
The Last Daughter Of Krypton

I am Clarke Kent, otherwise known as Superwoman. I am the last daughter of Krypton while also being an otherworlder who got screwed over by a ROB. However, with my knee identity, I am ready to be the hero that I know I am.

Mirko_Senboku · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs


"Congratulations, you are among the lucky few that died in your sleep. Now, I want you to chose your three wishes and leave me to my peace," a woman said to an ethereal looking young man.

"I'm dead? How did that happen? I don't remember dying!" the young man asked in quick succession.

"You died in your sleep, dingus, that meant you barely felt it. As for why, let's just say your heart got tired and when it stopped, your brain did not jolt you awake yet o save your life and very his, here you are," she answered, calmly but he could feel slight exasperation from her. But, he had more questions and he wouldn't leave without getting the answers to them.

"Why exactly am I here, I mean here with you?"

"Sigh, you are here because of your merit. Due to your body been donated to science, they managed to figure out how to graft artificial limbs, lungs and liver, saving millions of life for years to come. So, the collective consciousness of the universe decided to gift you with a chance to give you a happy ending and since I owed It, here I am." This explanation was quite scary when one thought it through but he would not. Why? Because he was already dead, he had little to no emotions.

"So, these wishes, what exactly are the limitations?"

"You cannot wish for the omnipotence, omnipresence or omniscience, that's all,"

"I wish to be Superboy Prime, that's my first wish. My second wish is that I want the weakness of devouring energy as fast as I absorb it gone replaced by half the energy with twice a he output. My third wish is that I'ld like to have my memories when I am reborn,"

"Is that all?" she asked and he nodded in reply. "Alright then, all that's left is chosing your gender; male or female?"

"Male, God forbid I become a woman," he replied quickly. This made the woman narrow her eyes.

"What's wrong with being a woman?" she asked with a scowl. The soul of the man, not having emotions, decided to answer truthfully.

"Because I am a man! I am accustomed to being a man and thus, would not pick the female gender in the right mind,"

"You were a human when you were alive, why do you want to be a Kryptonian now, forsake your humanity?"

"Because of the power I would possess as w Kryptonian,"

"That's hypocritical, don't you think? You are willing to shed your humanity for power yet you cannot even fathom the thought of being a woman since you were a man before?" she asked befor smiling eerily. "It's decided, you will be reborn a female and I am giving you a twenty years countdown, if by then you have not become a female hero then I will strip you of your memories as a male forever, see how you will then decide when given the same choice. Good bye!" The man was about to protest but the woman waved her hand and he disappeared.

This was not meant to antagonize any group but simply to tickle my imagination bone. If you were offended then please put the book down and don't leave a comment criticizing this chapter if that was your complaint

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