
Chapter 11

I woke with a start, cold sweat dripping down my back and soaking my dusty blue dress.

I was back in the red tent.

Shakily i lay back amongst the dozens of pillows exhaling loudly. All i could keep seeing in my mind were glowing green eyes and feeling panic wash over me like a tidal wave.

what were those shadow things?

Disgusted at the faint feeling of tendrils still tickling my skin, I shivered. I was starting to think this circus wasn’t just another part of the castle and that it maybe wasn't as friendly as it had appeared to be.

When i get back to the castle that stupid empty headed suit of armour is going to hear a mouthful from me i cursed under my breath.

Rolling over i noticed a long white dress hanging from a rusty hanger next to the vanity.

When did that appear?

Scared but not wanting to get sick from my dress that was soaked with sweat, i got off the bed and tiptoed towards the dress. A sense of déjà vu washing over me. This dress looked so familiar. I fondled the delicate fabric before deciding it would be better to bath before putting it on.

I could still feel the cool chill of shadowy tentacles trailing over my skin and in their wake left my pale skin red. Quickly stripping out of the gown I inspected the reddening whip like marks covering my legs. Almost like a burn but with a coolness.. a frostbite?

I walked over to the luxurious bathing room hesitant to soak in the welcoming warmth of the tub; however it was that or deal with the icy chill that seeped into my bones.

Exhaling i peeled the rest of the grimy cloth off of me, startled by the red stripes marring my body and slipped gratefully into the sudsy warm waters.


A soft sigh of contentment escaped my lips as i sunk lower into the warm waters, the chill had long left my body but the peacefulness i had been experiencing left me apprehensive to leave. Staring down at my pruning fingers i sighed, having to leave this place of relaxation was upsetting enough however i knew i couldn't stay in here forever. I had to get back to Seamus and Sebastien.

Pulling myself out i scanned the room for a towel.


Great, i rolled my eyes before peaking out the bathroom entrance to see if anyone was here.

Of course nobody was around but a fluffy white towel sat neatly folded beside the doorway as though someone had expected i would need it. Feeling disgusted at the notion that they probably seen me bathing in the waters while I was completely unaware of their prying eyes.

A crawling feeling went up my arms, was someone in here without me knowing again?

I snatched up the towel quickly and wrapped it around myself, goose bumps spreading across my skin from the cool evening air.

I Peeked my head into the room expecting someone to be there, but instead i was met with a plate of food, placed on the tiny french dining set. Treading across the grassy floor I lifted the silver lid and poked at the steaming food, mouthwatering scents of warm croissants and a small omelette tickled my nose, hesitating i took a small bite, waiting a few seconds to see if I would start to feel funny, determining I wasn't going to drop dead i took another bite moaning happily at the buttery flavours exploding in my mouth from the omelette.

Flicking the place card open beside the tray i re-read the script scribbled across the page fluidly while enjoying another hasty bite of food.

“Meet me at the main Event tent”.

Wonder tickled at my insides almost like instinct, placing the card down, i took a couple more nibbles of food then moved away toward the vanity to change.

Curiosity killed the cat the majority of people would say however i was a firm believer insouciance killed the cat.

Pulling the dress off the hanger i slid the slippery fabric over my head whilst unknotting my unruly hair. Who was this mysterious well wisher? And where was i? I wanted to go back home, away from here or the castle ..even that serene garden.. i wanted to go home where things made sense.. and although this amusement park was fused with wonder i could help but feel as though an constant underlying evil hid amongst the shadows, one I hadn't noticed until now.

Nevertheless i wasn't going to get any answers sitting in here like a roosting hen. I needed to go back out and investigate however no more rides for me.. I learned that lesson.

Picking up the soft skirts i walked out of the homey tent and peered along the horizon, spotting the looming red tent up ahead beckoning me with a flap of its yellow flag.

Heading in that general direction, i recognized the candy carts and popcorn stations, however instead of cotton candy, it was cobwebs on sticks and spiders instead of popcorn. Feeling suddenly nauseous i tuned into the tinkling of carnival music, once seemingly bright and cheerful now held a delirious threat i hadn’t heard before.

I walked passed the house of illusions, the fragments of memories in that place still sending shivers down my spine, its bright and intriguing entrance hid something sinister behind the gleaming doors.

Just like the rest of this place, the hazy memory of people laughing was now replaced with silence as machines and rides creaked and groaned and the tinkling circus music began to sound more sinister.

The whole place was deserted. Dust clung to the food carts, and the stringing of light bulbs didn't seem so luminous anymore. In fact the closer i got to the main tent the more and more I realized the false sense of happiness and excitement were actually illusions of something much darker.

My trepidation and curiosity grew larger and larger as I came to the tent. Strange people from all walks of life were scattered around practicing for their parts in the circus show. Some people were juggling bowling pins and riding uni-cycles others were breathing fire or swinging from the trapeze. I marveled at the peculiarity not automatically noticing the hungry glances others were giving me.

"Well look who decided to join us!" a voiced bellowed mockingly followed by a slow clap of sarcasm.

I turned to face the center of the ring where an effervescent man stood proudly. Two large men both with smudged makeup covering their horrid scarred faces and brightly colored mismatched clothes gripped my arms tightly holding me in place. My heart thudded frantically in my chest as the Ring master walked closer, gripping my chin painfully as I felt myself get lost in his bottomless eyes.

"My my my, now look what we have here! We have a real pretty lady just for us tonight!" He praised as though I had somehow become the star attraction for his show. I looked out at the crowds realizing the seats were empty except the occasional scatter of skeletons collecting dust in their seats or strange zombie like circus freaks munching messily on spiders.

A scream tore from my lips as I struggled to release the iron clad grip the two goons had on me. Everyone here looked like something out of a Tim burton movie, too animated to be real.

"shh.... now, is that how you go and treat someone's hospitality" The ring master chastised as his glove covered hand clapped over my mouth and silenced my screams.

"Ruckus why don't you take our new guest here to her seat, and make sure she enjoys the show" The ringmaster suggested with a taunting smile on his face before stepping back into the center of the ring.

I dug my heels into the sandy floor, screaming and thrashing as the goon to my right tugged me along to the stands with ease. I had managed to momentarily wriggle from his grasp when a large fist knotted in my hair and held a small switchblade to my throat.

"now come along little robin" the goons baritone voice cooed "don't make me slit that pearly white throat of yers"

Choking back a sob I closed my eyes with defeat, I couldn't fight him alone and due to my stupidity, nobody knew where I was. i was going to die alone.

"Now Now gentlemen, is that how we treat your new queen?" a voice rung out immediately calming my wracked nerves. Seamus walked out of the shadows and stood cheerfully, whilst tapping his cane on the floor.

"we found her first!" the ring master called out not moving from the spotlight as if he were playing a lead role in a theatre "you know the rules whoever wanders into the carnival is free for the taking".

"Yes however, I believe that rule is nullified if the person happens to be the Regina Mortuis herself" Seamus countered back victory gleaming in his eyes.

"The Regina Mortuis is back?" The ring master echoed before looking at me with recognition and repentance in his eyes. Dropping to his knees her bowed. "My apologies miss, I did not know the Regina had been reborn" he stuttered.

Feeling the goons hands release my hair I turned surprised to see him down on one knee too with a fist over his heart. "I pledge thee loyalty" he barked out leaving me even more confused.

Was I the Regina Mortuis? What did it even mean?

"Now feel lucky i am forgiving such incompetence and that you hadn't sat her in that chair before i got here, otherwise you would have to suffer the consequences from The Raven King himself" Seamus threatened lowly to the cowering men on the floor.

"Thank you sir" they both belted out at the same time practically snivelling at my feet.

"Darling come along now, we have been looking for you everywhere. You have gotten Sebastien in quite a fuss you know" Seamus called me over holding out a gloved hand expectantly.

Dazed and confused I toddled over gripping onto Seamuses hand as if it were a lifeline. Sparks shooting up my arm with the contact.

"now close your eyes tightly, this might make you a bit sick" Seamus whispered into my ear empathetically.

Exhaling i softly closed my eyes. The soft thump of his cane hit the sandy floor in a single stroke and a warm wind started twirling around us gently at first till it suddenly felt strong enough to rip Seamus away from me. Wrapping his arms tightly around my waist I buried my face into his chest and waited until the spinning sensation stopped.

"Darling we are back; you can look now" Seamus whispered in my ear as he tenderly rubbed my cheek.

looking up I sighed with relief that we were back inside the safety of the castle "how did you do that" I whispered looking up into his black eyes with awe.

"its my little secret" Seamus smiled and winked at me before patting my head "come along now darling, Sebastien and I have much to talk to you about"

Nodding with acknowledgement I followed Seamus deeper into the castle.

Its was time to get to the bottom of what was really was going on.