
The Swift Hero

Ryo looked around him, he couldn't hear anything, but he could still see, there was a large hole where he was fighting Berserker, he then saw a Chariot, and after looking under him he saw a green haired man, and saw the man's spear that stabbed him in the guts

Achilles [Oi, You aren't dead right?]

Ryo looked at him, and for the first time in his life he was afraid, it wasn't strength, as in that Ryo was far stronger, it wasn't speed nor was it skill, it was the man himself, he was just a man, but someone loved by War, a True Warrior, someone that has reached the Pinnacle of combat, the one loved by the gods, and shaped by them, a True Hero of humanity !

That fear transformed into excitement faster than Ryo could control, he was finally getting to test his strength against someone who is truly powerful

Ryo grabbed the Spear with one hand and pushed his body away, faster than Achilles could react Ryo kicked the man in the face while jumping to the ground, Achilles was pushed away, he than spat out blood and said

Achilles [Oho, You can still fight Huh? and you can even harm me? this will be good]

Ryo [A Sneak attack is unbefitting of someone as strong as you? are you really a Hero?]

Achilles looked at Ryo and thought to himself

"What the hell is this Kid made of, the hole in his body is healing itself, he is a Divine spirit that's for sure, more Divine than even me! Could he be a foreign God?"

Achilles [Oi Kid, Are you a God? or the son of one?]

Ryo [Fuck No, I am a Demon, The name is Ryouto, Demon King Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan]

Achilles "Gilgamesh? Could he be that legendary King?"

Noticing Achilles' Eyes widen, Ryo corrected the man

Ryo [Don't worry I'm not Gilgamesh, The king is gone, I am me]

Achilles [Is that so, Well lets have fun, Shall we?]

Ryo [Well I don't mind

But for we start, I need something strong]

Ryo then Summoned the Sword that he has been hiding since he got it from the Noble Phantasm Gacha

Ryo {★Secace★}

Secace, King Arthur's unused sword, The Dark Sword of Destruction, a Sword that was cursed to only be used in a mortal battle, as it will kill it's user if it doesn't taste blood, however this curse does not work on Ryouto, which is the reason he can pull it out all the time, but due to it not having it's curse Active, Ryo can't use it's True name, and unleashed it, It was a dark blade with blue ruins, it looked like Excalibur had an edgy phase

Achilles [Ohoho, that's a Good blade alright, Let us get to it then]

Achilles started to spin his spear and then attacked Ryo, Ryo deflected the spear attack, and responded with attacking Achilles' Head, Achilles tilted his head, but Secace managed to scratch his face, Achilles toke the chance and drew his spear back from Ryo's left leg and forced him on the ground, one of the tips of Achilles' spear stuck to Ryo's leg, but that didn't matter to him as he too used his other leg to hit Achilles' heel, Achilles was hit hard and backed down, but more than Fifty Grimoires surrounded him and unleashed magic, Achilles used his spear and Spun it to block most of them, but again Ryo came Rushing at him, Achilles Tried to defend but Ryo played him and backed down, and a large number of Lances grew from the Earth and tried to Impale Achilles, Achilles however backed down and said

Achilles [This isn't going to work on me]

Some of them did managed to hit but he ignored most

Ryo [That wasn't the real attack, Launch it "ARK"]

Ark {"Magic core Unleashed, King Magic Spell"}

Ryo {

He, who wishes salvation, will steer away,

He, who wishes Death, Come forward


★Gate of Magical Rage★}

Behind Achilles a Magical Circular Gate was Opened, it was a God level Spell, that due to its nature, most would believe that it was a Noble Phantasm, From the Circle a Golden Beam of magic did exactly as its name told, It raged, it wasn't a straight line it was simply releasing all the magical energy that Ryo accumulated since the start of the fight with Berserker, and it's direction was nothing, it exploded, destroying the Area that both Ryo and Achilles Occupied, it formed a miniature Nuclear Explosion, and after few seconds of the explosion, Ryo's body healed as he was too affected by it, but what surprised Ryo was Achilles Holding a Silver shield that protect it him from the Spell of Destruction

Achilles [Hnnn, You really do pack a punch, but I hope this isn't everything you got,

Demon King

{★Dromeus Komētēs★} ]

Achilles Rushed Ryo with a speed unlike last time everything in his way was being stomped upon, However Ryo, Tightened his grip on "Secace" and he said as he launched forward

Ryo [We haven't even started yet]

Both were about to fight a battle of a life time, But as they were going to clash, a Large Golden beam was launched in the middle between them, they both stopped and looked at the one who shot it, and there standing like a true King, Artoria looked down at the large three hundred meter wide and sixteen meter deep crater they both made and said

Artoria [Why don't you both destroy the city while you're at it, you are heroes, this is not the way to behave in a Holy Grail war, the war must be kept secret and you two are creating too much attention, Seize the fight now, and do it some other time]

Both Achilles and Ryo were annoyed at the intrusion that was Artoria, but they couldn't refute her words when they looked at the large hole they made, so it was Achilles the aggressor who pointed his spear at Ryo and said

Achilles [I enjoyed Fighting you, Demon king, we will finish this some other time, My True name is Achilles, Rider class servant, Although I have no master, It's a pleasure meeting you,

Next time you'll die though]

Ryo [Pleasure meeting you as well Hero, Achilles, And True to my name, next time we meet I'll make you submit]

Achilles [Ho, You're Cocky Aren't Cha? we will see about that, well then see you later, both]

Achilles whistled for his chariot which emerged from nothingness and he rode it in the sky and departed away

Artoria [That was an Impressive battle Ryouto, but you went too far, I had to stop it]

Ryo [Yeah, I suppose, it's not your fault, where is Rin?]

Rin came from behind Artoria

Rin [So much for being a Secret War!]

Ryo [My bad, It was just so exciting, Man I never thought I'd meet a legendary warrior like him *Sigh* too bad it had to end, Shall we go back?]

Rin [Yeah, I guess]

Ryo followed by Rin and Artoria went back to the Tohsaka manor, when they got in Rin said

Rin [Achilles? the Heel Hero? this isn't supposed to be possible, only heroes from our Continent were supposed to be summoned *Sigh* things will get pretty hectic]

Ryo [Well don't worry about it, Other than the Grail God, Achilles should be the only one that is as strong as me]

Artoria [Are you saying i'm weaker than Him?]

Ryo [Well, if you don't have Excalibur you would, He is Immortal, the only way to kill him is to hit his heel or to be divine yourself, you could still harm him with Excalibur since it's a divine Construct, but it won't matter, cause his mine, Artoria]

Artoria [I don't mind, but just so you know, I would have won, if we fought]

Rin [WAIT!]

Ryo/Artoria [What?]

Rin [What Grail god?]

Ryo [Oh, something is possessing the grail, It's called a Grail god, and it is the reason why more servants were summoned, it is technically the master of the new seven, but due to its nature, it cannot control them]

Artoria [Do you know who it is?]

Ryo [I have an Idea, but am not sure]

Rin [Why do you know so much about the grail war, if you weren't suppose to be a part of it ?]

Ryo [*sigh* well it was going to come out either way]

Ryo dropped down on the couch and said

Ryo [I made a deal with Alaya, I don't know anything about her, but the deal was I would eliminate the Grail God, and she gives me some stuff, that's pretty much it]

Rin [*sigh* I thought you were lying when you said you're from another world, but now you're telling me that you might have made a Contract with the World ?]

Artoria [Is the Grail God perhaps a Beast?]

Rin [Beast?]

Ryo [No, No, If it was a beast then she wouldn't have called me, I don't qualify for a Grand,

Well not yet !

They probably don't have any counter guardian to deal with it, because this is an anomaly, so they asked me]

Artoria [Why you?]

Ryo [Because I am the Reincarnation of the king! they wanted someone powerful, capable, and someone who doesn't care, and only wants the rewards, AKA, Me]

Rin [what the hell have I gotten myself into "sigh" But it doesn't matter Rin, You will win this war]

Rin left to her room while saying that to herself

Artoria [you should rest as well Ryouto]

Artoria was about to leave but then she looked at Ryo and said

Artoria [today I was interested in your powers so I allowed you to fight alone, but next time I won't just stand by Idly, I am a The King of Knights, I fight my own battles]

Ryo [Yeah, Yeah, my bad I was a bit excited, you would have probably beaten Berserker, but you would have had to release your noble phantasm, Listen Artoria, I don't think your weak, I just like to fight sometimes]

Artoria [*sigh* I understand that, Good night Ryouto]

Ryo [Good night Artoria]

at 3am

Ryo woke up, he couldn't stay asleep, his battle with Achilles left a lingering emotion on his heart, he didn't know what it was, he only speculated that it was the love of battle, but at the same time it scared him, He never wants to become a mindless monster that only does battle, as he was a king, and King does whatever he wants

Looking at the window Ryo decided to jump out and stroll through the City, while he was doing so, he saw a woman

She was a Peerless beauty, clad in a Dark as night dress, if it wasn't for her beauty Ryo wouldn't have even seen her, she was running away, from what can only described as a Clown?

The woman was obviously a servant, but she seemed to be pretty weak for some reason

Ryo deciding to help the woman for many reasons, those reasons did not include her beauty

Dropping Down ahead of the woman

??? [Agh, Out of my way!]

Ryo [Here to help, no need to be mad]

??? [Then kill that Awful Clown now!]

Ryo [Bossy Aren't we?]

??? [I am Queen and I order you to kill that Monster]

Ryo [Well I am A king, *sigh*]

"maybe I shouldn't have interfered, Well I can't back down now"

???2 [AHAHHAHA? Your Head? Your legs? Which should I blow up First? ahahahaha Perish, Die, Be Silent, For I am the Demon Mephistopheles]

The demon was going to attack Ryo with a pair of scissors, but Ryo simply ignored them and cut the Clown in half using his sword, the clown dodged however, and was only hit in the legs, which resulted in him losing his legs and dropping down

Mephistopheles [Ohya, You're not fun, you cut my legs, I AM THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN DO THAT, AHAHAHAHAHAH]

Ryo tried to finish the Demon off but it turned into its Spirit form and ran away

Ryo [I have a feeling I might regret letting him live, Now then Arrogant Queen, why was he chasing you]

??? [Hmph, I will not speak to someone that does not respect my authority]

Ryo tried to get closer to the Woman but she threw a bottle at him

Ryo [Nghh, Poison, Are you mad, I just saved your life]

Ryo blocked the poison, and although I damaged him quite a bit, he could regenerate from it

??? [What! you think I didn't know, save me now, and Assault me later, i'm no fool]

Ryo [*sigh* I save your life and you accuse me of assault and try to poison me, Well fuck off then, I hope that demon comes after you again]

Ryo turned around and was about to leave

??? [Wait! I am, I … I made a mistake, so please, comeback, since I can sense that you are a mage, than can we make a contract?]

"Heh, this little .., she can't even apologize"

Ryo was about to ignore her, but he didn't want to waste the chance of a new ally so he opted not to

Ryo [Fine, I will make a contract with you, but under few conditions, What is your True name? what is your class? and why should I trust you ?]

??? [My name is Semiramis, Empress of Assyria, my Class is an Assassin, as for why you should trust me, well I can achieve your wildest dreams, I am a strong servant as well, it's … just that I don't have any materials to work with]



Name: Mephistopheles

Age: Unknown

Race: Heroic Spirit 100%

Gender: Male

Class: Caster

Affection: 99% Insanity/Hatred

World Class: Level 10


Strength: D

Agility: B

Endurance: C

Luck: B

Mana: A



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Gilgamesh9669creators' thoughts