
The Killer's Wife

Layla was kidnapped after getting heavily drunk when her father died . She realises that her kidnapper is no other than the country's most wanted Serial killer and Persian prince Eldar. Eldar couldn't resist those blue orbs , so once he got her vulnerable , he kidnapped her and is ready to kill anyone or anything that dtands in his way of getting her to love him back. Even if he has to force her to love him back !

Layla_Sheikh · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter Ten


I woke up very late and realised that there was a note on my bed. I could smell Eldar's cologne, so it definitely had to be coming from him.

I picked up the note and it read

"Good morning Sunshine

I'm off to Persia now,

I'll be back very soon.

    Be a good girl

Make sure you eat good

And know that you're mine"


I blushed at this note. I knew I hated him but this note made me happy .

Finally Eldar was not in the country. I jumped off my bed and run into the bathroom. I took my bath and said my prayers.

I walked downstairs in a very happy mood. Everyone noticed it.

I greeted everyone and sat for breakfast. After eating , I helped the maids to clean up.

"Why are you so excited Layla " ? Suleiman asked.

I grinned and started singing "Happy" by Pharrell Williams. They all started laughing.

"Anyways , I'm happy that Eldar isn't home and I can go visit my best friend Muneera" I yelled into his ears.

Everyone started laughing too.

We spoke for a long while before we decided to leave for Muneera's house.

I picked up Shamsiya and walked to the car.

We got there within 20 minutes.

Muneera was sitting in front of her house, with her hand in her palm.

We tiptoed to her and I tapped her on the shoulder.

"Go Away Yakob , can't you see that I'm in a pensive mood ?" She asked while her head was still in her palms.

I tapped her once again

"I swear to God, if you touch me once again Yakob , you'll regret being my younger brother " she threatened.

That made me giggle and her head shot up immediately at the sound of my voice.

She looked at me with red teary eyes. She had been crying.


I missed her terribly too . I hugged her very tight while she tried to wipe away her tears.

When she finally noticed the boys , she fixed herself and coyly said "Hi".

Neera has never been shy. Why now ?!

Then I noticed how she and Suleiman were making eye contacts.

Awww I could tell that they were in love.

I just stared at them lovingly and my mind went back to Eldar.

What was he doing ? How was he doing ? Had he eaten ? Was he thinking about me ?

I realised that I missed him for the very first time.

I missed his arrogance, his pride and his seduction.

I hated him but I missed him.

I missed my father too, I was never going to see him again.

I was now an orphan , trapped in this cruel world.

A tear escaped from my eyes.

I think everyone noticed my sudden mood change, because they all hugged me.

It felt good.

"Why are y'all hugging me ?" I asked.

"We just felt like it " they said in unison.

It made me feel happy and lucky.

Neera and I spoke for a long while before it was time for us to leave.

"When will you come back?" She asked.

"Very soon " I assured her.

Suleiman gave her his number and asked that she could call , anytime she wanted to talk to me.

I knew he did that for his own personal benefits.

But I couldn't blame him. After all everyone falls in love sometime.

We drove off to the mall for some shopping.

They bought me every single thing that, I wanted . As we were shopping , I needed to use the bathroom.

I excused myself and went to the bathroom. After using it, I came out and was suddenly garbbed by a strange man.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed on top of my voice.

The strange man pulled me away outside of the mall , to a waiting van .

I struggled to free myself but he was stronger than I was. He pulldd me infront of him , so that my butt was against his crotch.

I had to protect myself. I wriggled my hand to his crotch and pulled it as hard as I could. He had a fairly big crotch.

Shamsiya also scratched him very hard across his neck.

The man yelled very loudly. I kicked him hard in the crotch and run away.

He was chasing me , so I run away from the mall's premises.

The Boys would probably think that I was trying to run away , but I didn't care.

I run as fast as my legs could carry me. I hid in a park at night. I slowly dozed off and by the time I realised , I was asleep.

Few hours later .....

I woke up in my room.  Was that a dream? It felt so real.

I saw Shamsiya lying dow fast asleep. My hands hurt and when I checked them , that idiot's hand marks was still on my wrists.

I took my bath and by that time , Shamsiya was awake.

I pucked her up and brushed against her fur as I stood at the balcony.

Someone furiously barged into my room. It was Eldar.

He was home early , but he looked very angry.

"How dare you try to run away ?! From me ?!" He yelled at me.

What ?! Run away ?!.

Shamsiya was scared she held onto me very tightly.

"I didn't try to run away. I was almo-" I was cut short whe he slapped me acros my face and threw Shamsiya off from the 27 feet balcony .

"No Shamsiya !!" I cried.

She was dead. My kitten was dead. Eldar killed her!.

I run.out of the balcony and rushed downstairs to the ground floor.

There , lay my kitten Shamsiya. She was dead! What was her fault ?!

Just when I thought I could like Eldar.

"Shamsiya ! No ! Don't leave me! Please !" I cried.

The Boys run to me. They were shocked at the scene.

I couldn't control my tears. She saved me from that man who tried to kidnap me.

I picked her dead body up and held her to my chest.

"Please Don't Leave Me!" I cried.

But she left. She was killed.

I walked to my room with her in my arms. Eldar was still there , shocked at his own actions.

"Don't leave me Siya ! Please!" I cried lightly.

"She was just a baby. She saved me from that man who tried to kidnap me. Now you killed her !" I spat at him.

I placed her body in her little bed and started hyperventilating.

I blacked out. My parents were dead , my kitten Shamsiya too was gone.

Why me ?

Next chapter will be updated soon....