
The King of Creation is Born

One day Henry finds himself in a new world With Goddesses? What will Henry do in this new world and what will this world have in store for him.

PENGUINI · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

New Conflicts Arise and Decisions Are To Be Made.

Walking with Maria through the castle we saw lots of art and paintings but there was one that stood out the most to me and it was a painting of a tiger on a mountain that was growling at a dragon in the sky and it was called, "When a King challenges God".

"That is a badass painting, when I get a house I will need to get some paintings like that. We continued on and Maria stopped and turned to us.

"This will be your room for the time you are at this castle please feel at home and if you need anything just ask. Now before I go we will be having lunch in the main dining room in thirty minutes so if you could be ready for that that would be good. My room is three doors down if you need anything come to me and I will do what I can to help you, I shall see you three in thirty minutes for lunch".

"Thank you, and we shall see you then," and then we entered the room. When we walked in we could see only one bed in the room so I thought that this must have been a mistake so I told Mia and Hibana that I would be right back.

I left our room and walked over to Maria's room and when I got to the door I knocked and I heard a scream and a thud. I burst into the room and I saw Maria on the floor in just her panties and her bra and her face went red once she saw me.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to, I just heard a thud and wanted to make sure you were alright" I said while covering my eyes. She walked over to me after putting on clothes and she punched me right in the stomach.

"Ahhh… I guess I deserved that. I shall get going now"

"Wait… can I talk to you for a second, I want to ask you something" Maria said

"So you want to talk after punching me" I joked


"It's about today… My dad will have invited a suitor to marry me since I am turning 18 tomorrow and I don't know what to do. I.. I don't want to get married. Not to someone I don't know. Can you help me"

"Yeah but what do you want me to do in order to help you"

"I want you to agree with whatever I say at lunch because I know the man will be there so I want to let him and my father know that I will marry who I want"

"Also, why is there only one bed in our room?"

"There's only one bed because I thought they were your wives, but I guess not"

"Alright," I said. I knew that this wouldn't just resolve her issue but I decided to help her anyway. I left her room and walked back to my room and walked in to Mia and Hibana looking at dresses in the mirror and they turned back to me.

"Welcome back what happened"

"I went to ask Maria why there was only one bed and she said she thought you two were my wives". Both Mia and Hibana looked flush and turned back to their mirror.

"Eh-hm.. So did she say anything about the bed"

"Nope she didn't say a thing about the bed but she did talk about lunch"

"Alright I guess we can fix that later. Now, we should get ready for lunch" Mia said. So we got ready for lunch and I wore a black suit with a gray tie while Mia wore a red dress and Hibana wore a blue dress. Maria came to our room and picked us up and we all walked down to the dinning room where we met her family and a man who was sitting at the opposite end of the table.

"Thank you for coming today, you have helped my daughter with her dungeon and her coming of age ceremony so I cannot thank you enough" The father said.

"Your welcome, it was a challenge to clear that dungeon that I believe couldn't have been completed without her help" I said. Maria got flushed when I complimented her and the man at the end looked a little angry so I was worried I said something wrong.

"Maria, this will be your husband after your birthday tomorrow so you should get to know him" Her father said and the man seemed to have calmed down a little.

"Father.. With all due respect I will not marry a man that I don't know nor do I love. I will marry who I want and not who you want" Maria said.

"Maria is there someone else who you believe would be a better partner because it sound like that is what you are saying"

"Yes father there is someone else and that man is Henry" she said and the gazes of everyone turned to me even Mia and Hibana looked at me and they looked a little sad and confused.

"So you mean to tell me that this boy is more fit for you than I am" The man exclaimed angrily.

"With respect I don't know who you are and I could care less for who you are but I know that Maria doesn't want to marry you so clearly you aren't fit for her" and that's when the man went ballistic.

"I challenge you to a duel and I will kill you" he said

"You are welcome to try but I doubt that you could even raise a sword to me" I replied

"Settle down gentlemen let's think this over before we make any quick decisions"

"No this can only be settled by a fight. I will have nothing other than a fight. I will fight you too if I have to" He exclaimed while his face was a blood red. I saw the anger in his face and I found it funny.

"Good luck but when you are on the ground begging for mercy I will laugh" I said and with that the man stormed out of the dining room and Maria's father followed.

"Well I guess we will fight, good I can test my strength against someone else" Mia and Hibana left the room and went off on their own with pouts on their faces.

"You should probably fix that Henry. If they are not your wives like you said than they are going to be in pain"

"Alright I will go to them, are you fine with marrying me and me having multiple wives?"

"It's fine and I would only marry someone who is stronger than me. I fell in love with your personality and your strength, and your will to never give up. I fell in love with you and so have the other two, now go and find out what they mean to you and what you mean to them. I won't object to the feelings of another woman." Maria said.

I went off to find Mia and Hibana so that I could fix things. I looked throughout the house but couldn't find them. I thought that they could be outside in the garden so I went out to search for them. I found them in the flower garden by the fountain.

"Are you two ok, I have been looking for you for a while I was starting to think that you had left" I said

"What do you care, you're gonna be married to Maria anyways, you don't need us" Mia said with tears streaming down her face.

"I would never forget about you two. You brought me here and helped me find a meaning when I had nothing. After dying you gave me a second chance at life. You have been with me through everything so I could never forget about you" I said and I walked towards them and wiped the tears from their eyes.

"If it is alright with you two, would you mind marrying me? I can't think of a time without you two because you brought me here and you taught me things that I could never have imagined before. I need you two now more than ever, and I will forever" I said. Mia and Hibana looked up to me and then to each other.

"Yes.. If you are fine with me" they both said and they sprang up to embrace me.

"We know that we won't be the only women so make sure that you treat us equally or else we will never forgive you" Mia said with a smile on her face.

"Alright it's a promise" I said and with that I now had two wives that just so happened to be goddesses. Life was looking good and now I had to prepare for my duel tomorrow. But I felt a chill go down my spine. I felt a storm brewing and I didn't know what side I would be on during this storm.

"I have a bad feeling about tomorrow, but that will just be another challenge to face and a new opportunity to grow. But now is not the time for worry, its my wedding night after all"

Im enjoying writing and I have been planning this plot for a while so I have plans to do with this novel and I wont stop even if I dont get as much attention as I would like, because for me this is a passion so if you enjoy this series than you will be pleased to know that I have no plans to give up or stop.

If you would like for me to add things I will listen to comments, but I will only listen if you aren't trying to change the entire plot.

Next chapter will have sex in it and if you have suggestions for the next time I right this kind of chapter leave them down below.

I appreiciate any and all feedback so feal free to criticise.


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