
The Last Days: A Survivor's Journal.

The earth faces a global pandemic crisis from a deadly virus that turns people into mindless, physically enhanced, biogenetic mutated creatures that prey on other living things to keep the infection in circulation . Join Allen, a 19 year old male; as he writes about his life in this apocalyptic world up until the last days. ********** I sit at the edge of the hill staring past the legion of tree tops that line the perimeter into the horizon. The growling of the Axions below the hill had turned from being a source of fright to becoming a natural way of life; a soothing tune that compels anyone to dance along to its rhythm. The cool evening breeze gently strokes on every nook of my face, matching the slow retrieval of the sun into the sky as past memories leading up to this moment ponders about in my head. Quickly, I pull out my journal and begin scribbling down on the pages before the thoughts dissappear, as I have always done since the beginning of the apocalypse with a mindset that someday, if ever civilization and humanity were to be restored; this book would serve as a perfect way to remind future generations of how humans were on the brink of extinction... Author here - please to readers, I sincerely apologize for the poor rate in chapter publication. I currently am working on a main project that isn't this book. Although I have an intent to finish this book; I can't make any significant progress on it now because I pour most of my time into finishing the other book which is already in its final stage. But that doesn't mean I won't be uploading newer chapters on this from time to time, only not at the speed you'd expect. Though I promise it won't be this way for long. Enjoy the book✌️✌️. And also if you're interested to know the other project I'm working on; feel free to contact me via this email address - waltsprince18@gmail.com- and I'll keep you posted; thanks.

Prince_Walts · Horreur
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3 Chs

Breaking down.

The streets were flooding with chaos as screaming people ran helter-skelter up and down the roads, burning cars with few of them laying overturned dotted the scene, buildings scathed in flames; and that's when I saw them... "Axions " I mumbled.

I watched as they harvested people one by one, tearing and ripping out huge chunks of flesh from their bodies and snacking down on them.

I trembled in fear as I took wobbly steps away from the window when suddenly a shriek flared up from within the house. At first I was hesitant; still driven with terror by the ongoing event. But then my mind raced to the only person that had been with me in the house, "mum ".

I managed to regain my composure as I tore into a sprint headed for the master's bedroom. Upon reaching, I charged for the door using my shoulder as a battling ram to bash it open. - It was always a stiff piece of wood to get open-.

As the door budged in after the first two attempts, something came rolling over to my feet covered in blood. My heart sunk in my chest as I stared upon it. "no", I protested shakily.

Everyone has to loose something; I learnt that the most cruelest way possible as I watched my mum's battered body go limp and topple to the ground, her head had been ripped away from her body and she now stared at me lifelessly from the floor with wide terrified eyes as more blood oozed out of her neck.

I was struck; couldn't move, helplessly watching as the axion rushed at her body and fed upon her remains. I can't remember much, but all I do remember feeling at that moment were, confusion and revenge. Even though these creatures were just mindless victims of the virus, I still felt that every one needed to pay for their sins; them inclusive.