
The killer of the Past

Mohan an extremely normal guy finds his one true love, he was happy and content in his life until the recession hit, and he had to migrate to another country to provide better conditions for his family, little did he know that it would be his last seeing them. Unfortunately, Mohan was murdered in a homicide and his family starved to death. He is now reborn as a detective, he meets his soulmate coincidentally during one of his cases. Will he get her back? will he solve his murder from his past life? and will he stop the criminal who is now trying to break his happily ever after?

Manogna_Boppudi_ · Urbain
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46 Chs

the witness camp

The dreams kept coming, and this time, they showed me something really emotional and complicated. I saw that man again, the one who's always in my dreams. In one of the dreams, he looked so happy and satisfied, like he was living a wonderful life with a woman who could have been his girlfriend or even his wife. They seemed really, really happy, always together, and their love was like a shining light in their lives. It made me wonder who she was and how he found such happiness. These dreams left me with a mixture of feelings, like curiosity and a bit of sadness. I couldn't help but wonder if these dreams were trying to tell me something important about my own life.

But in another dream, everything changed. It was like all the happiness had disappeared. He had to leave the woman he loved, not because he wanted to, but because he had no other choice. She, the woman he cared for, promised to look after his mom and the baby they were expecting. It felt like a heavy weight on my chest, making it tough to breathe. This dream left me feeling really sad as if there was a deep story hidden behind it, and I wished I could understand it better.

Aman noticed that I was upset and gently woke me from the deep emotions my dream had stirred. He asked about the dream, but I couldn't find the words to explain all the complicated parts of it. We both had our own feelings to deal with, and it didn't seem like the right moment to untangle the intricacies of the dream.

As tiredness and uncertainty kept our minds cloudy, we eventually drifted back to sleep. The dreams remained a mystery, their meanings hidden in the deep parts of our minds. The next day would surely bring new challenges and discoveries, but for now, we sought comfort in the short break of sleep. We don't have all the answers, and sometimes it's okay to let mysteries be, especially when we need rest and peace in that moment.

The morning arrived with the grim confirmation that the recent incident was indeed a murder. Our hunch had proven correct, but deep down, Aman and I hadn't wished for such an outcome. We were driven by the pursuit of justice, but we had hoped for a different resolution.

The weight of the revelation settled heavily upon us, knowing that the danger was not confined to a single person's actions. The thought that a group of dangerous individuals might be involved cast a shadow of unease over our investigative efforts.

With this troubling information, we realized that the safety of the victims was paramount. We knew that we had to act swiftly to ensure their well-being, so we decided to approach our superintendents and deputies to discuss the autopsy findings and the broader implications of the case.

In a brief meeting, we detailed the evidence that had led us to conclude that multiple individuals were responsible for the heinous crimes. The grim truth was that the victims were still at risk, and we could not afford to underestimate the reach and influence of those behind these sinister acts.

The consensus was clear – we needed to relocate the victims to ensure their safety. It was a difficult decision, as it meant uprooting them from the witness camp where they had found solace and support. But their need to reunite with their families and the undeniable threats they faced left us with no other choice.

The plan was to send them back to their respective countries, where they would be placed under the protective wing of witness protection programs. This would ensure their safety while providing the opportunity to reunite with their loved ones.

The logistics of the operation were daunting, but the urgency of the situation left us with no room for hesitation. We coordinated with the relevant authorities and agencies to arrange the transfers. The victims, who had endured so much already, now faced the prospect of further upheaval.

While we remained near the crime scene, continuing our investigation and pursuit of the culprits, our primary concern was the well-being of the victims. It was a somber reminder of the harsh realities of our work – that justice often came at a heavy cost.

The relocation process was set in motion, and we worked tirelessly to ensure that every detail was meticulously handled. The victims' safety and the opportunity to reunite with their families were at the forefront of our minds as we navigated the intricate web of bureaucracy and logistics.

In the face of these challenges, our resolve remained unwavering. The victims' safety was non-negotiable, and we were committed to seeing this through, no matter the obstacles in our path. We could only hope that this decision would lead to a brighter, safer future for those who had already endured so much pain and suffering.

As the chapter on our previous case came to a close, I found myself at a crossroads. I had been deeply invested in the investigation from the beginning, and now, thanks to Rajesh sir's recommendation and consultations with the federal authorities, Aman and I were given the opportunity to become part of the new case. It was a chance to delve into a fresh mystery, one that had the potential to be just as complex and challenging as our previous one.

The catch was that we had to relocate to South Korea until this case was officially closed. In our line of work, "closed" meant not just solving the case but also ensuring that the culprits were apprehended and brought to justice. Aman was ecstatic at the prospect, eager to tackle this new challenge with vigor and enthusiasm.

However, I couldn't shake the feeling of conflict that gnawed at me. On one hand, I was excited about the case and the opportunity to work closely with Taeri. Our connection had grown stronger as we navigated the previous investigation together, and I couldn't help but hope that something more might develop between us.

But on the other hand, I had deep concerns about leaving my mother, Maa, behind. She had always been my anchor, my source of strength and support. The thought of being far away from her, especially in the midst of this dangerous new case, weighed heavily on my heart. I couldn't help but wonder if she would be okay on her own.

I decided to say yes to the officials, recognizing that this case was too significant to pass up. It was a chance to make a real difference, to bring justice to those who had suffered, and to work closely with Taeri, whom I had come to care for deeply.

Yet, the decision to leave Maa behind continued to trouble me. I knew I wouldn't be at peace until I spoke to her about it. Our relationship was built on trust and open communication, and I couldn't leave her in the dark about my plans and the potential risks involved.

I made the call to Maa, apprehensive about her reaction. She answered the phone immediately, her warmth and concern evident in her voice. I tried to break the news gently, explaining the situation, the new case, and the need to relocate to South Korea. I reassured her that it was temporary and that we would be back once the case was resolved. The conversation went like this

"Tarun beta, when are you coming back?"

"Maa, I may not come home for a few months."

"Ah! You must be pranking me right? Where are you? Don't tell me you are at the front door and doing all these silly things?"

"Maa...(he lets out a sigh) I am serious"

"What? Why?"

"Maa, I need you to stay calm and promise me that you will not be scared and promise me that you will not scold me please"

"Ok, tell me"

"Remember the other day I told you that it is much more than we thought here..."

"Yes, is everything okay? Should I be worried?"

"Maa relax...let me talk please"


"We got a location about the drug dealers we were looking for, but the day before we were planning to go there, we received a call from one of our senior officers that they had a lead on the girl missing. The killer took her to a place somewhere unknown and they got the coordinates to the unknown "

"But what does it have to do with your mission?"

"The coordinates of both the places are the same"

"The killer is in the place you are now? And you don't want me to worry?" (Yells at him almost angry and scared at the same time)

"Was...he was with me in the tunnel "

"Was? He is not now? Did he escape?"

"The guy the whole media was telecasting about died when we reached there...while we were investigating the place we heard a gunshot and rushed to see his dead body."

"Did he shoot himself?"

"At first, we thought the same, but he was killed...they found two bullets in his head, one from the gun he had and the other from a different one and none of us fired".

"So you are saying, the killer we thought was the killer is not the killer?"

"Yeah, we have to now send all these victims to their home countries."

"Victims? I thought it was just the girl"

"We thought the same too, but it wasn't just her, there were many including children, they were kept starving and this is underground we're talking about sunlight, no proper oxygen and we can inhale all sorts of poisonous gases considering that this tunnel was once a mine used for extracting uranium."

"What? But what does that have to do with you coming home?"

"Aman and I are officially appointed as agents in this case"

"Well, it's a good thing right?"

"Yes but that means we have to relocate to South Korea until we officially close this case"


"Maa I didn't call you to tell you this... I called you to ask you to move to Korea with me. Once the case is done we will get back home. Please stay with me, I can't stay without you, especially after all that has happened here, I don't want to leave you alone, and besides it is more like I can't stay alone."

"But you will have Aman right?"

"Aman will be moving with his wife...why would he want to stay with me... please say yes Maa, I am getting these nightmares lately and I want you by my side "

"Okay, when should I leave?"

"I'll be getting there in a couple of days and I'll apply for a Visa...once it's approved you can come to me"

"Okay...keep me posted... I am not mad at you but please be careful... I love you beta" and she hangs up.

Maa's initial shock and worry were palpable, but she trusted my judgment. With a heavy heart, I asked her if she would consider coming with me. Her response was filled with love and understanding. She agreed to join me in South Korea, putting my concerns at ease.

I was filled with gratitude and relief. Maa's presence would be my anchor in this unfamiliar territory, and I was determined to ensure her safety and well-being throughout this new chapter of our lives.

With the support of our loved ones and the promise of a new challenge ahead, Aman and I embarked on our journey to South Korea, ready to face the complexities of the case and the mysteries that awaited us. The path ahead was uncertain, but our determination was unwavering, and we were prepared to tackle whatever obstacles lay in our way.

With the weight of my recent decisions and the impending journey to South Korea, I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I assisted the victims in boarding their respective buses. It was a small respite amidst the ongoing complexities of the case, a moment where I could see that they were one step closer to safety and reunification with their families.

Aman and I were to travel on the East Asian bus, the bus that would take us to Delhi, the first leg of our journey. I knew that we would be provided quarters to live in once we reached our destination in South Korea. It was a logistical concern we had addressed earlier to ensure that both Aman's wife and my beloved Maa could accompany us, offering us the comfort of their presence during this critical time.

As the bus rumbled to life and began its journey to Delhi, I noticed Taeri gazing out of the window. Her expression was a mixture of contemplation and perhaps a touch of melancholy. When our eyes met, she offered me a faint but reassuring smile before returning to her thoughts. It was a small gesture, but it warmed my heart and gave me hope for the future.

Aman, exhausted from the recent events and the long day, quickly succumbed to sleep as the bus continued its journey. The four-hour ride to Delhi stretched ahead of us, providing a brief respite before our flight to South Korea. The gentle rocking of the bus and the rhythmic hum of the engine gradually lulled everyone into a restful slumber.

The victims, my fellow agents, and the others on the bus all found solace in sleep, seeking refuge in dreams that were hopefully free from the haunting realities we had faced. As I watched them sleep, I couldn't help but wonder what their dreams held, whether they were finally experiencing moments of peace after the trauma they had endured.

Eventually, the weight of exhaustion and the emotional toll of recent events claimed me as well. As the bus carried us closer to Delhi and the next phase of our journey, I too surrendered to the gentle embrace of slumber. It was a restless sleep, filled with dreams of unknown futures and the challenges that lay ahead. But I knew that we were all bound by a common purpose – to seek justice and bring an end to the shadow that had cast itself over our lives.

As the journey continued, my dreams took an unsettling turn. This time, they weren't centered around Mohan or his girlfriend; instead, they were about us, the victims on the bus. In my dream, our bus came to an abrupt halt, and a chilling realization struck me – the malicious individuals behind these horrors had found us. They mercilessly seized all the victims and subjected them to torture, casting a shadow of dread over our collective nightmare.

Amid the chaos of the dream, I found myself searching desperately for the bus, knowing that the safety of those onboard hung in the balance. As I searched the scene, my eyes were drawn to a strange phenomenon. Words glowed ominously in the water before me – "truth," "free," "answer," "next," "set," and "to you." They held an eerie significance, though their meaning remained elusive.

Aman's voice pierced through the strange nightmare, rousing me from its grip. He informed me that we had reached Delhi, abruptly waking me from the bewildering dreamland back into the harsh reality of our journey. The dream had left me disoriented, and confused about its meaning and how to react to it.

I sought clarification from Aman about the status of all the buses, and his words, assuring that they had all safely arrived in Delhi, eased some of my worries. With that burden lessened, I proceeded to board the flight, gearing up for the next part of our journey.

Aman took a seat next to one of our fellow agents on the flight, while I settled beside Taeri. We exchanged glances, finding comfort in each other's presence. Yet, our shared ordeal left us in a solemn silence as we contemplated the challenges that lay ahead.

As the flight continued, I eventually succumbed to another restless slumber. The dreams that followed were disorienting, feeling incredibly real yet shrouded in a fog of forgetfulness upon waking. The uncertainty these dreams brought left me with a lingering unease, unsure of their meaning or relevance to our ongoing mission.

Taeri, ever watchful and attuned to my distress, woke me from my troubled sleep. She expressed her concern about the nightmares, confirming that she had also noticed the one I had on the bus. Her unwavering support and care provided a reassuring presence during these uncertain times.

Armed with a cup of coffee, I turned to the distractions offered by the in-flight entertainment, hoping to find a moment of respite from the ever-present weight of our mission. Taeri, too, plugged in her headphones, each of us silently navigating our thoughts and emotions as we journeyed toward the next chapter of this challenging investigation.

"Will we be going home?" she asked.

I hesitated for a moment before responding, "Actually, no. You'll be in a witness camp until this case is officially closed. We wanted you to move because you have families waiting for you, and I'm sure they're eager to meet you all."

"Oh," her voice carried a touch of pain as she continued, "but I don't have anyone waiting for me."

"Well, I will be there with you the entire time," I reassured her.

She nodded and fell silent for the rest of the flight.

Upon our arrival at the witness camp, we seamlessly settled into our new surroundings. The friendliness of the other agents created an unexpected sense of comfort. This warm and welcoming atmosphere was a pleasant surprise, lifting our spirits amidst the challenges that lay ahead.

The process of applying for visas for both Maa and Aman's wife was underway, giving us assurance that they would soon join us in this foreign land. The prospect of their arrival brought a glimmer of hope and strengthened our resolve.

As night fell, I found myself gazing at the vast expanse of the sky, its stars twinkling with quiet resilience. Taeri approached me, her presence a source of solace. She expressed her desire to open up about the harrowing experiences we had shared in the tunnel, and with that intention, she began to speak, her voice steady and resolute.

Taeri's voice quivered slightly as she began to recount the events in the dark tunnel. "In that place, the fear was overwhelming. I didn't know if we'd make it out alive, and it felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. When you reached out to help me, it was like a lifeline. Your presence made all the difference."

I nodded, recalling those intense moments. "You were incredibly brave in there, Taeri. We were all scared, but you held on and helped us through."

She continued, "When I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, I felt a rush of relief. But the nightmares... they've been haunting me ever since. It's as if that darkness lingers, even now."

I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, understanding the pain she felt. "I've been having those dreams too, Taeri. They're confusing, and I can't make sense of them."

As she spoke, her words flowed with a mix of emotion. "I think we should talk about it, share our experiences, and maybe together, we can find some clarity."

I agreed, realizing that confronting our fears and the lingering trauma was the right path. "You're right, Taeri. Let's open up to each other. We can help each other heal sometimes". And we retreated back to our rooms.

The sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the camp. It was a new day, and we were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, both as a team and as individuals. The support we had for each other had become a source of strength, and we knew that together, we could conquer the unknown.

In the days that followed, we continued our mission, gathering evidence and making progress in our investigation. The witness camp became a temporary home, a place where we found not only camaraderie but also a sense of purpose.

As we worked together, I couldn't help but marvel at the resilience of the human spirit. In the face of adversity and uncertainty, we found a way to support each other and push forward. The nightmares still came and went, but they no longer held the same power over us.

We had faced our fears and emerged stronger for it. And as we waited for our families to join us, the hope of a brighter future burned ever brighter in our hearts. The challenges were far from over, but we knew we could overcome them, together.

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