
The King of Creation is Born

One day Henry finds himself in a new world With Goddesses? What will Henry do in this new world and what will this world have in store for him.

PENGUINI · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Our Training Camp Begins

It was now sunday morning and today we were going to train so that all of us could get stronger. I got up and walked slowly into the bathroom to clean myself and prepare for the day. 20 minutes later I walked out and went down to have breakfast. As I walked into the dining room I was surprised to see Sofia and Ruby already at the table.

"Good morning, are you settling in well?"

"Yes, we are adjusting well. It's a big change from living in a small room together back at the slave auction" Sofia said after looking at Ruby and then back to me.

"Well it is good that you are happy. Today we will be going out and training if you would like to come you are welcome to but if you don't want to then you can stay here"

Sofia looked to Ruby and then back to me saying

"We would like to go and see what you do and how we can help you. You saved us from miserable lives and we would like to repay you"

"Alright but it might get dangerous at certain times so be careful. We will leave in two hours so prepare yourselves"

"Alright we shall get ready"

I left them to eat in the dining room so I could wake up the three girls. I went up stairs and back into my room and they were awake talking to each other

"Now that you all are awake we will be leaving in two hours for training, and Sofia and Ruby will be coming along"

"Do they want to become adventurers as well?"

"They want to come so that they can learn what we do and see how they can help us"

"Alright but how will they be able to help"

"Ruby is a dwarf and she also is very skilled at being a black smith so if she observes the ways we fight she can make us a weapon that suits our style and strength. Sofia is a dark elf so she can learn poison and blood magic which will be helpful in case any of us get poisoned while out adventuring"

"Alright but we won't be going easy on them even if they are new"

"Good, I wanted to test myself anyways" Sofia said walking into the room. I saw Sofia and Maria sizing each other up like it was a boxing match.

"Alright you guys can spar once we get there but I will have no fighting under this roof"

I went back down stairs to eat some more and Ruby followed me.

"So, can you not talk or are you a mute?"

Ruby looked at me in silence. She then grabbed a pencil and paper and started to write, then passing me the note.

"I can't speak because I lost my vocal chords when I was younger, Sofia has been looking after me since then"

"Ok, that explains it. Well I will help take care of you from now on as well so if you need anything just ask"

Ruby smiled and then began to write again.

"Close your eyes for a second"

"Alright" I closed my eyes and Ruby came up and kissed me on the cheek. I opened my eyes to Ruby holding a piece of paper in front of her face saying

"Thank you for helping us"

Ruby then ran off and I was alone in the dining room.

"How cute"

Since I was now alone I decided it was time to test out some other magics from my Endless Book. I first tried out "Flash Bang" which was a spell that threw an orb that would explode causing a blinding light to flash blinding any who looked at it.

The next magic that I tried out was "Endless Void" which plunged an enemy into an endless void that they would fall in for eternity with no way out other than death. I stopped trying out the different magics and I sat back down and waited.

"We are ready," Mia said as she came down the stairs with everyone else in tow. I got up and went with them to the door. As I opened the door I noticed a slight breeze in the air. The girls walked out and the last one was Ruby

Ruby ;assed me a note saying,

"what's wrong"

"Nothing I just thought someone was watching us for a second but it was probably nothing. Alright let's go we got quite the day ahead of us" I said following Ruby down to the carriage.

"He's a sharp one isn't he my friend Odin"

"Yes Zeus, he is pretty sharp. He also has a very high potential, and I believe one day he will be stronger than all of us. I believe he will bring a new age to the Gods returning us to glory"

"Quite the evaluation huh" Zeus said while raising his glass of wine.

"Well lets hope he lives up to our expectations I might just be talking for myself but I am intrigued to see what he will bring, what story will be told about him"

I took one last glance around and looked to the sky before entering the carriage. I could not rid myself of that feeling from earlier.

this was a shorter chapter but more to come. I plan to write any where from 2-4 chapters tomorrow we will see but if I write more then 4 then you will see at least 2 updates so stay tuned.

I have a four day weakend starting tomorrow so I plan to write quite a few chapters so be prepared.

I hope that you guys are enjoying it so far because I am having fun writing it, See you tomorrow.


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