
The land of the dead

toji · Romance
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3 Chs

Test Subject

It was wet and dark; he was soaked and so were his bags. Finally got myself fucked out, huh? Ace, what are you going to do now?It's pitch-fucking dark outside and you're in the middle of nowhere! " He walked along the deserted road for a while, the temperature dropping more and more by the minute before he stopped and paused, clenching his fists tightly around the handles of his bags. He shoved his bags down to the ground, letting out a frustrated scream. He fell down on his knees. He punched the dirt, "Why couldn't you just fucking pretend?! Have you kept your cool?Now we're out in the damn street. " He continued to punch the dirt, tears starting to stream down his face. He took a second to breathe. He looked at the back side of his hands. His hands were bleeding, all cut up. "God Ace.. you're such an idiot." He stayed on his knees for a while more before getting back up. Using his bags as support, he gripped onto the handles tightly before he continued on his walk.

It was morning. He had made it to a motel of a sort. It wasn't very well kept, but it was something. He walked up to the front desk. The woman at the front desk looked at the soaked boy. A slight look of disgust came upon her face. "How long is your stay?" The boy reached into his bag, grabbing a pile of cash and setting it on the desk. "As long as this gets me." The woman gave a look of disgust. The money was soaked. She used her pen, setting the back end of it on the money, inching it toward her. Looking at the money then at the boy, she looked at her computer, "4 nights." A faint smile formed on his face. The woman wanted him gone as soon as possible. He was making a puddle in front of her desk. She checked him in, reaching behind her and getting a room key and sliding it over to him. He grabbed it, gripping it tightly, his hands shaking. He grabbed onto his bags, walking down the hall to find his room.

He walked up to a light green door with the number 37 on it. He unlocked it and walked inside. It wasn't the nicest room, but it was at least something. He stepped inside and set his bags down. He looked around, finding a bathroom. He walked inside. He quickly turned on the shower. Waiting for it to heat up, he sat down on the floor.


It was dark, gio had stayed in the same chair just staring at what he had created with a huge grin on his face, the scientist he had put in the enclosure was completely transformed after being exposed to the virus directly, he started turning about an hour or two after getting a lot of lacerations around his body from the animals he was exposed to which had previously already been turned. It seemed like a painful process, it started with the victim having a panic attack, he started to scratch his face and arms causing the skin to scratch off, the scream he let out was ear piercing, that of none other than of extreme pain, then silence, not a sound but the one of his body hitting the ground, it was silent, there was no movement for a minute or two until he slowly started to get up as soon as his eyes locked with mine he fully sprinted toward the glass, running straight into it. Gio grinned, he knew that he had accomplished what he was looking for "this is what we were so close to Alexander.."

It had been a few days of observation at this point. The subject grew a lot more grotesque with lumps of what looked like cancerous tumors. He became strong enough to be able to break through a multitude of things, including the glass of the enclosure he was in. Though it was no concern to Gi, since there were multiple layers to the glass, even then it was impressive. He seems to have grown smarter and more aware, continuing to strike at the already broken glass area and not just anything and anywhere. He became more aggressive and bloodthirsty. If he didn't have a constant supply of food, he would turn to eating the other infected beings, but only if very hungry. That's all Gio could find out after a couple days of observation. This was all being documented by him. He had a habit of recording and documenting his experiments by talking into an audio recorder.


It was the next day, his stay at the motel was over. He looked a bit better. He was, at this point, at his boyfriend's house. He was safe at this point. He felt better, though off his meds. He was on edge. He sat on the edge of the bed, just thinking. stressed. He got up and walked to the door and walked out of the bedroom, leaving his boyfriend alone on the bed. He walked down the hallway and took a left turn. He walked up to the window, taking a deep breath. It was early. The sun had just risen. He was taking in the silence. In the distance, he heard a crash. He looked out the window carefully. He saw some cars swerving and crashing into each other and many people screaming.


The facility was in caos. He had let the subject out. He had a huge grin on his face. He was ecstatic. He walked out of the facility. His plan to use the whole world as his personal experience was a go. He walked down the street to his car. Once in his car, he grabbed his phone and called his roommate, Kaden. The phone rang for a bit before a hello was heard. "Kaden, pack our bags and meet me in front of the apartment building at 30." Kaden was quick to answer, "Why, where are we going?" A grin appeared on Gio's face. "It's happening, Kaden."