
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
89 Chs



"Ha! Pathetic. Am I right?'' Asmodeus gave Mammon a hard glare.

''What? Am I not allowed to make fun of them anymore?'' Mammon asked innocently.

Asmodeus rolled his eyes at Mammon before stepping away from the object they used to stare at the other worlds apart from Hell; The Eye.

''This is going to be a problem,'' Asmodeus murmured, ''Call me Levi this instant.'' He demanded.

''Why?'' The demon, Mammon, drawled.

''That human is falling for that abomination gradually,'' Asmodeus replied.

''So? They are mates. Why exactly can't they fall in love?''

''Because...I don't want them to. We don't want them to fall in love.''

Mammon scoffed. ''You guys are seriously taking this jealousy thing to another level. He is beautiful, endowed, and has a mate. Let him also enjoy his life to the fullest.''

Asmodeus gave out a frustrated sigh at what Mammon said.

''Besides, why aren't we also interacting with him? He is also a demon like us, and Levi is blending well with him. More like besties to me.''

''He is not a demon,'' Asmodeus said sternly. ''He never was and he would never be. Just one freak of nature and an error that needs to be eradicated. Call me Levi, now! I want to speak with him.'' He said and left the hall.





"Your Highness, His Majesty would like to see you. Should I let him in?"

I knew it.

He would need my help at some point. I was just about to conclude the plan I made to spare him the pending punishment the court had prepared for him for his scandalous act on the Avalorian nation.

"Let him in."

All I need from him to make this plan a success is his honest reason behind what he did to Avalore and his support in this plan I have in mind. I stood up from the golden chair of my vanity table to welcome him. I had to stay up all night to think about the possible ways the king could escape the harsh discipline of the court.

Soon, the door parted to reveal the handsome figure of a demon in human form. My eyes narrowed as I noticed how slow his movements were. When he arrived at where I stood, my lower lips sundered slightly from the upper one at the sight of him.

"Michael, what is wrong with you? Are you alright?"

My heart fell at the sight of his crimson eyes, the dark circles under them, and his droopy eyelids. His cracked lips and the reddened bruises, like the ones you get after itching and tearing at a place on your body, had me worried. "Were you attacked?"


"Then, what happened to your neck? Were you trying to peel off the skin there?" I moved closer to him and suppressed the urge to touch him, hold him.

"It was just a...scratch. A...itching feeling around my neck at dawn." He replied and avoided my frightened gaze.

My eyes went to his neck with the strong feeling that it was more than just a scratch. A dark-colored pentagram-shaped necklace seized my attention as my eyes roamed his neck for answers to his predicament. What is this on his neck? I have never seen this ominous jewelry on him before. Where did it come from?

"Michael, where did you get--"

"Nowel, I need you." The urgency with which he said that distracted me from knowing more about the mysterious object around his neck.


"I need you to take care of Hazel while she is still recovering. I need you to make her feel welcome. And you don't need to be worried, she is out of danger and finally conscious."



What a beautiful name! Not only does she have my Gorgeous worried about her all night, but she also managed to be blessed with a unique name.

"Will you do that for me?" Came Gorgeous voice. His bloodshot eyes begging me to take care of this woman I have no idea of or what happened that landed her in this situation. And why is Gorgeous so concerned about her? Is she his sister or a... I don't understand how he became so attached to her so quickly.

"Would that make you happy if I did?"

A corner of his eyes softened briefly before it was masked by his familiar I don't care to look.

"Yes...I mean, if I am satisfied with how you handled her."

"Where is she from?"

"It doesn't matter. Just take good care of her and please, don't bother her with that annoying inquisitive habit of yours." He said and left, without caring if I wanted to do this or not.




I sighed as I knocked on the door and waited. A blonde-haired girl opened the door and bowed, ''Your Highness,''

''What are you doing here?'' I asked confusingly. Why is a girlmaid in this room with Hazel? I thought Michael needed me to take care of her.

''His Majesty asked me to watch over Lady Hazel for him and attend to her needs.''

What? I blinked. Then it hit me hard.

Michael is desperate to give a very first good impression that he cares and he hires two babysitters to handle his precious little angel. How charming.

I wanted to leave and quit but, ''Clara, who is at the door?'' I stiffened.

I did not know why exactly but I froze at the sound of her voice. Hazel's voice. It sounded so sweet, angelic, innocent, and ladylike.

''Her Highness, My lady.''


What? Is she disappointed? Or she is expecting someone else? Like my Gorgeous for example.

I straightened up and I entered the room. The room was big, beautiful, and spacious. And with a balcony as big as mine. Nice choice Michael. For a stranger.

I turned around to face the bedside, and there she was. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. Deep brown eyes sparkled and outshined the sun. Dark waves of hair rested perfectly on her shoulders and down to her back. They were darker than mine. Straight nose with perfectly glowing skin that makes me wonder whether she even moved out. They were clear, spotless, and wrinkled-free. I scratched my palms as I felt intimidated by her... everything.

She gave me one beautiful wide innocent smile that showed her dimples! She is just perfect. A tempting beauty.

''Your Highness,'' She bowed her head slightly even in her sitting position on her bed. ''It's so nice to finally see you, The Great Queen of Andromeda.''

Oh. Keep it! I scoffed. No one calls me that. I don't even feel like I am in control or a queen. You are just being a hypocrite. Even my husband sees me as one annoying princess. I am not even close to being referred to as a queen in his beautiful eyes.

I cleared my throat a little because I did not know how to react to that.

''So..Who are you?''

''I am Princess Hazel from the kingdom of Morbid, Your Highness.'' She smiled.

Morbid? What an odd kingdom! Never heard of it before. ''And where is that?''

''After the great twelve forests of Amidon, Your Highness.''

Hmm. Should I believe her?

''Okay. So, how did my husband get to know you?''

''I and His Majesty have never met before.''

''Then how in the damn hell did you end up unconscious on his bed?!''

She froze at my outburst. Even Clara squeaked at how unnecessarily mean I am too poor little Princess Hazel of Morbid.

Princess Hazel of Morbid my foot! It sounds so unbelievable.

I sighed.

''Look, I am so sorry for yelling at you. When I found you...unconscious on his bed and-''

''I understand you, Your Highness.'' She smiled again. You do?

''I and His Majesty have never met before. I was on my way to Derish when I was attacked by bandits and stabbed in the neck. But His Majesty was there to rescue and deliver me from the hands of death. I never imagined him bringing me to his castle and taking good care of me in his room.''

Oh. So that's how it all started. I can't help but accept the fact that I was jealous of her. If I were in that position, would Michael even look at me?

Oh, don't be ridiculous! he has saved you once, remember?

Yeah. Of course, he would save me. That makes us even in demon saving both our lives. I scratched my palms and gave her my fakest and most believable smile ever.

''I'm just...glad that you are okay.'' No. I am not. Partially.

''Would you like to join me for an afternoon tea, later in the day? So that we can get to know more about each other?''

Her smile was wide and she beamed with this blinding light.

''Oh, my!!! That would be lovely Your Highness! I would love to!''

''Then later in the evening, I can show you around the palace so that you can feel at home and blend in with us.''

She smiled for the third or fourth time today. ''I would love to. Thank you for your kindness, and I hope that I will be able to repay it in the most deserving way ever.''

I shivered. Most deserving way ever? What in the hell does she mean by that?





Hazel. Was her name.

'My name is Princess Hazel from Morbid,' I remembered. She said sweetly with this smile I had never seen on any woman's face before. I was enchanted.

I could not help but try my best to reciprocate the smile back to her.

Brown eyes, dark wavy hair, and the perfect color of skin my eyes have never seen.

I sighed as I sat down on my bed to imagine what could have become of her if I hadn't been there to save her life.

A cup filled with red wine sat by my bedside and my whole mouth burned with thirst.

I moved over to pick it up and drink it when a figure materialized in front of me and knocked out the cup from my hands. The contents spilled everywhere and on the floor due to the force.

My eyes widen. ''What is your problem, Levi?'' He walked over to the spilled wine and glared hard at it. ''Why did you do that?!'' I was flustered.

He did not pay any attention to me as he continued to stare daggers at the spilled wine. I stood up immediately and with the seriousness on his face...something told me that it was serious.

''Show me.'' He whispered darkly and I watched in horror as the red liquid gradually disappeared and turned into a dark sticky spit. The dark sticky spit further revealed a whitish semi-liquid gel. I was confused. What is this?

''I knew it.'' Levi hissed as he kicked the cup further away in anger.

''Levi,'' I began, '' W- what is that?''
