

Randarok also known as the gathering of the Apostles, where they come together to take descions on matters that will affect the entire world at large, the gathering of the apostles has always been known as the start of a great calamity that can't be stopped.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss on the death of Queen Diana and Sinbad next move.

After the battle between two of the Apostles has been settled, Randarok has now officially commenced with all the apostles being present.

There was an odd silence within the room following the event's of what took place ironically the cause of the fight Stroman, breaking the silence said.

"yeah what again where you guys saying about marcovia".

The Apostle Selina replied Stroman.

"we were discussing on the possible actions Sinbad could take, now that Diana is dead, we all know that the only reason why sinbad hasn't been antagonist in any way for the past 40 Year was because of his wife Diana but now that Diana is dead Sinbad may return to his old way's again which would mean bloodshed and war".

Stroman showing signs of irritation said.

"It doesn't matter if he reverts back to his old self, he is weak right now, he is just like a wonded lion right now, since it has been long, his been to the battle field".

Selina replied to him.

"That could be true but there's no way of knowing that, if he is still in great shape mentally and physically then we have a bomb waiting to explode on our hands".

Andrew joined the conversation.

" Even if his not physically capable his mental capacity should still be the same as before, after all im a living witness of how strong his mental resolve is".

Selina said.

"That true tho the body may weaken the mind is immortal".

Tension grew on the round table as Marco the Apostle of the church of libra, brought up an idea he said.

"It's no use thinking of Sinbad next actions, the reality is he will take action soon, what those actions may be are unknown so as when he will take said actions, what we need to do is to prepare what comes after he takes action".

Stroman looked at him and taught to himself (ahh it's so reliving to have someone like him around,the Apostle of the church of libra know for his tactics he is the smartest among us that i respect him for, but it doesn't matter because the Man we are dealing with is Sinbad that bastard).

Selina said.

"Do you mean".

Before she could finish the sentence he said.

" Yes a Contingency plan".

It was almost as if their minds were in sync, before they continued with the conversation the apostle of Virgo who had remained silent all this while said.

"How are you sure we'll be alive once he has taken action, if I were to put myself in his shoe's , I would want to destroy my enemies in one attack".

Marco replied

"But he can't do that at least not yet he may have great military power in the region, but were still as of now diplomatic allies he will probably take the route of slowly making us the enemy of the world, and then using the power of the allied nations to take us down, or he may take the second option which is to side with the demons".

As soon as soon as he said that one word the entire room was filled with silence Stroman asked Marco.

" what do you mean side with the. demons".

Marco replied him while also addressing the rest.

"All of us has encountered him once or twice in the battle field, his method of fighting is inhumane, and so is his thinking he's willing to go to great extents for his goals and ambitions, even going as far as to sacrifice a thousand men who were part of his force's, in order to frame us, this action led to the Marcovian empire declaring war on the holy nation and even gaining support from outside force's, because they believed that we were the enemy a man willing to go that far can as well make contact with the demons".

frenandro the apostle of the church of Leo inturupted the flow in the room

he said.

"It is a possibility for him to join the demon's , humanity arch enemies, but what does he have to offer to them in return, demons aren't Samaritan's they take in order to give and what they take is greater than what they give, but even if he joins the demon's it will be a great excuse for us to use our full might upon the continent and the nation of marcovia"

Stroman pondering on the taughts of the Apostles,refused to believe that Sinbad would stoop so low as to join force's with the demon's he saw Sinbad as a Worthy enemy because of the actions he has taken in the past but joining force's with the demon's was something he could not believe.

Marco then dropped the bomb shell in the room by reavleing what they need to do ,because sinbad is joining force's with the demon's, this has gone beyond a war between nation's this is a war between humans and demons and could be the start of another great demon war.

What plans will Marco reveal and how will it affect the future could this be the start of an unstoppable event on the horizon.

Thanks for reading please support all characters used in this novel are purely fictional any references to the real world is simply a coincidence.

Ikechi_israelcreators' thoughts