
Darkness !

Boys ! I worked very hard on this Chapter and I wish you all give me some feedback on it, I tried to be Original and make Clichés a part of the story, so Make sure to give me some Power Stones ! and Thank you For Reading !



The Skill {Divine Protection by the Chief God "Arkhan" EX} was Ryo's Ultimate protection Skill, as even though he had seen some ridiculously Powerful people since his birth, Scáthach, Merlin, Synthia, Zeke and Vritra and now Achilles, he wasn't that afraid of death, he always had his immortality and magic and if that were to fail then of course this skill would save his life and save him sometime with its time-space bending!

But that was all ruined today, his ultimate trump card was gone, he would usually be super mad at this, but seeing Rin's sobbing and happy face stopped his rage, he had no regret about this, he would have sacrificed more, he didn't know why, but the only others he could think about that he was willing to do this for were his lovers, it showed him that he has feelings towards Rin, deciding to act on it he planned to ask her to come with him back to Babylon after this, of course he would have an easier time doing this if not for his body being completely out of energy

Using that skill then Regenerating from almost complete body destruction and releasing a Noble Phantasm, put his Magic reserves to the test, even though if it was to be put in quantity Ryo's Mana would still be higher than half of his reserve but due to his body, it's impossible to use all of it, to further explain this you can compare Ryo to a Gun with almost unlimited ammo, it can shot as much as he wants, but they still are small bullets that aren't that strong, his goal is to be a rocket launcher with unlimited Ammo, but that is still far away, his body is still mortal, and his training is still too young

Breaking the hug from both Girls Ryo asked them to go back home, they all boarded Vimana and flew back to Rin's manor, he then docked it above Rin's manor, he didn't want to go through the entire process of summoning it again so it was easier to park it in the sky

Going inside the manor, Semiramis was the first to come running to Ryo

Semiramis [Master! are you alright ? I lost my connection to you for a few seconds, I thought that you died!]

Ryo [No, I'm good, I'm just tired, Rin, Artoria, go relax as well, I will go to a coma like state for few hours, I exerted my body way too much, see you all later]

Semiramis [Master…]

Ryo went back to his room and laid in his bed as a combination of fatigue and the demerit from his skill took effect, he went to a soundless sleep that no one can wake him up from…

Back in the living Room Rin dropped down and sat on her couch, Sakura brought her something to eat,

Sakura [Are you okay Rin]

Rin [Yeah, it's just that… I found out father's killer today, I couldn't even do anything against him, I couldn't even avenge our father's killer, I'm such a disappointment… if... if it wasn't for Ryo I would-]

Sakura hugged Rin close to her as she said

Sakura [I don't care about that, I care that you stay safe, Rin, we finally have the chance to be together now, I don't want to lose you!]

Rin [Yeah, that's true I'll try my best, Sakura, I am sorry for all these years, I should have ignored the restrictions placed on us by family law, I…]

Sakura [The same could be said for me Rin, I don't blame you, and I never will, let's forget about our past and focus on what we will do for our future, you know what, let's both skip school today, and take a day off]

Rin [That's … that's a great idea Sakura, I need some rest, I will take Ryo's example and go rest but before that… Artoria, did you defeat Caster ?]

Artoria [Yes, I have defeated her, her master however was killed by the Grail Berserker, he arrived shortly after we did, his true Name is, Beowulf The King of Savagery, we had a duel but he retreated shortly after our battle Started, he is a country man, he was a legend in my time, so I wish to test my capabilities against him, if you don't mind Master]

Rin [Ahh, sure, you can stop calling me "master" Artoria, Rin is fine, I'll try to be more like Ryo, we are allies not a slave and a master, I'll be in your care Artoria]

Artoria [Thank you Rin, I appreciate the trust, don't worry we will win this Holy Grail]

Rin [Honestly I don't even know what are we going to win, this whole thing has blown out of proportion, and to make it worst the Church's representative is dead… The old men at the Clock tower are gonna Grill me for this *sigh* I will go rest, don't kill each other while I'm away]

The group watched as Rin left to her room, than it was Artoria that broke the awkward silence

Artoria [You are awfully quite Semiramis, is there a reason?]

Semiramis [It was for a few seconds, but I felt it… Master Died, it wasn't a brief disconnection between us, he Died, and came back to life, and something else happened, he was different, as if the Aura that made him seem invincible disappeared]

Medusa [I noticed that]

Artoria [Because it did…]

Sakura [What do you all mean?]

Artoria [There was a strange feeling around Ryo since the moment I met him, it was as if he was an untouchable God, but that feeling is now gone, he still is very strong that hasn't changed, but mysteriously the energy that kept him invincible is gone now, and I think I know why…]

Semiramis opened her eyes wide and said

Semiramis [What happened out there?]

Artoria [We faced some unexpected enemies, to be precise an Archer and a Lancer, the Archer had a Noble Phantasm that was about to kill Rin, and I think Ryo used something to Break reality and avert the Noble Phantasm towards him, which is why I assume you felt his death…]

Semiramis [He wasted an ability like that for THAT GIRL !]

Artoria summoned her blade and pointed it towards Semiramis's neck and said

Artoria [It was his choice and I won't hear you mention this to him, or will kill you myself, he went through so much out there and I don't want you bring it up again]

Semiramis got angry and pushed the blade away from her neck before saying

Semiramis [I'm not an Idiot, don't ever point your sword at me again! hmph ]

Semiramis got up and left as soon as she made her point, Artoria felt a bit bad that she accused Semiramis of being insensitive but she chose not to dwell on it and go rest as well, she wasn't like other servants so she needs rest

Sakura [*sigh* things are a bit tense here aren't they ?]

Medusa [We should do something about it… they all clearly have feelings for him, which is the reason why things are a bit tense]

Sakura [It's up to Ryo, but we can still push him to the right direction… he said that he already has two fiancés and I assume that he probably has more lovers, He is a King after all, so I don't think that there will be an issue from his side]

Medusa [Rin is a mage like you, so she knows that most mage families practice polygamy to keep their bloodlines from vanishing]

Sakura [Rin and Artoria just need a bit of persuading, it's that Assassin that we have to worry about, she is to frustrated ever since the realization that Ryo is already taken]

Medusa [Let's not worry about her, I think Ryo already feels that, we should both convince Rin and Artoria, I will speak with Artoria, you talk to your sister]

Sakura [What about us?]

Medusa [You already decided to dedicate your life for him, as for me well, I want to follow him !, if he truly has the ability to summon servant's than he might...]

Sakura [Nh, maybe you finally can re-unite them again]

Medusa [Maybe…]

Ryo woke up in a Dark place, there was nothing around him, the entire area was so dark, that it reminded him of his meeting with Alaya, but instead of light, this Area was Dark after a brief moment Ryo realized that he was thinking, which is usually something he cant do when the Demerit from his Skill is active, so he decided to walk, and after walking and walking for few minutes without sensing anything he attempted to Scream Out for someone, but it was than he realized he couldn't scream and he couldn't even walk… in fact he wasn't even walking before, his mind simply imagined it, in reality however he was stuck, it was as if he was in the depth of a Magma pool, or as if someone dropped sand over him, a large of thick Dark energy covered him, it was then that Panic started to set on him mixed with weakness, and fear, and as if to answer his Fear, a Dark humanoid figure formed from the Darkness in front of him, it had the same outlines as his body, as if to imitate his figure, it than walked towards him, the figure that was Completely shrouded in Darkness Smiled, a Very Creepy smile as Darkness on its face Split and then it spoke, in a Very deep and Dark voice

??? [Do you feel it?]

When Ryo heard it, his body shivered in fear, but the ability to speak came back to answer it, so he said

Ryo [Feel What ?]

??? [Well… Fear of Course, what else would it be ? Tell me King of Magic, and the future saviour of The world, Now that your protection is gone Do you feel it….


The Fear of Death !]

Ryo watched as the figure laughed in a maniacal laugh, he then reserved his heart to answer it

Ryo [Whatever you are, I don't Fea-]

Before Ryo could finish speaking the Entity Placed it's Dark Hand on his mouth as it squeezed it's hand forcing Ryo's mouth Shut, The Entity then Grabbed Ryo from his face and raised him in the Sky, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't even move, nor get a connection from his system

??? [Don't... Don't you ever try that again with me ! DO YOU UNDERSTAND! This isn't a heroic moment for the hero to stand up against the Darkness, Never Speak back to me in my own domain, as matter of fact, Bow Filth, BOW TO ME, BOW TO DARKNESS!]

Unable to resist Ryo was placed on the Ground as uncontrollably his body kneeled to the figure as Ryo's hateful face looked at Darkness, but with the ability to speak gone, he couldn't even do a thing

??? [HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Bow Like all others will, Tell me, HERO, HAHAHAHAHA Do you think that you will save the World HAHAHA and then Rule over it in peace and prosperity ? Honestly Mortal beings are the best, you all are Delusional, But HAHAHAHA You know what, I genuinely believe in you, you seem to be the one that can do it, I have high hopes for you, I think that one Day that World will Bow to you, as you lead the charge to defend it from The World Calamity, HAHAHAAHAH, Well I believe the first part, but You defeating my Champion… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that is beyond delusional!

When The World Calamity sets on your world, I will be there to see you understand the meaning of Darkness, I will be there to see it bring down everything you worked for, I will be there When The King of Heroes is Brought down to his knees as Despair spreads throughout his WORLD !


And in the End… Even you will come to accept me, Even you will be one With the Darkness…

Tell me King do you know why I'm this confidant? Do you know why have I delivered this Evil Villain Speech? Why don't I Kill you now ? Well that is Easy, Because there is no way for you to win, it isn't arrogance that drive me, it is facts, When you are done playing in this uncivilized world, and go back to your own, Ask her, Ask the goddess that has been watching over you, Why do the Gods not stop The World calamity themselves ?

Because Rules ? Because the Gods Cant intervene?


If that was True Then Why Have they summoned you? if they truly couldn't intervene, then Why do you exist ? if that was True Then what about all the blessings that they granted you ? are they not Interference ?


Want to know why?...

it's because they Fear it too

Mortal, Immortal, God, Demon, Heaven and Hell

They All Fear me!

They All Fear Darkness!

And you, you are their scapegoat, someone that has no knowledge of Me, So you were their best bet, Arrogant, Eager and Powerful, a Perfect Puppet for the World!

This offer is indefinite, when you understand it, when you see the world in its True face, Than Darkness will accept you, Darkness never refuses anyone


This is My Villain "Join me To rule the world" moment, To tell you the truth I don't actually need you, but my offer stands, as matter a fact, My offer extends to your entire world, all you have to do is abandon that goddess Around you and betray the Gods !

But knowing you Mortals, you crave for heroic moments, so I'll just assume that you won't accept

Goodbye King Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan, Today I showed you a Taste of Despair! And maybe one day, perhaps when you defeat one of the Primordial Races, then I'll visit again

Well that is... if you don't surrender yourself to me !


with Darkness leaving, Ryo found himself back in his room as his body was sweating in fear !


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