
The Beginning


A war between Jinns where two sides fight each other for the doom of the humanity or for their safety. They fight and fight until one side falls. The leader of Bad Jinns, Hans, is lying down and with his dying breath he said "There will be a time where Humanity the weakling will be the conqueror and slaver and I know that time is approaching fast beware for this is the mistake you will be regretting" and with that he dies. The leader of Good Jinns, Solo, was listening and announces to his army " I declare that this war is over I declare that humanity must be protected at all cost and if anyone of you hurts them will face my wrath where it will be worse than death. "


One day at the classroom, a young man named Najo is sitting while listening to his teacher discussion about their graduation for their Senior High when his best friend, Nalg, asked him "Are you excited about the Graduation?", Najo answered " Nah, It is just the beginning of hardship once we step in the college." Nalg said while making a sad face " I know but we have to enjoy" Before Najo can answer he felt dizzy and hearing a ringing in his ear and before he fell unconscious he sees a white girl wearing a white dress smiling at him. And everyone was shocked at what happened.


After 3 hours of sleep Najo woke up and beside him is Nalg asking "How are you feeling?" and he answered "I'm fine". Nalg goes out to call their teacher, Sir KC. Sir KC arrives and tells him "I've called your parents and they will send a car to fetch you home."

Najo was assisted by his best friend to ride the car and when he arrives at his home. He saw the white girl in his room and ask "What do you need this time?" and the girl answered " You know what we need, we need you to come to our world so that we can help you control the energy you've acquired a long time

a ago." He answered " You know I can't do that 1 day of staying in your world is equivalent to 1 week here" She answered " But you could die trying to control the energy here in the human world will cause the energy to become unstable it needs to go back to the jinn world, you know full well that energy is the result of studying different kinds of magic books in the great library especially you have read the forbidden books" she tries to beg him " So please come back to our world" he answers " You know I am not a jinn but a human a weakling" she begs him for the last time " Please go back if you want to have a normal life in human world the only cure is to remove it, it will require 1 jinn year to fully remove it." Najo thinks about it and since he does not have a choice he agrees and at that moment they were transported to the Jinn World.