

Ryo helped all the elven slaves on his Ship, he decided instead of waiting for the Eden Army, he would go to Eden himself


Ryo [Why?]

Scáthach [I don't understand that Either, Why would Eden not send word to us, you said the Queen is your Aunt, if so why hasn't she asked help from Babylon?]

Ryo [Do you think her resentment for my Grandfather is that big?]

Scáthach [Grandfather? you never spoke about him ]

Ryo [uh, I never told you about him..*sigh*....He was the last leader before my father's rebellion, in old days Arkhan chose it's Kings by a test of power, children that had potential would be trained to compete for the title of a King, when my father was chosen, he abolished the system, and raised a rebellion against the church, when he won he was the one to instate Agmond as the new Priest]

Scáthach [I'm aware of that... But was the old King that Bad ?]

Ryo [Bad is understatement, Eden and Arkhan were supposed to be united, He and the former King of Eden had arranged marriage between him and my Grandmother, the princess at the time, to unite demons and Elves, but at the wedding day he Killed the elven King and raised hell on Eden, it is why there are many slave elf's in Divola, Divola and Arkhan were united in the past, and when the rebellion happened they split from us, my Grandfather was vile man who betrayed the elf's]

Ryo [The elf's lived under him for years in suffering, and ironically as if to mock them, he toke a liking to my grandmother, he had two children with her, My mother, and my Aunt Sona, after father raised the rebellion, he Killed him, and fell in love with my mother, after she Pleaded him, he gave Eden back to the elf's, he gave it to her, but my mother refused and stayed with him, so Aunt Sona took the throne of Eden, reforming it to what it is now, this was twenty five Years ago]

Alter [Hearing this I can see that they owe their freedom to your father, so I doubt they would actually hate you]

Ryo [I don't know…On my first day as a King… I took over a Kingdom, she and I only met a handful of times, and most of them she had her distance from me, I think... she might see her Father in me…]

interrupting Ryo's talk with Scáthach, a hologram appeared in front of Ryo, as Merlin was on the screen

Merlin [Ryo! Do you hear me]

Ryo [What is it Merlin?]

Merlin [envoys from Eden arrived asking for Aid, Eden is being attacked by Divola, they says there are fifty thousand soldiers, if you are nearby, go to Eden!]

Ryo [Thank you Merlin, but we happened to see them, the situation has been dealt with]

Merlin [Oh, Thank god, good job Ryo]

Ryo [see you later Merlin…}

Merlin [Is there something Wrong Ryo ?]

Ryo [Nothing don't worry about it and Thank you Merlin]

After a about half an Hour, Vimana Arrived above Eden, Ryo for the first time saw Eden, He never visited before because of his training, he could see how beautiful it was, the homes of the elf's were built on trees, and in the middle was a Huge white castle, surrounded by a beautiful valley that flows to a River

Vimana then of course stayed in the Sky, as all of Ryo's entourage dropped down with the elven slaves that were saved, the soldiers have been excepting Ryo to arrive at any moment Since he sent Achilles to them, Ryo wanted to Send Honda, but he feared that Honda might cut someone if they accidentally insulted him, sure whoever insulted him deserve punishment, but getting Cut with Honda's Spear was a bit to much

Earlier In Eden

A green Flash could be seen going inside Eden, this was of course Achilles as he sprinted towards the castle doors, when he arrived there he stopped, startling all the soldiers protecting the castle

They all raised their spears towards him

Guard [STAY THERE! RAISE YOUR HAND! And state your name and why you are here Human!]

Achilles simply looked at the Guard and said

Achilles [Achilles, Hero of Babylon, "God this is cringy" I'm here as an emissary for King Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan, may I speak to your Queen]

Guard [Oh, you are an Emissary! Thank god, here let me show you the way to… WAIT SHOW ME PROVE!]

Achilles raised a Sigil that was giving to him by Ryo, it held the logo of Babylon, it was made from pure adamantine, so of course the soldiers immediately recognized it

Guard [Oh, Okay…Follow me!]

Achilles Followed the Guard inside the castle, They went directly to the Throne room, he could see how much chaotic the place was, a lot of people were probably preparing for the war that was supposed to happen

After arriving at the throne room Achilles walked in and looked at the woman that was sitting on the Throne and then said

Achilles [Achilles, The Swift Hero, I came by order of King Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan, We have Eliminated your Enemies, from Divola, and we have saved some slaves that still lived, they are being transported Here as we speak]

Everyone in the Room opened their Eyes wide hearing Achilles' words most people didn't believe him, but Lina, who was beside her mother said

Lina [Ryo Came! I knew it, I told you he would come and save us mother !]

However Sona, the Queen, only looked at Achilles in disbelieve and said

Sona [How large was the Army you have with you? Achilles of Babylon]

Achilles [Oh, We have none, there are only about seventy of use, fifty will probably stay on Vimana, the maids seem to have taken a liking to that place, so expect an entourage of about Twenty, oh and the King is bringing his Fiancées, so make sure to keep a good Room for him, his quit active these days I hear]

Hearing Achilles' Words Lina Blushed while her mother got up from her throne and said

Sona [NONSENSE! You expect me to believe that seventy of you defeated an Army of fifty thousand!]

Achilles simply looked at the woman as he said

Achilles [What? No, It was only two of us… Listen the King said not to speak to much since I might be blunt, you can wait for when he comes, In about *Looks at his hand that had no watch* Ten Minutes]


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