
The killer of the Past

Mohan an extremely normal guy finds his one true love, he was happy and content in his life until the recession hit, and he had to migrate to another country to provide better conditions for his family, little did he know that it would be his last seeing them. Unfortunately, Mohan was murdered in a homicide and his family starved to death. He is now reborn as a detective, he meets his soulmate coincidentally during one of his cases. Will he get her back? will he solve his murder from his past life? and will he stop the criminal who is now trying to break his happily ever after?

Manogna_Boppudi_ · Urbain
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46 Chs


After patiently waiting for a few long hours of my life, my closest friend and co-worker, Aman, finally paid me a long-anticipated visit. Do you know what I have been eagerly waiting for? Yes, he brought along the crucial file I had been yearning to get my hands on.

As I delved into the contents of the file, my initial reaction was one of regret; I almost wished I hadn't read it. The crimes documented within were not just distressing but seemed to escalate in brutality as they unfolded. This time, they differed from previous cases in a significant way. The murders lacked a discernible pattern, making it exceptionally challenging to apprehend the perpetrator. These heinous acts occurred simultaneously, with one taking place in one place and the next in a completely different one. Eventually, once the sinister motive was fulfilled, the lifeless bodies of the victims were discreetly disposed of in unknown locations. By now, no matter what their motives were, the sole motive would be the pleasure that drives them to murder people.

I couldn't imagine or understand whether law enforcement was oblivious to these disturbing occurrences or if they simply weren't carrying out their duties diligently. Given the international attention these cases had gathered, one would expect a thorough investigation to establish connections between them. Alternatively, it was possible that the authorities were intentionally avoiding involvement in these severe crimes. The only thought I have had was, that they were perhaps thinking about their families and were not able to take any action regarding those. And those who took an interest in the case ended up going unnoticed or being brutally killed as well.

What made these particular killings even more unsettling were the cryptic notes accompanying each crime. These notes were crafted in such a way as to entice unsuspecting individuals. On the back of each note, there was an address, but it was deliberately designed to confound the victims. Each location seemed to follow a distinct pattern in the cryptic notes, leading those who encountered them on a perplexing journey. I could not understand why people would fall for such a trap. but alas, I am in no position to judge them by their actions, because desperation clouds what is in front of us and messes with our heads very badly.

The situation at hand was a perplexing puzzle, one that left me with more questions than answers. The senseless violence and cryptic messages added an extra layer of complexity to these unsettling incidents. It was clear that something sinister was at play, and it was essential for the world to come together to unravel the mystery and put an end to these horrifying crimes. 

place 1:

The victims of these horrifying crimes were led to a lavish real estate location that displayed a luxurious ambiance and belonged to the wealthier community. They were enticed with promises of receiving substantial discounts on property purchases through a particular agency. The criminals would meticulously prepare contracts that appeared genuine and convincing, leaving the victims with no reason to doubt their authenticity.

Once inside, the victims were offered drinks, seemingly meant to add to the sense of affluence and trustworthiness. However, these beverages were laced with sedatives, causing the victims to become drowsy and disoriented. In this vulnerable state, the criminals would cunningly switch the documents before them. Instead of property contracts, the victims unknowingly signed wills that transferred their entire estates and funds to the individual sitting across from them.

These crimes were specifically aimed at individuals of substantial wealth who were driven by insatiable greed for even more money. The perpetrators preyed on this greed, exploiting it to their advantage. The victims, trusting the luxurious setting and the seemingly legitimate contracts, had no inkling of the treacherous trap they were falling into.

The heinous nature of these crimes lay not only in the theft of substantial wealth but also in the manipulative and deceitful tactics employed. The perpetrators carefully selected their targets, knowing that their excessive desire for riches would blind them to the danger lurking behind the facade of wealth and opportunity. It was a scheme that took advantage of human weakness, leaving victims not only robbed of their assets but also emotionally scarred by the betrayal of trust.

place 2:

These crimes took a particularly dark turn as their focus shifted to the homeless or those on the brink of falling into the same unfortunate category. They were lured with the promise of a dream job at a massive company, one that guaranteed unimaginable salaries and a chance to transform their lives.

People in desperate need of money, often struggling daily wage laborers, migrant workers, and those who were unemployed, were the primary targets of these cruel schemes. The prospect of a stable job in a promising company seemed like a lifeline for them, and they willingly embraced the opportunity, hoping for a better future.

However, the harsh reality was far from their aspirations. Once they arrived at this seemingly promising workplace, they fell victim to a sinister plot. Unaware and having absolutely no clue of what was happening, the agency made sure they did not have any suspicion regarding them and so their drinks were spiked with dangerous substances, leading to their untimely demise.

The heart-wrenching truth was that the victims had already endured a life of hardship, and this cruel deception further exploited their vulnerability. They sought better lives, honest work, and a chance to escape the cycle of poverty, only to be met with a horrifying end.

The criminals preyed on the hopes and dreams of those in dire need of a break, exploiting their trust and willingness to work hard for a brighter future. These crimes not only robbed the victims of their lives but also shattered the aspirations of individuals who were simply seeking a chance to escape their dire circumstances.

These cruel crimes primarily targeted daily wage laborers, migrant workers, and unemployed individuals who were willing to travel to remote locations in search of better employment and improved financial prospects. They were promised a brighter future but were tragically deceived. Their vulnerability made them easy targets, and the criminals exploited their hopes, leaving them with shattered dreams and, ultimately, a devastating end.

place 3:

The perpetrators of these crimes extended their reach to include local fishermen, suppliers to supermarkets, and individuals who worked in or owned shops at the local market. These unsuspecting victims were enticed with the promise of abundant supplies at remarkably low costs. They were provided with an address that led to a warehouse located on the outskirts of the village, where they expected to inspect these supplies.

Upon arrival, the victims were offered drinks, adding an air of trust to the situation. As they examined the supplies, little did they know that their beverages had been spiked with harmful substances. Gradually, they succumbed to the effects of these substances, rendering them unable to escape the sinister trap that had been set for them.

The range of victims encompassed those who relied on their livelihoods from the sea, individuals who supplied goods to local supermarkets, and those who operated or worked in local markets. These crimes preyed on their desire to obtain supplies at a lower cost and expand their businesses.

The shocking element of these crimes lay in the deliberate deception and betrayal. Victims who had simply sought to improve their economic situation and secure a better future for their families were cruelly led to their demise. Their trust in the promises of affordable supplies turned into a horrifying nightmare, leaving them trapped and vulnerable. These crimes were not only a tragedy for the victims but also a stark reminder of the depths to which some individuals can sink in pursuit of their malicious goals.

place 4:

the other state

The criminals behind these heinous acts specifically targeted young, attractive individuals, often with dreams of a career in modeling. They offered these hopeful young people the prospect of glamorous and high-paying modeling gigs, igniting their aspirations for a successful future. However, what seemed like a golden opportunity quickly turned into a horrifying nightmare.

Once under the control of the perpetrators, the unsuspecting victims were given drinks that concealed dangerous substances. As the effects of these substances took hold, their dreams of a promising future were shattered, and they found themselves in a perilous situation.

These crimes exploited the hopes and dreams of these young individuals who yearned for success and recognition in the modeling industry. They were enticed by the allure of wealth and fame, only to fall victim to a cruel deception. The heartbreaking deceit behind these crimes not only ended the lives of these aspiring models but also left a profound sense of loss and tragedy in the wake of shattered dreams.

In summary, the crimes in these different locations were characterized by elaborate schemes that preyed on the vulnerabilities and desires of their victims. These criminals manipulated trust, ambition, and desperation, leading to devastating consequences for those who fell into their traps. The global nature of these crimes and the cryptic notes left behind underscored the need for international cooperation to solve this sinister mystery and put an end to these horrifying acts.