
Revenge, fails

Billy ran away angrily and said "I'll get you back" surprisingly Billy' father was also a scientist named Daniel, that works with the military so when he went home he asked his father if he could get a hand gun, his father said "Ok" his father knew he was a bully, so he gave the gun đŸ”« with no amo, because he assumed that Billy would use it to threaten people, when Billy got to school the next day,he pointed the gun at Samuel but he wasn't scared, Billy tried shooting but it didn't work he tried checking the amo but nothing was there 😂 then they started a fight every step that Samuel took the school shook Samuel warned Billy with a rap (my agility's killing me my speed like a bolt a just need one punch and you'll be sent flying back, like do you know me, I can end your life right here right now but a just don't wanna do it) Billy still wanted to fight, and then Samuel blew him and Billy fell . everyone:oooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

then Billy ran promising never to bully again.

[rap](my agility's killing me my speed like a bolt I just need one punch and you'll be sent flying back, like do you know me, I can end your life right here right now but I just don't wanna do it)

Okoro_gamimgcreators' thoughts