
The king of the zombies fell in love with me

The end of the world is coming, and the zombies are surrounding the city Charlotte Devlin found a handsome boy, but she didn't expect that the little boy was actually the king of the zombies? Charlotte doesn't know what secrets are hidden, nor how he will affect the fate of the world. However, Charlotte knows one thing, that is, she cannot leave the man who has grown into a war god beside her. Even if the world has become so cruel and merciless, the strongest king of the zombies in the world will be beside her, braving all obstacles for her.

Dreamtracker · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

What Does He Mean?

"Don't even think about it!" Charlotte swallowed the bread in one bite, slurring and smugly saying, "This is mine!"

Malone looked down in dismay, only looking at the road ahead.

This is the first time I have seen the little mute show such obvious emotions, and it's for a piece of bread, or even coveting Charlotte's bread!

Charlotte pursed her lips and felt a tinge of guilt, but he was clearly taking his share, which was clearly a thievery act. How could she feel guilty?

But it's true that when the little mute doesn't speak, he looks like an emotionless ice cube, lacking in vividness and being very stiff. But when he gets upset, he bites his lips, and although his delicate but chubby little face is adorable, she really wants to reach out and squeeze it.

"Then come back and buy it again." Charlotte couldn't stand the child's grievances, especially the little mute who rarely showed any emotions for years, and her heart melted.

She glanced cautiously at the mute boy and noticed that his expression was still very downcast.

Charlotte stopped and sighed, "Don't go anywhere while you're here. Just wait, I'll be back soon." Then she trotted off.

A few minutes later, she came back out, panting, with a bag of bread in her hand, and handed it to Malone: "This is the last time. If you eat it, you won't have any more."

The little mute finally showed a hint of joy in his eyes. He took the bread and began to eat it on the street. His speed of eating bread was amazing. He ate almost one at a time, and in less than a minute, three fist-sized cream breads were completely consumed.

Eating is a blessing, anyway, I'm still growing... Charlotte comforted herself in her heart.

But butter bread is too expensive, it's 8,000apiece,that′s40,000 for five! Buying an A15 would have been enough for her to eat for a while, but the little mute swallowed $40,000 in one bite. Is her stomach a black hole!

The two continued to walk towards Moon's car shop, which was located on the outer edge of the city, near the high wall. Although it was said to sell cars, it rarely sold new ones. Most of the cars were picked up from outside the non-secure zone and were refurbished before being sold. The only factory capable of producing new cars was in the capital city of Malone, but its production capacity was low and the price was expensive. Therefore, the cars circulating on the market were mainly refurbished vintage cars.

She saw a petrol automatic car yesterday, with four-wheel drive and a large interior space. It should be very comfortable to sit in. The obvious disadvantage is that the petrol is expensive and the fuel consumption is high.

She couldn't make up her mind, so she decided to bring Malone to see it. If the mute liked it very much, she could really consider it.

After all, the people who sit in it must also feel comfortable, and the people who drive it must also feel comfortable.

They walked for a while, almost out of the city, and the location was really remote.

Finally, they reached the car shop, but Malone stood in the doorway and was unwilling to go in.

Charlotte looked at her and said, "Little mute, what are you doing? There's no bread left, and you can't buy any here.

Malone looked inside the car shop and shook his head.

Charlotte really thought he was going to blackmail her into buying dessert again, and she was about to go in first, but the mute grabbed her skirt. She turned around and the mute shook his head at her, his eyes showing an unmistakable seriousness.

Charlotte froze and her brain began to work quickly.

What does 'little mute' mean?"

She looked in the direction of the garage, where the owner emerged from under a vintage car and walked over to Charlotte. "Hi, Charlotte, coming to see the car again? What do you think? Have you made up your mind?"

The boss saw Malone at a glance and asked in surprise, "Is this your... brother?"

Charlotte nodded and gently released Malone's hand holding her skirt as she walked inside: "I guess so. We live together now, and it's good to show him around and let him make some decisions."

The car shop was converted from a former garage, and the light inside was dim. Charlotte turned her head and looked at Malone, only to find him still standing in the doorway, quietly watching inside.

The dark and gloomy interior of the garage contrasted sharply with the bright sunshine outside. In the intense sunlight, Malone's small face was brightly white, and his hair now appeared a dazzling silver gray.

What's wrong with him?

Charlotte didn't know the mute boy very well, and didn't understand why he was so insistent on not coming in. She thought, forget it, let him stand in the sun if he wants to. I'll just keep an eye on him myself. The mute boy can't be taken away under my nose, right?

She looked around and asked the boss, "Why is the car gone? I'll have another look."

The boss smiled and said, "Clean the hydraulic oil cup and filter inside, and you'll get a new pump, and the oil will be completely replaced."

Charlotte was surprised and said, "Yesterday it was all good, why did it suddenly break?"

"No, no, no," the boss quickly explained. "No, no, no. It's just that this thing has an expiration date. I thought since you were buying it, I'd replace it with a better one, so that it wouldn't get dirty so quickly and have to be taken apart and cleaned later.

I won't add any money.

No, no, it was originally my decision to replace it for you, no extra charge.

"I might not buy it..." Charlotte muttered to herself, then asked, "What about the car? I'll let the mute... my brother have a look too."

The boss pointed to the inside of the garage, where it was dark: "In the garage inside, Miss Su, let's go and have a look."

She turned to call Malone, only to find him standing in the sun, looking into her eyes and slowly shaking his head.

Charlotte was somewhat puzzled. Did the mute child like being sunburned? Didn't he like the smell in the garage? What was going on with him?

Just come in and have a look, I won't bother you once I'm in!

The mute man did not move. He pointed in the direction of the garage inside, then made a gesture of a gun with his hand, looked at her again, and continued to shake his head.

Charlotte wondered what had struck her, and in a flash, she seemed to understand something.

The abandoned dog had warned her that she would sooner or later touch other people's cake by brazenly robbing their smuggled cars. The fact that she was chased by a man with a submachine gun a few days ago was the biggest warning.

Someone here is ambushing her with a gun.