forever with my spells if he is not careful.

"Now, let me ruin your mood a little bit by making this clear to you that, Lucifer, aka the one that doesn't give a shit about you witches, never make deals with the Magicians. The same goes for the rest of us. It is an abomination in Hell. We make deals with people that are profitable to the kingdom of darkness and its cities, and not a detriment to it."

I was...speechless.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but your kind is a big threat to us. The devil hates competition and never makes deals with those he feels threatened by. Maybe a puppy would gladly make a deal with you."

Now, this was when I laughed.

"Your Master is being nothing but a hypocrite," I spoke.

"Excuse me? What do you-"

"Shut it and listen. Our ancestors were originally humans before 'your Master' made a deal with them. Magic in exchange for their miserable souls. And when we became much more powerful in the craft of magic, and your Master lost total control over us and we gained our independence from the forces and various forms of manipulations that Hell brings...That's when we became his enemy during the time you all just fell from heaven. Your Master and his brainwashed followers are jealous of our success so far as Magicians and our relevant contribution to this world and beyond. What has the Lord of hell done so far than wreak havoc and confuse everyone?"

He did not move even a muscle. I chuckled, "Answer me Orion. Or you could not handle the truth, right?"

He swallowed. Much better. I always remember to put these parasites in their rightful place. I can as well behave like this to Lucifer himself. I fear no one.

"One thing I know for sure is that the devil is a good businessman that seizes every opportunity to strike a deal with anyone as long as 'the good profit' is involved; their soul."

I watched as the young demon shifted uncomfortably in his seated position.

"Am I right?" I asked.

He nodded reluctantly.

"Now, be a good demon, and tell His Majesty that there is one pathetic witch who lives in a tiny cottage in a deserted land, and she is ready to give him her soul in exchange for something,"

Orion hissed and glared sharp daggers at the very root of my soul.

"I wish to make a deal with your King. So much for being such a discouragement." I shook my head at him.

I smirked as I watched him disappear. Now, this is the time when witches arise and stop certain nonsense that is happening in the world today. Like, demons merging with the flesh to become one. It is forbidden and has never happened. Not acceptable.

Why would a demon be merged with flesh and blood? Was it intentional or a freaking mistake?

I scoffed. Like I care anyway.

I have to set things right and the way they ought to be. I am a witch. It's what we do. Making sure that there is a balance in everything that goes on.

We hate it when there is an unpleasant change in nature. We would frown at it, and try as much as possible to get rid of it. That I promise to do. But first, I have to find a way to get myself inside the Palace and destroy that freak of nature.

I need to stage a trap and I need a binding necklace to have him under my control.

I need to speak with the devil.