
The Knights of Asalikith: Burning Chaos

In a world, with super abilities, Two siblings were born in the land of Asalikith. Their goal-driven purpose is then found in the Knight's program, in which they then are thrown into their biggest journey yet. They will fight in an all out war to protect and restore peace into the world. An Original adventure of faith and courage, the Knights of Asalikith are ready for their new journey ahead of them. ‐------------------------------------------- Reminder. This story contains: Strong fantasy violence, romance scenes, alcohol, anime-like illustrations, war. Viewer description advised.

Cold_Orca · Fantaisie
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23 Chs


The day was Friday at five thirty in the morning, everyone was slumbered asleep as the stars were beginning to fall into the light, as the sun became slightly visible in the darkness. Our hero Taski and Darcie were sunken into their dreams, deep into slumber they feel and glued to their bed, their alarms explode with its loud and obnoxious call. Taski slams his hand on top of it, likewise Darcie. The two awoke with surprise and clumsiness until it came to both of them. He rushed to his shower before Darice as he giggles in victory for being first, Darice makes the excuse of her sleepiness, "You just got lucky little brother, next time you won't be in the spotlight." The two siblings dress themselves and strap on their uniforms as well as their fighting spirit. Two hours later, it was seven in the morning and people began showing up at the stadium to be early in line for tickets. They both were both waiting in the plaza area reserved for the Knights, and soon Mikado showed up to join them. She walked up to the two with cheerfulness and greeted them, "Good Morning, you two. Especially you, Mr. Prince Taski." As she winks and smiles in gratification. The three then wait around for the arrival of the rest of their team members. Mikado stands closely to her Knight in shining armor and dances around out of boredom, around seven forty-five, Sharaletta then arrived landing in the plaza dramatically and says to them, "The Champion has Arrived!"

 Mikado hops and claps with amazement, witnessing her entry. Taski becomes big eyed at seeing Sharaketta's upgraded armor suit and says to her, "Woah! Is that even you? I love your new armor plate you created, it looks wonderful!" Sharaletta is then flattered by his complement. Mikado then asked him, "Well, what do you think of my uniform? You like it?" He responds to her, "Of Course, I see you got inspiration from my suit design, I love the white and gold that you went with. It fits you perfectly." Mikado then blushed and was filled with felicity, excitement overfills her heart as she says, "Aww, why thank you my love. I can't tell you how that makes me feel." The four waited patiently for the others to arrive, then Taski becomes questioned about Ariah and Drake's arrival and thinks to himself, "(It's been nearly an hour, where could they be?)" The crowd of people grows slowly as time passes, and also the Knights begin arriving to the plaza. Tesakai, Sesakalay, Akaio, as well as Toronto shows up at the plaza and spoke with the ones already present. Sharaletta then says her temporary goodbye to the three she was with and joins up with her team. Taski, Darcie, and Mikado waited by the entrance of the plaza, hoping Drake and Ariah would arrive soon. However, atop the stadium were Chris, Mandy, and Yegor. Chris looked down at Taski and could only think to himself, "(Today, you'll know what abandonment feels like.)" Mandy stared down Darcie with the intentions of assassinating her, she thought to herself, "(Just you wait, you six foot rodent, I'll make you regret the day you were conceived.)" Yegor stared down on the prince with the intentions of killing him and eating him away. The unknown leader of the Solar Pyramid appeared to the three in a shadow mist and informed them of their mission, "You three know what your mission is, kill Taski, and then kill whoever is associated with them. All I ask is that you complete your mission."

 The three look away from him as he leaves them to finish the task. Chris stares Taski down and builds up his wrath toward him as the time grows closer, Mandy walks over to Yegor and waits for the time to arrive for them. Soon after sometime past, Drake arrived and was greeted by Taski near the entrance with great energy and excitement, Drake said to him, "Hey dude! We finally have made it here, I'm ready to kick some tails." The two shook his hand with brotherly spirit and replied, "Same here! I'm ready to begin my adventures as a Knight and explore the world out there." Darice was glad to see him show up as well as Mikado, she began to wonder if Ariah was still participating. They stayed around until Ariah revealed herself in the plaza. She was making her way throughout the streets over to the stadium in a rush to arrive in time, many people blocked the entry as they were scattered over the stadium lot. She fought her way through the huge crowed politely, many of the people grew irritated with her because she was loud and obnoxious. They grumbled as she proceeded forward, some tried to push her out of the way, and some tried tripping her over. She refused to quit her movement to the plaza, she was closer to the gate and yelled softly, "Taski! Where are you!" He then noticed a woman's voice calling him and thought, "(That's got to be her. Quick! Mikado, levitate me up in the air, I think Ariah may be lost.)" Unquestionably, She lifted him up high to scope out Ariah, He then shouted in a loud voice, "Hey! Ariah, Over Here!" He then moves over to her and lifts her up away from the crowd. The two make it to the plaza and return to the ground, he then announced to them, "Well, we have our team squadded up now. I think we can go ahead and make our way to the Knight Hall." 

Darcie agrees and commands a march over to their destination, the five then embark inside the Hall. Darcie speaks to all of them while walking and says, "This is it everyone, there's no turning back after we make it into that stadium. It's an honor to be with all of you, and I can't wait to experience the world out there with you four." Taski adds to her comment, "Absolutely, It's going to be exciting to fend off the darkness out there threatening us. I am truly happy to have all of you here, I will do my best as assistant captain." Mikado giggles as well as blushes for her hero, Drake then says, "It'll be fun to be around you all, hopefully we'll all be up to the standards of these elden Knights." They all approach the great double doors leading to the Knight's Hall, as they step into the area, Emerald spots them approaching, she is instantly filled with excitement to test the son and daughter of the King. Everyone lines up in the center of the Halls, the males were all grouped up, making four males. Then the females grouped up, which made six females. The Elden Knights stood tall and proud on the balcony of the Halls. Emerald, the leader of the Elden Knights announced loudly, "Alright! It is a pleasure seeing all of you here today! Today is the day you're all going to become the next Knights after we fall. Today, we Elden Knights will put your skills to the test, we will test your abilities, your strategies, your spirit. Every one of you better bring your top game to the stadium today. You all are to work together, unleash all your inner abilities on us, don't hold back." The young Knights were encouraged with her powerful words, they were ready for their exams. Emerald then realizes that a team is missing from the bunch, she then announces and says, "Wait! Hold up! We are missing a team here. They should be here any minute now." Taski thinks to himself, "(Another team? That's weird, this should be all that is here today. I wonder who it could be.)" He then looks back at the sound of the double doors opening slowly, then suddenly, he is then struck down in total fear. He looks behind and realizes the face that walks in. He then says with fear in his voice, "Chris? Mandy? Yegor?"