
The King of Ghosts (Danny Phantom SI)

A young man finds himself in the body of Danny Phantom. He doesn't know how, he doesn't know why, and honestly he doesn't care. All he wants to do is live his new life to the fullest, and being a Hero is apart of that. But will he be able to handle the pressure when more gets thrown his way? Will he break? Or will everyone else? SI! Danny / Danny x Dani x Ember x Sam (SlowBurn)

XenonDark · TV
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13 Chs

Chapter 4: (A) That's New?

It didn't work. Of course it didn't work! It's just my luck really, in every other SI story, they all just suddenly know how to control there powers, but me? Can't even stop myself from falling through the damn floor, yet alone actually possessing someone! I mean, I guess I should give myself a bit of credit, technically, I accomplished my goal. I possessed Sam for about 5 seconds, at least before I got pushed out by that thing.


"Whoa, I feel so weird." I/Sam said. It was then that I noticed my voice higher pitch. Looking down at 'my' body, I notice that I lost several inches in height and my body feels much...lighter? Frailer? It really is hard to describe. It almost felt wrong in some way. Like my brain just knows this isn't the right body. Which is weird when I think about it, because this didn't happen when I took over OG Danny.

"No way, there's no way that just happened. Sam? Danny? Which one am I looking at right now?" Tucker asked while stepping uncomfortably close and studying me like I'm some sort of science project. I can't help the roll of my eyes. I possessed her, there isn't anything that would actually be different. "Your eyes changed colors!" Except that.

"It's Danny dumbass, I-" I replied before getting interrupted by this strong tugging feeling in my gut. Before I know it, I'm no longer standing inside my room. Instead it seemed like I was in a different house all together. A much bigger and expensive house, almost like, "Sam's Manor? But it looks different."

"You're not supposed to be here." I heard from behind me. Quickly turning around, I find Sam standing in front of a bed. Her bed. Which is even more confusing because I'm sure we were just in the movie theatre downstairs. Looking around even more, I find that I had been taken to her room.

"Sam? What the hell is happening?" I asked not expecting an answer. After all, this is far before any truly ghost shenanigans happen, but even if it wasn't, I don't remember this happening in the show. Whatever is happening is new, and I'm going to be honest, freaked me out much more than I cared to admit.

"You're not supposed to be here. You need to leave. Now." The goth repeated. It was then I noticed the slight echo within her voice that immediately snapped up my attention, and caused me to shiver. A realization hit me like a brick. This isn't her. And the next thing I knew, with a simple wave of the things wrists, I was sent flying.

First through the bedroom. Then through the kitchen. And through the theatre. It felt like physics had been turned on its head and decided to take a day off. My body was more getting forcefully warped through different settings than me actually crashing through anything.

"Shit!" I yelled, grunting in pain as my body finally hit something solid. Looking up, I see both Tucker and Sam(?) looking down at me. I blinked a couple of times to get the stars out of my eyes and sighed in relief as both of my friends got down to help me up. Though I wearily accepted the girl's hand. Whatever just happened, once was bad enough. Never again would be preferable.

"You okay Danny? What just happened?" Tuck asked in worry. And man, was that a loaded question, because I have no fucking clue. I'm 100% sure that ever happened in the show. Why was I suddenly at Sam's house? Why was she so weird? And how the hell did she force me out like that?

````````````````````````````````````````````````FLASHBACK END```````````````````````````````````````````````

From then, I explained to them what happened and we all agreed that the experience was fucking terrifying and that we wouldn't try possession for a good while. That was around 2 weeks ago and things have slowed down since. Less life altering events in the span of a day.

I look down at my hands to see them glowing an ecto green in the darkness. Something so pretty and yet so frustrating. A little bit ago I figured it out, but just like everything in my life, complications arose. I point my hand to a nearby tree and close my eyes in focus. My hand tingles with the power but no matter what I do, I can't make it actually fly out.

I sigh in frustration before putting on my hood and continuing my walk through the streets. Now, you may be asking why I would be doing such a thing. Great Question! You see, this whole waiting for the first episode to start thing? Yeah, it got boring after the second day, and if I spent one more day being a normal teenager in a damn Superhero/Supernatural cartoon, I'm going to turn into Dan real quick. I'm a hero dammit, I want to kick bad guy ass!

Honestly, I don't know what I expected, but after like 30 minutes of exploring the town, I was starting to get bored sooner than I thought. I left the house all excited but now I'm just trudging through the street. I guess besides all the Ghost crap, Danny's hometown really isn't crime ridden. Which, I mean, duh when I think about it for more than 5 seconds.

After turning taking another turn, just wishing for something to happen, I finally here something. Crying. In some random alley, I hear a weeping of a woman? Not exactly what I was coming out for but it's more than nothing so without a further thought I run through the alley to find the woman.

Finally reaching the end of the alley where the sound is coming from, I see nothing but a dead end and a pile of trash. It doesn't take me long to realize the trash in moving up and down, shuddering with the cry. My heart beat begins to quicken. Is it just me, or is this the perfect chance for some type of Garbage Ghost? I mean, if Box Ghost can exist, anything can.

I step forward.