
The King of Beast Trainers

A brand new masterpiece by the author of "Unscientific Beast Taming"!!! The best fantasy novels in China in 2023! The invasion of creatures from different time and space gave birth to the "Beast Master" profession, and the protagonist was selected by a mysterious "black card", indicating that he has the qualification of a Beast Master and can contract to control pets to fight for himself! "Who could become the undisputed King of Beast Trainers in the brand-new Beast Training Era?" Royal Beast+Online Gaming+Spiritual Energy Recovery+Secret Realm

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355 Chs

Chapter 86 Someone Has to Be Lucky_2

Translator: 549690339


"Roar!!" Yellowy, the Stone Pig, after consuming a rare resource, should have had its strength, defensive power, and speed all enhanced to epic levels. Seeing the enemy charging, it had also targeted a Flame Lynx, its whole body covered in Boulder Armor, and it charged and rammed straight into it with its rock fangs.



From the look of its speed, it was even stronger than the explosive power of the Flame Lynx. The fiery claws of the Flame Lynx that charged could only shatter a piece of its Boulder Armor, not injuring the Stone Pig itself, but the Lynx itself suffered a misfortune, as it was suddenly sent flying by a massive force and smashed against a tree.



"Whooaah———" The Flame Lynx now had two gaping holes in its body, blood pouring out, and it howled in agony. Its defensive power was evidently inferior to that of the Stone Pig.

