
The last berserk

In a remote county lost between verdant valleys and majestic mountains, where the echo of ancient legends resonates among the centuries-old trees, a tragedy has overshadowed its ancestral glory. Fate, however, has a new chapter in store for this forgotten place. After a devastating calamity that took lives and memories, only two survivors remain: the young brothers, whose past has been lost in the shadows of time. They grew up in humble isolation, unaware of the magical heritage that flowed through their veins. Little by little, fate leads them to an enchanted magic academy, where ancient secrets awaken and mysteries intertwine their destinies with those of the great heroes of the past. Under the tutelage of wise wizards and alongside new friends, the brothers unlock latent powers and discover that the county they once called home holds secrets that could change the course of history.Between spells intertwined with loyal friendships and magical creatures that inhabit enchanted forests, they set out on a journey to unravel the riddles of their lost past. With each turn of the page, the legacy of their lineage is revealed, and they realize that, together, they are the last hope for restoring the glory of the old shire and protecting the magical world they are now discovering they are part of.

jhonmatthew689 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

The Awakening of the Aura

The sunlight filtered timidly through the leaves of Sherman Forest, casting golden patterns on the moss-covered ground. Alex walked among the tall, slender trees, his mind immersed in tumultuous thoughts. The forest was his refuge, a place of peace where he could find clarity amid the chaos of his life. He reached the edge of a clearing, where a waterfall roared with power, its crystalline waters plummeting from an impressive height. This was where Alex liked to meditate, immersed in the music of nature, while the turbulent waters washed away his worries. He sat on the edge of the pool formed by the flow of the waterfall, closing his eyes and allowing the sensations to envelop him. But even here, in his place of peace, disturbing thoughts began to pile up. The pressure of winning a place at the prestigious fencing school weighed on his shoulders like a stone. He had trained tirelessly, devoting endless hours to the art of the sword, but still, the fear of rejection haunted him.And then there was the emptiness of not having known his parents, a gap in his life that seemed impossible to fill. For as long as he could remember, Alex had been raised by caretakers in the small farmhouse, without ever knowing the true origin of his lineage. And, of course, there was May. His friend, his adventure companion, his anchor in a sea of uncertainty. He had promised to protect her, to take care of her, and the responsibility weighed on his heart like a chain. As his emotions struggled inside him, a sudden sound brought him out of his meditation. 

A low, menacing growl echoed through the trees, and Alex stood up, his sword already in his hand. A huge bear emerged from the shadows of the forest, its wild eyes blazing with fury as it advanced towards Alex. His survival instinct took over, and Alex prepared for combat. The bear charged with relentless ferocity, its sharp claws slicing through the air. Alex dodged deftly, his reflexes as sharp as the blade of his sword. But the animal was powerful, its blows devastating, and soon Alex found himself in a dangerous situation. It was then that something inside him awoke, a pulsating sensation of energy that radiated from his being. It was the aura, the vital essence that flowed through all living beings. With a sudden impulse, Alex invoked his secret technique, channeling the ice-blue energy that flowed through his veins. The aura enveloped his sword in an ethereal radiance, and Alex attacked with renewed ferocity. His blows were quick and precise, each movement driven by the force of his will. He launched a devastating combo at the bear, driving it away with fierce determination. The animal recoiled at the intensity of his attack, its wild eyes shining with reluctant respect. Alex knew he had unleashed something within himself, a dormant ability that now pulsed with life. With the threat gone, he put his sword away and looked into the depths of the forest with a new sense of purpose. He didn't fully understand the power he possessed, but he knew it had the potential to shape his own destiny. With steady steps, Alex left the waterfall clearing behind and headed home, determined to explore the limits of his newfound aura and face the challenges that awaited him in the Kingdom of Westeros

Alex walked back through Sherman Forest, his mind still reeling from the events he had just experienced. Each step was accompanied by reflections on the battle and the newfound power. He looked at the sword in his hand, feeling its familiar weight, but now imbued with a deeper meaning. His mind went back to last winter, when it all began. He was looking for a blanket in the farmhouse, trying to warm himself from the biting cold, when he found a hidden book. The writing on the title had been erased by time, but a wolf engraved on the cover captured his attention. Curious, Alex opened the book and discovered that it contained ancient secrets about a Nen flow meditation and the relationship between swords and their auras.