
The King of Fairies(Discontinued, will reboot with OC protagonist)

Noctis Lucis Caelum, the chosen King was supposed to die, but he awakens in a new world, one not unlike his own filled with magic, demons, and dragons.

XOmni · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Ch 15 Confrontation with Laxus

Noctis was helping as best he could with the repairs to the guild hall. He used a run of the mill axe to chop down trees and gather wood for the repairs, he left the actual construction work to those who knew what they were doing.

Apparently, the master had taken pity on both Juvia and Gajeel, allowing the two of them to join the guild. And as much as Noctis agreed that people deserved second chances, he still didn't think he could trust Gajeel after what he had done. Natsu and Gajeel had already started bickering just like Natsu and Gray.

Noctis: " It looks like it's going to get a lot livelier around here, if that was even possible."


A few weeks later, the Magic Council had shown up and after interrogating the mages of Fairy Tail, they had determined that the confrontation was not Fairy Tail's fault, and that Phantom Lord held full responsibility and had now been disbanded, which was why Gajeel and Juvia had joined Fairy Tail.

Noctis was sitting on an empty beer keg, drinking from a flask of water. The repairs were going along smoothly, and everyone was enjoying the work.

Loke walks up to Noctis, Lucy's Celestial Spirit keys in his hand.

Loke: " Hey Noctis. Can you give these back to Lucy?"

Noctis: " Sure, but why wouldn't you do it yourself?" He states, taking the keys.

Loke: " I...uh...have my reasons. Thanks." He leaves, going back to work.

Gray, Natsu, Erza, and Happy return from Lucy's apartment and inform Noctis of the note they had found, the note, written by Lucy, stated that she had returned home.

Noctis: " Why would she go home after all that?"

Natsu: " I don't know, but we're going to go get her! You coming with us Noct?"

Noctis: " Nah, I'm going to stay here and keep working."

Natsu: " Alright, we'll back soon, with Lucy!" He states, him, Erza, and Gray heading toward the station.


Later, Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Happy returned with Lucy. Mirajane announces that the re-quest board was officially back up and everyone runs for a job.

Laxus: " You're nothing but a bunch of damn weaklings!" He yells at Jet and Droy.

Laxus: " And the whole attack was your fault!" He points at Lucy.

Laxus: " It's the shits like you that I'll ban from the guild once I'm in charge!"

Noctis: " The hells wrong with you?!" He shouts, walking up to Laxus, a scowl on his face.

Laxus: " Huh? Who the hell are you?"

Noctis: " How the hell can you talk like that, calling people useless! You didn't even show up! While the rest of us fought tooth and nail to stop Phantom Lord, Jet and Droy included! If anyone here is useless, it's you!"

Laxus: " What'd you just say to me?" He stands up, his fists radiating lightning.

Noctis: " You heard me." He summons the Katana of the Warrior, placing his hand on the hilt, but keeping the weapon sheathed.

Makarov: " Enough!" He shouts, walking up to the two.

Laxus: " Tch, whatever." He disappears using his lightning magic.

Makarov: Sigh " What am I going to do with him?"

Noctis dismisses his weapon.

Noctis: " I'm sorry Makarov. But I couldn't just let what he said slide."

Makarov: " You're not to blame."

Erza: " Noctis, come with us on this mission." She states, walking up to Noctis.

Noctis: " Yeah, sounds good to me."

Noctis goes with Erza, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Happy on a mission they picked up from the re-quest board.


Later, Makarov was meditating, thinking about who could replace him as guild master.

Makarov: ' Hmm, Laxus? No, his methodology makes him unsuited for the job.'

Makarov: ' Perhaps Mystogan? No, he's to reserved and mysterious.'

Makarov: ' Erza? She's too young.'

Makarov: ' Hmm, then who? Noctis, I sense a powerful light for good coming from him, but besides him being from another world, his past is still a mystery.'

Mirajane: " Umm, master?" She states, entering the room.

Makarov: " Hmm, yes Mira?"

Mirajane: " The team consisting of Natsu, Erza, Gray, Lucy, Happy, and Noctis just destroyed half a stretch of road while completing their last mission."

Makarov: ' I can't retire yet!' His face completely white from shock.


The next day after the strongest team had returned from their mission, Lucy was upset as was Noctis.

Lucy: " I can't believe we had to offer up the reward to repair their road."

Noctis: " Yeah, remind me to never take on a job with all of you again."

Lucy: " I don't blame you."

Lucy: " Hey, next time you go on a job on your own, can you take me with you? You're a lot less destructive than the others."

Noctis: " Sure, your Celestial Spirits would probably come in handy anyway."

Noctis: " So, you were raised in a rich family, huh?"

Lucy: " Yeah, it's not all its chocked up to be."

Noctis: " I know how you feel."

Lucy: " Really?"

Noctis: " Yeah, back in my world I was the crown prince. I then had to be king when my father died."

Lucy: " You're..... a prince?"

Noctis: " Well, technically I'm a king, but yeah."

Lucy: " A k-king. Why haven't you ever mentioned this before?"

Noctis: " Because it wasn't important. I don't have any royal status in this world."

Erza walks up to the chatting duo.

Erza: " Lucy, Noctis. Mira just recommended a job for us."

Noctis: " I'm a little tired right now Erza. If it's alright with you, I'm just going to sit this one out."

Erza: " Alright, the two of us will have to take on a job some other time then. Come on Lucy."

Lucy: " But..." She is dragged off by Erza, unable to finish her statement.


Later, when the others had returned from their mission, they told Noctis all about what happened. From the actors for the play not showing up, to them having to put the play on themselves.

Noctis: " Sounds like it was a sight to see."

Erza: " It was. They all wanted more, we had to perform it three more times."

They all have a good laugh when they explain what had exactly happened when they put on the play. The day went on like normal, the construction of the guild progressing at a smooth rate. Noctis realized he had grown attached to this world and these people, he didn't think he would even leave this world and go back home, if he was ever given the chance.