
4. my guardian angel


Garrison house; in Azula room;

Mabel: what, are you a magician?

Azula: I told you, he's an angel and Mabel laugh and say; angels live in heaven; by the way I need to go pick my car; and she walk out;

Melissa: this is crazy I can't believe what is happening here!

Azula: I have already explain things to Mabel yesterday! And Melissa poke arch shoulder and walk out;

Azula look at arch and arch smile;

Police Station

Santiago is in the cell and his father arrive and went to the police officer and sit down, minutes later and the police officer open the cell and Santiago come out and stretch himself and walk out, and his father shake the police officer hand and follow Santiago out;

Santiago father: what is wrong with you; do you know that could cause you for your life time?

Santiago stay quiet and enter the car and his father enter and drive away

Garrison mansion

Garrison and his wife sitting in the living room having conversation and Melissa walk from upstairs to them and greet; and pass to go kitchen;

Garrison: when did you guys come back?

Melissa: I guess you guys were inside the time we enter and her mum say; I guess so and Melissa went inside the kitchen;

Azula room. Azula turn the wheel chair to move towards the closet and arch saw blood on the floor; and bow down and say! You are injured? And he hold the wheel chair and draw her back; and move close to her;

Azula catch her breath while stare into arch eyes and arch blink and say; let me see;

Azula: is just a scratch. nothing serious!

Arch grab Azula hand and turn the wound and close his eyes and the wound heal while staring deep into Azula eyes and say; how does it feel!

Azula blink and say; um, it feels nice, thanks and arch smile and kiss Azula on her cheeks!

Azula smile and say; why do you do that?

Arch: I watched some video yesterday and the woman say; that is how you humans show each other, that you care about them;

Azula smile and say thank you, and she open the closet!

On the gate Mabel horn and the gate man open the gate and Mabel drive in angrily and flash back; driving pass by Santiago car and saw Santiago sitting in the car and Santiago smile evilly. Flash back end

Mabel: I can tell his up to something evil; I have to be prepared for him! And she get down from the car and walk inside the house!

In the living room; Mabel sit beside her father and greet!

Garrison: I thought you guys come home long ago?

Mabel: I didn't come with them! And Mabel mother say; you guys act wild these days; what is going on with you kids?

Santiago parents house;

Santiago get down from his father car and walk inside the house and his father lose his seat belt and get down and went inside;

In the living room.

Santiago father enter the living room while his wife sit on the couch and he say; where is your son?

Santiago mother: he went upstairs; I hope you have get the case out of the police station?

Santiago father: you have to advise your son, if not he will end up in prison, I swear I will not spoil my money on him again!

Santiago mother: he is your son too! And deva say; if is only me. I will have send him out to live on his own to learn how to treat others!

9:pm in Azula room;

Azula open the window and pull the curtains away while stare at the moon and the stars on the sky and arch come out from bathroom drying his hair with tower and spot Azula staring at the stars in the sky and he smile and walk to her!

Arch move close to Azula and say; do you wish to have them close to your sight?

Azula: they look beautiful and bright up there; you are angel, I guess Stars are like siblings to you guys up there;

Arch held Azula hand and close the window and say; close your eyes; and Azula look at arch face and arch say trust me.

Azula close her eyes. seconds later and arch say open your eyes and Azula open her eyes; while the stars are full in the room;

Azula turn her wheel chair around and say wow; this is beautiful and arch stretch his finger and push one of the stars backwards small!

Azula; can I touch them? and arch say yes, is a gift for you!

Azula: thank you. this will always be the best gift I have got from you!

Arch help Azula lay down on the bed and say; I have to visit the wizard again before Azula could say a word and arch disappear!

Azula smile and cover herself with the duvet!

The next day in shopping mall;

Mabel and Melissa is shopping while smiling and they bump up to Santiago;

Mabel: I'm so sorry. I didn't see you coming and Santiago say; you should be sorry always and Mabel look at him and say; oh is you.

Mabel: I hope you enjoy what you get yesterday?

Santiago get angry wish to punch Mabel and smile and say, you are angry right? I advise you to stay calm or you will visit jail again and say excuse us and they pass by Santiago

Santiago smile and say; I love playing games like this. And turn and took bottle of Hennessy and walk away;

Minutes later; Mabel and Melissa is about to enter they're car and Melissa say; do you think we will be able to bear his next attack?

Mabel smile and say; he has nothing special; I can break him within a seconds if I want!

Melissa: but he seems dangerous.

In beach, on the sand. Arch push Azula in her wheel chair towards the sea while Azula looks around the sea!

Azula look at arch and say in her mind; I wish I can tell you how I feel about you; I wish I can just kiss you sometimes; and tell you, I love you arch!

Arch: stare at Azula and smile slightly because angels can hear humans thoughts;

Arch: there's some things I wish I have right to do!

Azula: what do you wish to do? And Arch say; is angels thing; I can't mention it, if not this place will collapse!