
The Demon King

After making a Plan with Merlin Ryo summoned Qiness to the top of the City wall

Qiness [Ryo, what do you plan to do ?]

Ryo [as I said before am going to Kill Them All]

Qiness [*sigh*am Aware Ryo, I Actually would like to kill some myself but I'd rather not interrupt you, am speaking about the Plan afterwards and the reason you called me ?]

Ryo after hearing what she said went to the ledge of the Wall and sat down before looking at the Horizon where the dust of the arriving Monsters and said

Ryo [I want to take over, My Father has gone through enough, He is already Fifty two years old, and his been fighting for Almost Forty of those years, Qiness I have to start the Rebellion now, the world is in a dire state now, people are afraid of Calamity class monster like it's a Country ending Threat, what can these people do against a True World Calamity…

They are absolutely Hopeless

They need Guidance]

Qiness [and where do we start, what is my purpose in all of this?]

Ryo [well, you'll start by making sure the country is good since I'll be having a trip outside of it, Very Soon, Alas For Now you'll have to be quite since Mothers are coming up here *Sigh* I guess they have to see me to understand ]

Qiness [well I do feel sorry for them, their son has just announced that he has Reached Demon King Class when he literally is sixteen so yeah Good luck ]

After Qiness finished talking several footsteps could be heard and then all of Ryo's Mothers showed up in the top of City wall with Both Aeron and Neia and Lita following them

Seeing Ryo Sylphy went rushing to him before stooping and saying

Sylphy [Ryouto Arkhan What Have You Done? Why did you call you're self a Demon King, Why did you Lie to the People and forced them to stay there]

Ryo [Mother please, as I said before Trust me, Am not lying I have Reached Demon King Class long Ago]

Sylphy [what are you saying ?, we have no one in Arkhan that is a Demon Lord Class or A Demon Noble to even train you how is it Possible that you became a Demon King ?]

Neia [Ryo I Know that you are angry and probably blame yourself for what happened but please lets Think Rationally here it's not too late to back down and evacuate]

Aeron [Brother please]

Qiness [*Sigh*]

Ryo [*Sigh* I guess it's rational that you all would want to tell me to stop it's my fault that I never really told you about my abilities and my power, I always thought that I would surprise you with and be like "hey Am A Demon king Now" Alas that is not going to happen, Mother, Mothers, Neia, Aeron and Lita I Would like you all to meet my Mentor,


Ryo's Family which was very confused before where now shocked when a Man in white Robes and a staff emerged out of nowhere

Merlin [I am Glad to Finally get to meet my lord's Family, My name Is Merlin and I am Called the Magus of Flowers, I was summoned here to serve my Lord Ryouto Arkhan, and it's been a pleasure ever since, sorry for lurking in your city in the last four years, it's truly a lovely Place]

Ryo [Now Then it's not over yet

This Is Rama and This Is Scáthach they too are my servants and Scáthach is now my new teacher, she is a Great Hero class while Rama Here is a Hero class]

As Soon as Ryo said that a Feminine Looking man emerged from the same flowers that Merlin uses and beside him from the Shadows a voluptuous beautiful Woman came out she wore a Warningly Tight Suit which annoyed Sylphy, Ryo's Mothers, Qiness and Lita

Rama [I am Rama, Avatar of Vishnu and Ryo's Servant, I owe Ryo a lot and I shall happily serve him, However don't forget my greatness today as you will see in the battlefield]

Scáthach [Scáthach of the Land of shadows, I will be Ryo's Mentor for the time being]

Ryo [I knew that you are all surprised but these are trustworthy people, and they will help me bring this world to Peace, Injustice and Evil has already spread through this world, and far worse is coming,

I Really do Understand how you all Feel, the man we all loved has just been Mortally injured and his Son is risking doing the same but I need you to watch, please]

Before any one answers Ryo however another footstep that was slow was heard on the steps to the city wall and what no one expected is that for The King himself to show up

Ryo Immediately rushed to his side saying

Ryo [Father why did you get off the bed, your injured]

Arkhan [Don't worry about me, I came here for you Son]

Ryo [Father I…I]

Arkhan [I Heard you're speech, and to tell you the truth I was impressed, when I was a kid I was about to give up on life but I had a friend that kept me going, saving my life multiple times that friend later on became my second in command, and that same man died yesterday saving me, an old man, you know I thought that I'd finally have the last laugh and be the one to save him for once but the damn Whale bit my Arm and he toke the Opportunity, He pushed me down the hill to face it himself, "Mars Kronix" was my best Friend and today am here to witness his killer's death, so please go ahead Ryo, show the world the true birth of a Demon King]

Ryo who was shocked and also happy with his father's words smiled

Ryo [Thank you father]

Ryo then turned to the horde which was approaching fast and the whale leader was already on sight

It was Huge White Whale 50 Meters in size and it had a Huge Horn on his head and kept flying to the city

Behind it where two large monsters that almost rank the same

A large 20 Meter Spriggan That held a 5 meter Stone sword

And A 30 Meter Dark Wolf that Was Rushing behind the Whale

The Other monsters were a mix between monsters that lived in the Tunlan Forest, From Goblins, Orcs, Trolls and many more,

The Actual size of the Army was 789 counted all by Merlin Himself

Ryo [Rama, You Deal with the Spriggan Over there, Scáthach Kill the Wolf, I'll take care of the Army and That Damn Whale]

Merlin [Well Than I Shall Start]

Merlin than Used His Staff and Light was emitting from Him as He Said

Merlin {Let us talk about the king, "From the stars of the inner sea, from the tower of insight, from the four corners of paradise, let them know; their story is filled with blessings. Only those free of sin may pass..

★Garden of Avalon!★}

Then a Wave of Pink Flowers Surrounded Rama, Scáthach, and Mostly Ryo

{You have been granted a buff by ★Garden Of Avalon★

50% Increase to All Stats

Further 30% to all Magical Abilities

You have been Granted Immunity to all aliment statues for the next 3 hours}

Rama [HAHA this is Amazing I Shall go First]

Rama Then Jumped Down to the battlefield and Ran faster than anyone could see, before reaching the Spriggan Rama Passed the Whale and Cut him from the Right Side, The Whale itself Couldn't Even React

It was Rama's Way for Paying Tribute to Ryo's Master, although he never knew him Rama Could Still Sense the Strong Feeling that Ryo Felt for Mars, and if not For Ryo's Orders Rama Would have Killed Him Now

Ryo's Father For the first time in his life couldn't follow someone's moves, he was hailed as one of the Strongest Demons to ever exist, but this Kid That Only seemed the Age of his son was not only Faster but stronger, and even though he couldn't see Rama His Trail of Blood that he left Killing The Monster before Reaching The Spriggan was as Clear as Day

However Ryo's Father was in for a bigger surprise, The Woman who he couldn't even sense if he didn't See her Simply Disappeared and Immediately Appeared Above the Flying Whale That was still surprised by Rama's Attack

Scáthach didn't even bother with the whale as she casually walked atop his Back, even though it Shaked itself multiple times to drop her, but that was nothing to her and she went straight to its head and without anything she just used her hand to Break away his 7 meter Long Horn, and then she disappeared again and went back to the Top of the city wall and Casually gave it to Ryo's Father before she simply disappeared

Ryo [That could become a Great Sword Father it's a Horn of a Calamity beast, it is very rare]

Ryo after saying that simply walked to the edge of the wall and then kept walking, instead of falling like Rama Ryo Simply Kept Walking in the Air he Looked Down but instead of Doing Anything he just looked and waited for Both Rama and Scáthach to finish before doing anything

Rama Who has Finally Reached Within a reasonable Distance to the Spriggan Called out Ryo

Rama [Now Master "Witness My Power"]

Before throwing his trusty sword In the Air, The sword itself kept spinning while Rama was chanting

Rama {The Immortal Blade that even the Rakshasa King succumbs to, take form!

"Take this!


After saying that the spinning Sword that was emitting an orange light was throne directly at the Spriggan, The Spriggan itself couldn't even react nor do anything, it was cut in half and the only thing that remained was it lower half that fell down

In the Other side of the battle, Scáthach as she does, appeared in the middle of the battlefield facing the Dark Wolf, She Then Summoned her Lance, And then faster than even Ryo can notice she cut all his four legs, the dark wolf that felt sudden immense pain fell down face and belly first and then his Face dropped down but before it could even scream and large number of spear grow from the earth and Impaled every part of its Body, the monster wasn't even allowed the time to scream in agony before it died

Since both Rama and Scáthach completed their original task the both came back to the city wall

Rama [Ahahaha Finally Master it's time Go Ahead Show them, show the world what you are]

Scáthach [Consider this a test before starting the Real Training]

Merlin [Now My Lord Show your family the fruit of Four Years of training]

Then in accordance to Merlin's Words Ryo's Family weren't even capable of believing What just witnessed it was truly scary the power of Ryo's servants, but now its time to witnesses Ryo's Power, and even though they still were worried about him they wanted to see what he can do

Ryo's father internally was very proud as today he realized his own son was the leader of all of these powerful people and not only that he was about to witness the true capabilities of his Son

The Demon King


Ryo [{Ark} Come]

Ark Came out Immediately

Ark [My King ]

Ryo [Prepare the Attack]

Then as soon as Ryo said that he cloth changed to his battle form

His Chest was fully reveled and Golden Leggings were place on his Legs Red Tattoos That this time Were Glowing appeared on his front and back

Ryo [from the depth of the Kingdom of Arkhan They hail and they are my Trusty Friend, And Brothers In Arm]

Then after calling out the Grimoires A Number of more than 3000 Grimoires Were Summoned behind Ryo All were opened and all had their open side looking at The Horde of Monster

Ryo who sense many people Around the Continent Observing him, Looked at the sky and Said

Ryo [Enjoy the Show, It won't be Long before you all are in the receiving End]

Before then Looking at the Horde and Saying

Ryo [Now Then

By My Authority

as the King of Grimoires


★Library of Babylon★


All the Books that had different objectives and affinity glowed and Rained barrage of spells, from Fire, Wind, Water, Ice, Lave all headed directly to the horde of monsters

The Horde was decimated One By One, Every monster was hit more than a ten times the only thing that remained was the accursed Whale

Ryo made sure that it would be the only one Remaining

Ryo didn't know if the beast can think or not, but if it did, Ryo wanted it to know that it was


And true to Ryo's thought the monster couldn't think because it kept going

But it still could Feel

And all it felt was


The Fear of death existed in every creature and the Calamity whale was no exception

Ryo then stopped the barrage after he saw the death of every beast and looked at Merlin

Ryo [Hand it over, Merlin]

Merlin, who knew what Ryo wanted, manifested a Golden Sword and threw it to Ryo

That Sword is one of the Alternate versions of "Excalibur"

And even though both Merlin and Ryo couldn't Use its true Potential like its original master it still was an excellent blade

After getting hold of the sword Ryo flew down to the same level of the Whale

The Whale who saw an Opportunity Unleashed a laser like attack from its large Mouth but Ryo Simply used Excalibur to counter it

Noticing that its attack failed the monster than tried to Eat Ryo Completely, its mouth was 10 times larger than Ryo

Ryo who saw that pretended to allow him to eat it

But before anyone could react from behind the whale Ryo Had Already cut the beasts lower back Tail

And since the Whale only used magic to fly it lost focus after the immense pain so it fell directly face down in the dirt

Then when the whale was down Ryo flew to its side and cut both its Flippers

The Whale then Screamed

And everyone from the Crowd that was watching could sense the Agony that the whale was in

Then Ryo jumped on the whale's back before he went to the top of its head He then saw the whale's Blowhole that was very larger

He summoned one of his Grimoires before using a spell that created a large ice Lance and Pierced its Blow hole with it

After he was done with torturing the beast Ryo went to its Head's Right Side before looking at the magical Grimoire that was projecting the live battle

Ryo [This is too all of the people of Arkhan, as I Promised This Kingdom will never fall behind again

Never Fear a beast of this Type Again

I am the only one that will ever permit you to panic or anything of that sort,

And Now To the Continent of Diavola

My Name is Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan

And I am a Demon King]

Before using Excalibur so send a Golden Beam of Light to cut the Calamity Whale's Head

(AN/Surprise Early Chapter, feed back on the fight, i wanted it to be special)

Power Stones

i need power stones


Gilgamesh9669creators' thoughts