

(WARNING: MATURE CONTENT) He went over to her, and leaned forward to study her beautiful sleeping face. His eyes fell on her beautiful soft lips, and he gulped down his spit. He wanted to press his lips against them, and he brushed her hair from her face, with his fingers and gently carresed her cheeks., with his thumb. If he had his way, they are a lot of things he wants to do to her, but not without her permission, unlike other women, he loves and cherish her. He snapped out of his daze and made his way to where his blanket was laid, then stopped, I should steal something from her, he thought and went back to her. He sat at the edge of the bed and began caressing her cheeks again, with his thumb. Then he bent slowly, and planted a kiss on her right cheek, but that got him hooked. He doesn't want to stop by pecking her alone, and he moved his lips from her cheek, slowly down to her lips.

Valentina_Gift · Fantaisie
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56 Chs


She sat under a tree branch outside, playing with the Hem of her dress. She was sad that Damon shouted at her, sad that he told her about her vulnerability. He his right though, he cloths her feed her, he even got her a beautiful lipstick, she doesn't really know which part of the forest he got it from. She heard footsteps behind her, and turned to see Damon strolling towards her, with his hands at his back. He took his seat beside her on the ground, and looked up at her apologetically.

" am sorry" he said., and with the way he said it, she could tell he wasn't the type to apologise

" I sense you are not the type to apologise" she said

" I don't, it hurt my ego, I don't like it when someone shut me up either, it hurt my ego also"

" you must be a man of great ego"

" hmmm"

" but you won't tell me, why? because you don't want to scare me" she said and he smiled

" have you ever had a lover before?" she asked

" why, do you want to be my lover?" he said and Mariana heart skipped, if she heard him clearly, he just asked if she wanted to be her lover"

" are you a pervert, why didn't I notice this side of you?"

" If I am a pervert? You can imagine what I would have done to you, in the last couple of days, we have been sleeping in the same room"

" in the same room, not on the same bed"

" what difference does it make?"

" what do you mean by that?"

" why are you acting innocent? I heard you talking to Jack about your old lover the other day"

" it was an healthy relationship"

" healthy" he said and chuckled

"yes, I was in an healthy relationship, I didn't do anything with him"

" who knows" he said smiling. He didn't know teasing her would be this fun. For some reasons unknown to him, he enjoyed the way she tried to defend herself"

" and you, how many girls have you slept with, you look like a pervert, no you are a pervert" she said and stood up, folding her arms and facing him.

" lot, I can't even count, that was my specialty"

" were in this forest did you see the women, you slept with?" she asked and he chuckled

" very soon, you will know, lets go in for breakfast" he said, stood up , and dusted the back of his robe with his palm. Mariana looked at him confused, she hoped she wouldn't faint the day he reveals the secret about him and his world, she desperately hope so.


The outside of the building was painted white, while the inside was painted black. Everyone sitted in the room was putting on white, but what lives in them is darkness, that was the message the building passed. Antonio sat on a huge chair that looks like a throne, but wasn't. Sitted on the couches beside him were seven men in white, four on his left and three on his right. The lords, also known as the king makers, or queen makers.It doesn't matter in Amaris anyway, whosoever is next to seat on the throne seat on the throne. Be it a male or a female. And Antonio led the Cult.

" why haven't we brought the girl in and crown her?" Lord Damian asked

" we should just bring her in and crown her? and have her killed by princess Priscilla" another of the Lord said

" you are very right, Lord Quinn, everyone sitted here knows she and the queen killed the king, thinking she was the next to seat on the throne" said another of the Lord

" but is it right to allow that girl seat on the throne" asked Lord fedrick

" whether it is right or not, a law is a law, the first heir of the king seats on the throne, regardless of whosever womb the child came out from, as long as the royal blood flows in the child, that is the law of Amaris and it as never for once be broken, our ancestors who made the law knows the reason why they made it" Antonio said with a strong and loud voice.

" and princess Priscilla isn't the first heir, so she can't seat on the throne" Lord Quinn added

" moreover, the people doesn't want her to rule because she is evil" another of the Lord said

" how do you know that the girl you want to put on the throne isn't evil?" Lord Leonard asked

" because she wasn't brought up that way, she was brought up to love and care for others. I have been watching her for years per the late king order" said Antonio

" she doesn't know the darkness that abides in her, how sure are you that she wouldn't change , when she discovers who she is and what she is capable of" Lord fedrick said

" leave that for me to handle" Antonio said. " princess Priscilla summoned for me, when I return from the palace, we would meet with the chiefs and talk about the issues we are having in the kingdom right now.

" the throne can't remain empty for long" Lord Leonard said

" the throne will wait until the owner seats on it" Antonio said and the Lord dismissed