
The king of the zombies fell in love with me

The end of the world is coming, and the zombies are surrounding the city Charlotte Devlin found a handsome boy, but she didn't expect that the little boy was actually the king of the zombies? Charlotte doesn't know what secrets are hidden, nor how he will affect the fate of the world. However, Charlotte knows one thing, that is, she cannot leave the man who has grown into a war god beside her. Even if the world has become so cruel and merciless, the strongest king of the zombies in the world will be beside her, braving all obstacles for her.

Dreamtracker · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 5

"I am not kidding!"

The Puppy thought for a moment and held out his palm, "Five thousand."

Charlotte shot him in the head and said, "Go to hell!"

The Puppy covered his head and said, "If you don't want to give it, don't give it. Why do you have to hit me?"

"Say it quickly!"

I don't know. I have to ask someone.

"Then tell me together five days later."

"All right, all right, all right."

Charlotte got up and prepared to go back, as there was still someone waiting for her at home.

The Puppy looked at Charlotte's back and suddenly called out to her.

What's the matter?

The Puppy seemed hesitant to speak, but eventually summoned up the courage to say, "I understand that you want to save money, but this is not a long-term solution. If you keep doing this, you will eventually steal someone else's cake..."

Charlotte didn't answer him. She sighed and walked away.

When she got home, Charlotte was carrying a box of milk and a bag of cakes, and she also carried the cans in the trunk of her red classic car.

She panted and put down the things, and looked up to find that the boy was not in bed.

You awake?

She quickly looked around and found the boy sitting on the small bench in her bathroom, staring out the window at the world outside.

Hearing Charlotte's voice, she turned around.

This was the first time Charlotte saw him sober and clean. His long hair was not completely black, but had a dark silver sheen in the moonlight. His eyes were bright, like the stars and the moon. His small face was like a doll on TV, exquisite and cute. But his expression did not seem like that of an amiable doll. He pursed his lips and looked very cold.

He's a handsome guy.

"You... You're awake." Charlotte greeted her.

He just gave Charlotte a faint glance, turned his head back, and continued to look out the window.

Totally ignored, Charlotte froze in place, feeling extremely embarrassed.

But the other person is just a child. Maybe he hasn't interacted with people for a long time in the satellite city, and he just doesn't know how to deal with the world. There is no malicious intent. Charlotte comforted herself like this.

She asked, "Is there anything wrong with your body now?"

The boy ignored her.

She was not willing to give up and continued to ask, "Do you still remember... that you were shot in the stomach during the day?"

She was really curious why this boy could heal himself from gunshot wounds without being noticed, almost like the Wolverine or Deadpool on TV more than a hundred years ago.

But Wolverine and Deadpool are fictional, while this boy is a living flesh and blood.

She looked at the boy's back nervously, but to her surprise, after a long time, the boy turned his back to her and nodded slowly.

"You remembered!" Charlotte said with surprise. "But now there's no trace on your stomach. What happened? Did it get better by itself?"

The boy didn't respond this time.

Charlotte stood alone at the bathroom door, and the boy didn't speak to her the whole time, making her feel like a self-talking fool and embarrassing her greatly.

At this moment, the boy's stomach suddenly made a noise.

"Oh, I forgot -" Charlotte slapped her head. "I was too busy asking about your injury and forgot that you haven't eaten. I bought milk and cake. Eating canned food is not good for growing up. Come out soon."

At this, the boy turned his head and slowly followed Charlotte out, and the two sat down at the table to eat together.

Although there are only two items, milk and cake, both are expensive, especially cake. Baking cake requires sugar, which is extremely scarce and very expensive.

Charlotte pushed the messy things on the table aside. "It's a bit messy, don't mind. There are a lot of things."

The boy of course ignored her, and instead stared curiously at the milk in the glass, dipping his finger into it and putting it in his mouth.

After tasting the milk on his fingertips, his expression remained unchanged, but his gaze completely disappeared from the milk and turned to the cake.

He carefully tore off a small piece of cake and began to eat it.

This time, his expression remained the same, but he proved with action that cake was his favorite food, devouring eight paper cups of cake in one breath like a tornado.

He touched his belly and showed Charlotte with his actions that she was very satisfied.

Charlotte was stunned. She had bought a total of eight paper cupcakes to improve her diet, planning to eat five and the little boy to eat three. She never expected that he would eat all eight in one go. She reluctantly bent down and found her A15 beef can on the ground and began to eat it.

Fortunately, she still had milk.

She took a sip of milk and realized that there was no sugar in it, while the cake was very sweet. No wonder the boy loved it so much.

You are really a boy.

After a hearty meal, Charlotte asked him, "What's your name? Where are your parents?"

The boy ignored her, licked his fingers, stood up straight, sat on her bed, and looked out the window beside the bed.

Why do you like to look outside so much? Charlotte wondered.

She followed him over and sat down beside the bed. "There's a string of words on the back of your neck. What do they mean? Is it your surname and birthday?"

She asked again, "Is your last name Malone?"

The little boy stiffened and turned around, looking into her eyes. Charlotte was a little nervous, not sure what she meant, and she didn't understand what was hidden in his eyes. She just felt that his expression was a little abnormal and there was something strange about it.

I didn't know, he nodded, acknowledging his surname, Malone.