
Zeke 2

Zeke, Looked at Both Ryo and Rama and Said,

Zeke [Well, What will you do now? Maybe now you want to beg for your life, HAHAHA, it always amuses me when I see my enemies Fell Helpless, Is this all you Got Great Demon King, When you declared war, I was Excepting some Great things from you but, Heh, You are the same as the Weaklings in Diamond Company, If not for Ergo I would have…


Zeke who was mocking Ryo Did not Expect for something To attack him from his own Shadow, A Spear was Shoved from his back and That same spear pushed him to the sky, as he floated he broke the spear and turned around to find the woman who he just Killed Looking at him

Scáthach {"Stab and penetrate...Thrust and drill!"

★Gae Bolg★}

Scáthach Throw the Spear at The flying Zeke and Stabbed him Through the Chest,

Zeke [Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh]

Scáthach's God Slayer Skill was not only effective on Divine Beings it was also effective against Wraiths and Undead

Vampires are also Considered Undead, which meant that he not only gets more damage due to the sneak attack, he gets more damage due to her Skill as well

Zeke who was Thrusted by Gae Bolg Drooped Down to the Ground, His Chest had a huge hole in it that couldn't heal due to the effect of Scáthach's Skill, He then Got Up and Said

Zeke [Aghhhhhhhhh, You Fucking bitch, How the fuck did you survive?]

Then from nowhere a large amount of Flower manifested and inside of it was a white Haired Magician

Merlin [Ahahahah, The Art of Illusion is Undefeated Still]

It was Merlin that hid Scáthach, When Ryo saw Zeke Activate his True power he telepathically called Merlin, Merlin than made an Illusion of Scáthach After Ryo Suggested it, realizing that Zeke would attack her first

Zeke [Another One, Fucking Hell, Kid, How many Fucking People do you have up your ass]

Ryo then Looked at Zeke and Said

Ryo [I Told you didn't I? I Will Rip You Apart You Fucking Scum]

Ryo then Spilt and Split, and Split Using his {Illusionist} Passive More than Ten copies of Ryo Was Created out of thin air

Not only That

Scáthach Surprised Zeke, by using Her {Wisdom of Dún Scáith} and Coping his Ability

Scáthach {Brawler's Combat Art, The Original Vampire's Aura

★Aura vampirică à lui Vlad★}

She too was surrounded with Red Aura

Rama who felt Left Out, Throw his sword in the Air Spinning It faster than the Speed of Sound

Rama {The Immortal Blade that even the Rakshasa King succumbs to, take form!

"Take this!


Zeke Looked as all of them Prepared Something for Him

Zeke [HAHAHA, Fuck, Is this how it Ends Huh, I can't even Regenerate, Well Fuck you all, I won't Die without a fight]

Zeke then Looked at Ryo's Group and Said

Zeke {My Name Is Zeke Tepes Dracula, And I Give my Soul To you

★Vampirul original Vlad

Dracula, Zeul Sângelui★}

(A/N Translation:

The original vampire Vlad

Dracula, the God of Blood)

He then transformed into a darker version of himself and his Flesh was tore apart, leaving only his Dark muscles and a huge smile on his Creepy Mask, he then Unleashed his Two Dark Wings and Looked at Ryo's group and Attacked

Zeke [AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Blood, Blood, Bloooooooooooooooooood]

However before he could even Jump, Rama's Brahamastra Impacted him, Zeke who was now only Brainless version of himself, attempted to Block the Attack, This would prove to be a mistake, as even though he managed to block it and throw it away with minimum injury, Both Scáthach And Ryo Appeared from both his sides, Scáthach Used her Spears to Impale him and freeze him in his place, while Ryo and all his other version's summoned their Grimoires, Every Version of Ryo had more than Ten Grimoires with them, which meant that mere than a hundred Grimoire was pointed at Zeke

Ryo [DIE]

As soon as he said that every Grimoire lunched a variety of spells, Fire Balls, Ica Javelins, Electric Bolts, Wind Slices, Lava and many more

As soon as Ryo was Done with his Spells, Scáthach Appeared in front of Zeke, She Used her new brawler combat Art, to Punch Zeke in every part of his body, and since he was, Impaled to the Ground, he couldn't even dodge or be sent away, which resulted in him taking in more than a Hundred Blows, in less than a minute, When Scáthach backed out, Zeke thought it was his Chance to Escape However Rama had another Idea, using his Multiple Array of Weapons, and this time enchanted with Merlin's Magic, he Dropped all them on Zeke

Ryo who noticed the Opportunity called out Scáthach

Ryo [Now Scáthach Summon it]

Scáthach [Understood]

Scáthach disappeared in the Shadows and Behind Zeke Who was still busy with Rama and Ryo

Scáthach {

"Gate to the Magical Realm Brimming with Death"

★Gate of Skye★}

A Large Stone Door Was Summoned behind Scáthach's back, and As soon as the door opend a huge wave attempted to suck Zeke Inside

However even though he was being Sucked in by Death it Self, he still resisted

This would prove to be Futile, as Ryo then Jumped to where Scáthach is and then Transformed into his Other Form

Ryo {

I am the Sin Demon That Sucks All that is In the World,

★World Devourer, Gluttony★


When Ryo Transformed into his Regular Gluttony form Last time however this time in his hand a Golden Ball Appeared, It was the Law of Gluttony itself forming into Magic Ryo activated it and Chose Zeke as the one to be sucked in

Zeke Though that his was His Chance to Kill Ryo so He allowed the Weird Golden Ball to suck him in so he could fly and attack Ryo

Ryo [You fell for it, Fool]

Instead of attacking Zeke, Ryo simply threw the Ball inside The Gate of Skye, Which meant that both the Gate of Skye and Gluttony were sucking on Zeke and this resulted in him Flying to the gate, and even though he held himself at the Door of the Gate, He was met by the smiling Gaze of Merlin, as he used Excalibur to cut the hand that Zeke Used to Try and Save himself


Zeke Then fell into the Land of Shadows, Which Marked the First Death of a Supreme Hero In Diavola in the last ten years



System Notification

Gained 200000SP for Defeating a {Supreme Hero Zeke Tepes Dracula}

Gained 12000SP For Your servant Rama and you're soldiers for defeating "16000 Human Soldier"


Gained 30FP for Defeating {Supreme Hero Zeke Tepes Dracula}


Accumulated SP: 213055

Accumulated FP: 50


After few Seconds, Zeke's Body reappeared outside The Land of Shadows, this time however he wasn't in his Blood God Transformation, Ryo Looked at the Body, there was a Blood Red Grimoire beside him and then looked at the Sky

Ryo [Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk]

Rama [Master...]

Ryo then Stomped the Ground With his feet Multiple Times while Screaming


Before He Could continue however Scáthach hit his head with her spear

Scáthach [Calm down, you're being, Childish]

Ryo then looked at her with anger but said nothing

Merlin [I understand your frustration, however you must realize that, you will be met with as many setback or more than the previous King, You are now a King Ryouto, A king that has Placed his Name in the history of this continent, Strong people will come after you no matter What]

Ryo [I Understand that, But I couldn't even Damage this Thing, if it wasn't for Scáthach's Instant Kill Noble Phantasm we would have lost, If it wasn't for you being here I Would have …]

Scáthach [You would have what? Died? Yes that's the whole point of servants, Hell you're a King, If you're excepting to fight all you Battles alone than your Title as a king should be Thrown away]

Ryo [I understand that too, But This Man was already Weakened by the Sun, and… and I couldn't even leave a single worthy attack, as soon as he used that weird Aura, I…I]

Scáthach patted Ryo's head and said

Scáthach [That is why am here, If you wish to not feel helpless again then I will make sure of it, However, Make sure to act like a true King, Sure I want you to die, but that doesn't mean I'll let others Kill you]

Ryo Then Smiled at Scáthach and Stopped his transformation

Ryo [Thank you Scáthach]

Scáthach then hit Ryo with The Spear again

Scáthach [Shishou]

Ryo [Ah yes, Thank you Shishou]

Rama (in his head) "I feel so left out"


Back at the city wall


Synthia [Congratulations on your win King Ryouto, I apologize on my behavior last time]

Ryo [Thank You Synthia, now then what am I supposed to do with the Body of that man]

Synthia [We should give it back to His Faction, if you allow it of course, "Zeke Tepes Dracula" is the Brother of "Ergo Tepes Dracula" The God Hero of The Vampire Faction, he would want his brother's Body back]

Ryo [I don't mind, however the Grimoire stays with me]

Synthia [Well, that is up to you, I Will be taking my leave very soon, thank you for your compassion]

Ryo [So Soon, I thought we might get to know each other a bit more]

Synthia [We can do that when you come to our country King Ryouto, as for now I will have to leave, Farewell King Ryouto]

Ryo [Well, See you soon Synthia Ender]

Synthia then Flew to Zeke's Body and used some Spatial Spell to hide it and then left

Before Ryo could say anything Lita jumped and hugged him

Ryo [Hey, told you I'd be back]

Lita then kissed him and said

Lita [I know but I can't help but worry]

Ryo [Well, I have gift for you today, so let's meet later ok, I have something to do for now]

Lina [Congratulation on your Win, Ryouto-Sama]

Ryo [Oii Oii, what's with the formal way of speech, Just call me Ryo, ok]

Lina [Ok….Ryo]

Ryo [That's the Spirit, I'll have to go now some business to Deal with, Qiness Take of things until I come back, Rama, Go and celebrate with the soldiers, as for you Merlin Come with me]

Rama [Thank you Master, hahaha]

Qiness [Understood, Lita come with me, Princess Lina you can go and relax in your room, or I can send some soldiers to escort you in the city for some shopping]

Lina [No am fine I'll just go back to my Room]

Lita [Yes, Lady Qiness]

Ryo then left with Merlin to a Secret Room he created with Merlin under the Castle, it is meant for the place to summon servants in secret but the reason why he came he was to Remove the Still Active Skill {Mana Burst (Divine) A+}

As soon as Ryo Stopped the Skill, he screamed in Pain

Ryo [Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh]

Blood came out of his nose and Mouth as he laid down on a bed

Ryo [Since the Fight Lasted an Hour I'll be a sleep for thirty minutes, but I won't be able to move for more than three hours, That Fucker did a number on me, I can't even breath, shit am going downnnnnn]

Before he could continue the Demerit of the skill toke affect and Ryo was thrown in a coma like state, even Merlin can't train him inside of the coma state, so all he did was sleep in peace.


Merlin [So you seem to be accepting of your position?]

From the shadows Scáthach emerged

Scáthach [I am]

Merlin [You know we are pretty similar me and you, But I don't wish for death, I never lost hope, I believed in Artoria Before, and now I Believe in Ryouto]

Scáthach [Yet still, you remained Trapped in Avalon, no one saved you, even after the "Apocalypse" Arisen]

Merlin [I don't Regret it, but you do, and you shouldn't, you're free now, we Are Free now, so why do you still persist]

Scáthach [Death is my only salvation]

Merlin [Is it? a new world, and a new Life, and a new Student, is it really necessary to end it that way?]

Scáthach [I don't Know]

Merlin [Well, Let's hope you learn, before you regret it, come now let's let Master sleep]

Both Merlin and Scáthach disappeared as if they weren't even there.


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Thanks for reading and Good bay}