
The mutation

After waking up from the coma Samuel felt weird, he took a nap to see if it would help but he caught too many zzz[1] and woke up the next day when he went to school everyone was asking why he skipped a day of school.

because he had never skipped a day of school, he didn't say anything, because he knew that they would snitch[2] the information it to his bully named Billy and then the information would be passed on to the school head, and then his school head will expel him which would cause his father to make a vaccination and inject him with it, so he said "I was sick" everyone felt bad and also like he was lying because, when he was sick the last time he brought drugs to school, then they asked him why he did not bring drugs this time. He said "The sickness was severe everyone went back to the emotion of feeling bad, but still they passed it to Billy, when Billy found out about the information he tried to attack Samuel, assuming he would be weak but when Billy tried to pounce on Samuel...đŸ„

Samuel caught him, squeezing his neck almost killing him, but had mercy.

[1] this means 'to sleep'

[2]this means to inform on especially in betrayal of others

I hope you enjoy your reading!!

Okoro_gamimgcreators' thoughts