
The killer of the Past

Mohan an extremely normal guy finds his one true love, he was happy and content in his life until the recession hit, and he had to migrate to another country to provide better conditions for his family, little did he know that it would be his last seeing them. Unfortunately, Mohan was murdered in a homicide and his family starved to death. He is now reborn as a detective, he meets his soulmate coincidentally during one of his cases. Will he get her back? will he solve his murder from his past life? and will he stop the criminal who is now trying to break his happily ever after?

Manogna_Boppudi_ · Urbain
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The outside world

The day I had to leave my pregnant wife Niveditha, and my mother Maa, marked the beginning of a period filled with uncertainty. None of us knew where we were headed or when we would return. The only information we had was vague – there was an agency that would provide us with transportation and accommodations in a foreign land. They mentioned something about mediators from the agency who would help us stay connected with our families. We were asked to sign contracts, even though most of us couldn't understand what was written in those papers.

Desperation clouded our judgment, making it hard to imagine the challenges that lay ahead. We were driven by a deep yearning for a better future and the love and support of the families we were leaving behind. Looking back, I realize that we were willing to take a leap into the unknown, for the hope of providing a brighter future for our loved ones. But each one of us had to, some of our families were extending just like mine, plus it was really hard for us to find work, let alone find food. The drought was absolutely severe and was more damageable beyond repair.

I reminded myself that fearing the unknown is a waste of time because there comes a point in life when we must confront it. So, with mixed emotions, and a heavy heart, I embarked on this journey, not fully comprehending the sacrifices and hardships that awaited us in a foreign land.

With tearful goodbyes, we left our families behind and made our way to the airport. A plane was waiting for us, ready to transport us to what was promised to be the United States. However, as we disembarked from the plane, it became evident that we were not in the United States. The discrepancy between what we were promised and what we were experiencing left us baffled. We hesitated to voice our concerns because we were paralyzed by fear. We feared that any questioning might lead to deportation or the cancellation of our contracts, which represented our only hope for a better life.

In this state of uncertainty, we found ourselves in a foreign land, surrounded by a language we couldn't understand and a culture that was alien to us. It was a daunting experience, and we knew that we were entering a future filled with challenges that we could hardly anticipate. However, our shared determination and our unwavering belief in the promise of a brighter tomorrow motivated us to persevere.

We navigated our new reality, relying on the support of our fellow travelers who were in the same situation. The solidarity among us was born out of our shared sense of loss, confusion, and hope for a better future. While the path ahead was uncertain, we were united in our belief that our collective strength would carry us through the unknown challenges that awaited us. We all had to endure because despite who we are, people across the world were here for the sole cause of giving their families a better life and with a hope that in a better tomorrow, we would return back to them.

As we settled into our new lives, we formed close bonds with our fellow travelers who had embarked on this journey with us. We shared our stories and experiences, and the camaraderie among us grew stronger with each passing day. While the path to this point had been fraught with uncertainties, our newfound community provided us with a sense of belonging and support that we had longed for. We became each other's strength and we drive forward with the blessings and prayers of our families.

The daily routine became a source of comfort and stability for us. We would work, return to our comfortable homes, and share our evenings with our fellow travelers. We exchanged stories of our past lives, our families, and our dreams for the future. These gatherings allowed us to momentarily forget the challenges we had left behind and focus on the opportunities that lay ahead.

The sense of hope that had started to bloom within us grew stronger with each passing day. We were filled with gratitude for the chance to provide a better life for our families and to experience a level of comfort and security that had previously seemed unattainable. While the challenges of our journey were not forgotten, they were overshadowed by the newfound sense of optimism that this new life had brought us.

There were three levels of workers,

one: newbies like us.

two: people who are a little experienced.

three: experienced people getting promoted into superiors.

Our daily tasks were surprisingly simple. We would go to the mine, collect some minerals, load them onto a cart, and then onto a truck before heading back home. It felt like a world apart from the complex challenges we had faced in the past. But life here wasn't just about work. They made sure we felt at home. The place had parks, bars, and regular entertainment programs to keep us entertained and help us relax. It was as if their goal was to ensure that we were not only productive at work but also happy and content in our new surroundings. They wanted to make it easier for us to adapt to this unfamiliar yet welcoming place.

The sense of belonging and comfort we experienced was a stark contrast to the uncertainty and hardship we had faced in our homeland. While the work was still demanding, the support and care we received made it easier to handle. We were no longer just laborers; we were part of a community, and that made all the difference.

The parks provided a space for leisure and relaxation, allowing us to unwind and enjoy the outdoors. It was a stark contrast to our previous lives, where leisure was a luxury we couldn't afford. These moments of respite were a welcome break from the demands of our work, and we cherished them.

The bars and entertainment programs allowed us to socialize and build connections with our fellow workers. We shared stories, and laughter, and created memories together. It was a reminder that life here was not just about labor but also about living. On the other hand, we became a huge family, and this place became a home away from home for us, not much of a choice for us to be honest, but the peers made it all work out together for us.

The effort to make us feel at home did not go unnoticed. We were not just workers; we were individuals with dreams and aspirations. The support we received in our new surroundings helped us find contentment and fulfillment in this unfamiliar place. It was a fresh start, a new chapter in our lives, and we were determined to make the most of it.

As a year passed in our new surroundings, our yearning to return home grew stronger. We eagerly awaited letters from our families, but for many of us who couldn't read, the members of the agency showed immense kindness by reading the letters aloud and helping us compose our responses. This support ensured that we maintained our vital connections with our loved ones back home. The news that came from our families was always heartwarming, and it was a bittersweet feeling. We missed them dearly, but knowing that our families were safe and happy provided us with the motivation to keep going.

I was overjoyed to hear that Niveditha had given birth to a healthy baby boy, and they had decided to name him after our fathers. It was a deeply profound and emotional moment for me. This news motivated me even further to work harder, knowing that I had more to provide for our growing family. It gave me a renewed sense of purpose and determination. And it gave us a sense of boost and much more bigger responsibility especially every now and then when we heard from our families. Some of our families were getting bigger, and some of our getting smaller, All we could do was stay with each other at our best. Life threw us this unknown opportunity at an unknown location away from our comfort nest and the best we could do to survive here was to be there for each other especially in the times of adversity like we thought.

Gradually, I began to build friendly relationships with the supervisors at our station. I found them to be welcoming and supportive, which was a significant source of comfort in the midst of unfamiliar surroundings. These connections became our lifelines, helping us to cope with the daily challenges and uncertainties we faced.

However, as two more years passed, we started to notice that a few workers were falling ill. The authorities attributed the illnesses to the harsh climate, and they decided to transfer the affected individuals to a level two unit where they could receive medical care. At that time, we weren't overly concerned because we trusted that those who were unwell would get the help they needed.

We continued our work, balancing our longing for home with the determination to build a better future for our families. The support from one another and our newly formed connections made each day more manageable. But little did we know that bigger challenges lay ahead, ones that would test our strength and resolve in ways we couldn't have imagined.

One day, an intriguing opportunity presented itself – I had the chance to visit a level two unit with my supervisor. The journey to this lower level resembled a descent into a valley, a place filled with a complex labyrinth of tunnels. As we ventured deeper, the air around us grew increasingly oppressive, making it challenging to breathe. We had to pause and inhale a special gas to alleviate our discomfort. Surprisingly, this remedy worked like a charm. My supervisor explained that everyone working in this particular area received the same gas to ensure they could continue their work without any interruptions.

As we navigated through this level two unit, my curiosity got the better of me. I couldn't resist asking about what lay even deeper below, in the uncharted territory of level three. What new challenges or surprises awaited us in that dark and mysterious realm? This question lingered in the back of my mind as I continued to toil in this intricate and mysterious environment.

In my heart, the dreams of reuniting with my wife and son remained strong. While I was grateful for the opportunities this place had provided, my ultimate goal was to return to the surface and be with my family once more. The challenge of the unknown was daunting, but my determination was unwavering.

As I continued my work, the mysteries of level three and beyond remained a constant source of fascination. I couldn't help but feel that our journey was far from over, and the deeper we delved into this world below, the more secrets we would uncover, and the greater our resolve would become.

So hesitatingly I asked him...

"What about level 3?"

"Oh trust me, you don't want to know."

And I respected his answer. But it left me with a sense of curiosity and unease. What was it about level three that he was unwilling to divulge? I couldn't ignore the feeling that there was more to this underground world than met the eye.

We reached the second unit, and I saw some familiar faces. They seemed to be doing fine, and it was reassuring to see that our fellow workers who had been transferred to level two were being cared for. We completed our work there and returned to our unit. My supervisor and I had grown close over the past couple of years, and he was someone I respected and trusted.

The following morning, he arrived to pick me up, and we set off to a peculiar place. It was a dead-end, surrounded by walls on every side. Slowly, he approached one of these walls, revealing a hidden door. As he pushed it open, my eyes met a seemingly endless mountain of stairs—thousands of them. We climbed, and by the time we reached the top, I was utterly exhausted. He kindly offered me some food, which I eagerly devoured, and I took a brief rest.

After this pit stop, he opened another door, and to my astonishment, it led to the very airport we had landed in. Confusion swept over me as I looked at him, struggling to comprehend how the airport connected to this mysterious place with hidden doors and countless stairs. 

After we climbed all those countless steps, I realized that our entire life living here was full of lies and false information. We were treated as slaves giving us the impression of providing us with luxury information. At that very moment, I understood how greed blinded us. The air around here felt much lighter and the sun much warmer. The supervisor took me into a room and started talking to me about this place. he said...