
The King of Beast Trainers

A brand new masterpiece by the author of "Unscientific Beast Taming"!!! The best fantasy novels in China in 2023! The invasion of creatures from different time and space gave birth to the "Beast Master" profession, and the protagonist was selected by a mysterious "black card", indicating that he has the qualification of a Beast Master and can contract to control pets to fight for himself! "Who could become the undisputed King of Beast Trainers in the brand-new Beast Training Era?" Royal Beast+Online Gaming+Spiritual Energy Recovery+Secret Realm

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Chapter 76: The Boiling Infinite City Number 5_3

Translator: 549690339

"Roar!!" At this moment, the bull-headed giant beast was covered in numerous shattered pieces of demonic energy armor, with black blood oozing from its body. One of its black horns had been halved, but it still maintained an extremely frenzied state, charging at Lu Ran and Mr. Husky with a giant axe in hand.

Fortunately, Lu Ran had a plan for this situation—he swiftly twisted his body, and a crossbow appeared in his hands as Mr. Husky maneuvered around him.

"Mr. Husky!"

In the blink of an eye, Lu Ran shot the poisoned arrow and at the same moment, Mr. Husky turned, using the last of its energy to blow out a mighty Roar of the Wind.


The hurricane accelerated the toxic arrow, and the Devilish Bull Leader, still having no sense of defense and solely focused on the offense, paid no attention to the seemingly harmless arrow. Nor did the Roar of the Wind from Mr. Husky impede its steps in any substantial way.
