
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantaisie
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89 Chs



"From a mere servant, you made him the princess's puppet. And he is about to become a knight in this kingdom. What next? Making the devil himself the king of this state? Could this year be more bizarre than this?"

"Oh, stop whining Elys." Illinois spoke, "Everybody deserves a second chance to prove themselves redeemable, don't they?"

Elys gave Illinois a disapproving look. I have a different idea of the word redemption. "Demons don't have redemption. And they will never have. Or has that demon bewitched you into thinking that he can be saved?"

"You are just being unnecessarily mean, Elys." Illinois took a long sip out of his sugar-free tea while staring at Elys' dark green eyes. "And for the love of peace Elys! Stop it with the demon rumors, would you? You are distracting the people with your erratic theories. You keep saying the same thing morning, noon, and night."

"Trust me, when I say that the day I would stop being regarded as a madman...would be too late."

Illinois's face flattened into a bored look.

"How much?"


"How much do you need to shut that nonsense from your mouth?"

Elys shook his head as he stood up from his seat. He grabbed his forty-five-year-old companion, his staff with the head of a viper carved on its crown. "When I agreed to be the castle's royal wizard. I thought about the demons, not the money. Think about that. Call me whenever you've changed your mind about that demon. I am always ready to help when it is not too late. Good morning," He left. Illinois had to stare back at him in disbelief.

"That's why my cousins never had any royal wizard in their castles. They are very hard to control." Illinois murmured, and he continued with his tea.





"Left! Right! And kick!"

Master kept on repeating the same command for them to get it right. I watched with excitement as all the knights in training moved to his commands.

There's one thing about Master that I like; He doesn't judge your strength based on the sword but your fists. He starts training you with your fists before he teaches you about the techniques of the sword and arrows.

He believes that the reason why many knights are murdered early on the battlefield is their lack of skill in combat. Many knights are lazy and sometimes depend fully on their swords for defense and protection. What if your sword gets knocked out of your hand? What would happen to you next? If you depend so much on swords, arrows, and other war equipment, It would get you killed easily and make you vulnerable without them.

He trains his student on how to make good use of their body parts as a way of defense. The head, fists, legs, thighs, chest, and even your fingernails could be deadlier than the sword. Always surprise your opponent. Do not give him a chance to kill you. And refusing to be killed easily is what makes a good knight.

I could see the tiredness in the eyes of many, but they dare not make it obvious. That's how Master takes his training very seriously.

"Stop!" They all obeyed, "Take a break." And collapsed to the ground with a groan.

"Team B! To the training ground, now!" He barked. I smiled as I saw Gorgeous assemble with them. A deep frown formed on his face. He is probably cursing me for forcing him to attend today's training. I would, of course, force you to do the needful. I don't want you to get into more trouble.

"Take to positions! Triangular format!"

We may have a problem. How would Michael form the triangular format? I can bet my tiara on the fact that he does not have any idea how to do that. And by the disinterested look on his face, he is not ready to ask around or learn from his mates.

Everyone picked themselves in threes, and they arranged themselves in a triangular format. In each triangle, we can find three people in it.

Everyone took to that formation except Gorgeous. He is just new, and things like this would be strange to him.

In my training uniform, even though I am strictly forbidden to even smell the air around here by the royal court. I can't allow my prohibition to restrict me from helping him. Everyone was surprised as I made known of my presence on the training grounds and moved over to Gorgeous to form the triangular format with another person. Making us three in a triangle.

I never planned on training with him, but it is worth a try. There's this feeling in me that has been drawing me closer and closer to him every day. I want to help him feel comfortable.

"Princess, You are strictly forbidden to"

"I know Master, but he is under my authority and new to this system and technique. I want to help him on his first day."

The squires began to mumble to themselves as they judged my words and actions. I don't understand why my words had a negative reaction from them.

"Silence," Master called out, and everyone remained calm.

"Just for today Princess, Just for today. You would not be welcomed here again."

I bowed a small thank you to him and faced my little triangular team. I smiled at Gorgeous, but he returned it with a hard glare. I wonder how he still manages to have a beautiful and wrinkle-free look with all this frowning.

"If you want us to be the best team here, you have to cooperate with us. And stop frowning like you are the major cause of all the problems in this world."

His frown mused to a smirk. That's much better than being a troll.

"Let's begin!"

Okay, I can do this. We can do this. What could happen?

"Left hand forward! Make it straight!"

That should be easy to do. I stretched forth my hands. Yeah, I can do this! Pretty easy and Gorgeous should be able to do it as well.

"Then squat! With your right leg forward!"

You got to be kidding me. How can I balance when the left part of my body overrides the right part of my body? This is going to be hard and challenging. I tried my best to balance, but I failed. I tried again and again till I got it right.


What caught me off guard was the fact that Gorgeous was staring at me instead of doing what we were told to do.

"What?" I blurt out.

"While doing that, I found it funny, unnecessary, and...adorable."

Oh. I blushed.

Have you read Kiss From Death? It's on my profile! Please check it out too!

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