
The Lady Of The Mafia

The story of Mafia, Family, and life. The girl was a mafia boss. She belongs to a rich family. Her father passed away in a car accident. Her mother got married to a Mafia leader.

Noor_Baig209 · Urbain
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3 Chs


A night a man was running in the deserted road, he was shouting help me is anyone here please that girl gonna kill me. A girl emerges from the back and uses a knife to kill a man.

What do you think I will leave you like this?

A car stops next to the girl and a guard comes out from inside the car and he says to the girl, Lady Novelle, we should go home now, it's getting late.

While her guard sits inside and drives the car home, Lady Novelle sits in the back seat.

The car stops near a hotel and Lady Novelle gets out of the car, enters the hotel, takes a room and goes to the room to change her blood-stained clothes.

After changing her clothes, she departs from the room. Outside the room, her guard is present. She leaves the hostel, and the guard does too. She sits in the car and informs the guard that I must go home.

They both reach home. Lady Nowell gets inside the car. While she was inside the house, her twin's younger half-brothers ran up to her and hugged her. You guys haven't slept yet. It's late at night.

Hey sister, we have a day off from school tomorrow, will you go out with us?

Yes, why not, we will definitely go for a walk tomorrow. Now you both go to your room and sleep, first thing in the morning we go for a morning walk.

They both say ok sister we will get up early in the morning.

They both go to their rooms. Novelle went to her room. His guard goes to his room and says Lady Novelle you are very tired take a bath I will prepare dinner for you. Guard name Sebastian.

Novelle goes to the bathroom and takes a bath. When she finishes taking a bath, she wears a bathrobe. She went to the dining room and sat on the dining chair. The house butler came with the dinner and served it.

Baked Salmon with Grapefruit Salad.

She starts eating she said, wow it's very delicious.

The Butler smirked; I am very glad to know that you like it. Butler name Kai Jang.

Because you made this.

Sebastian comes and back hug the butler and, kiss him on cheek.

They are dating each other for 6 months.

Kai blushed and said, "What are you doing in front of Lady Novelle?"

Novelle puts her hand over her mouth laugh and says to Kai, "You look so good when you blush."

Hey, get off my back

It has been many six months, but you still seem shy towards Sebastian.

Novelle finish her dinner and went to her room before going to the room Novelle said to Sebastian.

When my brothers woke up then wakes up me.

She entered the room and laid down on the bed to sleep.

Both her twin brothers wake up in the morning and their guard goes to Novelle's room to pick her up.

Novelle opens her eyes, and she sits up her twin's brothers run to her and hug her I got up let's go for a morning walk Navel says ok I will get up and freshen up. Then we go.

Twins Brothers names, Jung Yoon and Taewoon Yoon. They are 6 years old.

She gets ready to go for a morning walk, Jung and Taewoon also get ready, then they go out for a walk, Sebastian also goes with them.

They were walking in the public park. After the walk Sebastian brought sandwiches for all of them.

Novelle asked Jung and Teawoon if they had fun. They both said yes. We had a lot of fun. After that, we will go to Mama's house.

They were all sitting on the bench and Novelle said to Sebastian, 'Inform my mother that we are coming to see her.'

Okay Lady Novelle

They all go home and have breakfast. After breakfast, they get ready and go to meet their mother.

They are all sitting in the car. Sebastian is driving the car, Kai is sitting next to him, Nowelle and his twin brothers are sitting in the back seat.

Taewoon asks Novelle, will the elder brothers be there?

"Sebastian, did you find out from there whether our brothers are there or not?" Sebastian said. I tried to ask them, but they didn't say anything.

Oh man, those people don't tell us anything. When we go, we will see if our elder brothers are there or not.

They arrive at her mother's house and get out of the car. The guards stand outside the gate and say welcome Lady Novelle and welcome the young masters up.

They both enter the house and Kiyomi stands in front, welcoming Lady Novelle and Young Masters. The house looks like a mission.

Kiyomi is House butler and also her mother secretary.

Where is Mother?

The President is in the office.

A guy in bathrobe was coming down from the stairs. Look, who is there?

Our Yuri Bitch

Hold your tongue, we have younger brothers here too.

Oh well, if I keep my tongue, what about you?

Name: Jinwoo Yoon, Yoon Family Brothers Eldest Son, Age: 27, Novelle Step Brother.

Jinwoo descends the stairs.

On the other side, another guy comes and says to Jinwoo, 'You should really control your tongue. You talk too much.'

Name: Namwoon Yoon, Yoon Family Brothers Second Son, Age: 25, Novelle Step Brother.

What are you two doing here?

Name: Novelle Yoon, Yoon Family Only Daughter, Age: 22

A man comes down the stairs and says,

Hey Yuri, How are You?

Name: Haru Sohma Yoon, Yoon Family Third Son, Age: 24, Novelle Elder Brother.

Jung and Taewoon stood in front of Novelle to protect her. They said not to bully our sister. Their reaction was angry but they both looked very cute.

Hey you both are angry but looking so cute. Haru Sohma got down from the stairs and walked over to the two of them and started caressing their cheeks. Hey, how cute you two looks.

Kiyomi comes out of the office and tells them all that the president is calling everyone inside the office.