
The Castle

??? [So.. Tell me? Why shouldn't I kill you? False God]

Ryo simply smiled at the beautiful woman that is trying to assassinate him and then said

Ryo [Why? Well, because you can't!]

The woman has a scorn on her face as she said

??? [Are you a fool? I can slit your throat in an inst-]

Before the woman could continue her words she sensed as her entire body being dragged to the Shadows, and a tip of a spear was on her neck, and she was nowhere near Ryo, it was as if she was forcefully teleported, she was on her two knees looking up as Ryo simply sat on his chair while she tries to figure out what has just happened

Ryo [Don't kill Her, Scáthach]

Of course what happened was that the Queen of Shadows, Scáthach took this woman on a journey to the shadows, from the perspective of the woman it was instantaneous, but she has actually been dragged to the shadows and forced to kneel in different location to where she was

Scáthach [Why did you allow her to sneak up on you?]

Ryo [This one here, is an Ally, she has been spying on us ever since we reached Eden, of course she didn't know that I already know about her, Tell me Dark Elf, What is your name ? and your purpose ?]

??? [I'd Rather die, than betray my Goddess]

Ryo grabbed the woman from her chin and looked at her Eyes, he stared at her for few seconds, the woman thought he was trying to scare her, but in reality Ryo looked at her, and asked Inana, who hasn't been doing much to scan her

Inana "No matter what you do, she won't betray her Goddess, she has placed a curse on herself, if she were to think of betraying her or if her mind were to be read, her entire organs and brain would shut down and erase her memories, even if you revive her, it would be useless"

Shocked by the dedications Ryo said

Ryo [I see, This "Kara" must be a real charmer for you to be this dedicated, but don't worry, I have no need for forcing you to tell me about yourself, as I said before, We are Allies, or at least I wish we be]

Scáthach released the woman from her binds, as she stepped away, the woman got up, but aware of her situation, she didn't try to escape, she could tell that she has misjudged Ryo, if he wanted, he would have killed her

??? [I have been sent here By Goddess Kara to escort you to Luna Blu safely, my name is Emara, I'm a Dark Elf that serves my Goddess]

Ryo [The safety is unnecessary, but sure I'll allow you on my ship, Just be warned that excluding the maids most of the people in this Ship can kill you, oh, stay away from my brother and sister, for your own safety that is]

Emara [I have been ordered not to interact, so I'll simply tell you where to go]

Ryo [Whatever..]

Arshand Guided Okita and Co to the Castle in Divola, he has amassed an Army of more than thirty thousand, and although they aren't that big, they garnered the love of the masses, and that was the most important part, Okita didn't need help in the war, she just needed the support of the people

Okita [Are you ready ? Time to destroy that castle, come one lets take everyone down before the boys show up!]

Alter [I like the way you think, Ehhhhhhhhhhhh That's CHEATING!]

Ushiwakamaru without waiting went ahead and slashed the door to the castle to multiple parts, the soldiers guarding the place were shocked, they were expecting attacks from outside the city, so security on the castle was low

Okita [Hurry up, She's trying to take credit!]

Ushi "I have to kill the King, HEAD PATS FROM RYO!"

Alter [Damn it that little imp! I will get those head pats!]

Alter summoned her Dark blade and rushed inside the castle, outside everyone was already cut down by Ushi's blade, "I have to go inside !" that's what Alter thought as she went inside the building, inside she found more soldiers wish meant that Ushi didn't come this way

Alter [Alright Some Meat, I hate to say this, but I ain't merciful! You ignorant racist fucks need to die, I saw those Elf slaves too, come out my Dark Blade, Let's Kill them ALL]

Alter, rushed towards the soldiers cutting them to half's and quarters, not caring for the screams or the begging they gave her, to her she is being too lenient ! These people deserved more

While going through the Castle corridors, Alter walked in one of the Chambers that looked very special

Alter [This looks like a King's Chamber]

Alter blew the door to the chamber and found the site of some Naked woman and in the middle was a naked man, the man got up and looked at Alter and said

??? [Huh ? you're the new whore they got me ? I guess you aint that bad, go on, remove that silly Armor and join the handsome Prince! HAHAHA]

Alter's face morphed to that of disgust as she looked at the man and said

Alter [With a thing that small? that thing is smaller than my Pinky, What kind of a Prince are you? The Prince of Small dicked Ants?]

The Prince was shocked at Alter's words and then he got up enraged and started to scream while stomping his foot on his bed


Before the man could finish his enraged speech Alter cut his lower half, as the man squirmed in a pool of his blood, while the woman who was with him started to scream as they left the Chamber

Alter walked to the squirming Prince as she placed her sword above his neck and said before cutting it in half

Alter [Your kind deserve no mercy, it took seconds for me to tell that you are a horrible person]

but before she could leave something weird happened

Note:I will be realising Three Chapters of My Hero Academia: Throne of heroes later tonight I'll make a post about it, make sure to give me you're opinions on it ❤


If you wish to read more, then check out my Patréon



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