
The Justice Brigade-(Moved to a New Link)

Four teens from different places live double lives as a superhero team that protects the world from evil at any time and location. Working together and using state-of-the-art crime-fighting technology, their superpowers, and their martial arts skills to help them, they think they can beat any evil guy or problem that comes their way. They also use their smarts to figure out how to stop their bad guys before they get away with whatever they're after. And if they see or hear any trouble, they immediately try to stop it, with or without their teammates.

Joseph_Kohtz · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Season 1, Episode 9: Holidays and Fairytales

The Justice Brigade started setting up for Christmas. While they were setting up, they saw a giant nutcracker attacking the town, so they got into their superhero uniforms and went to save the city. Sungirl shot the monster nutcracker with one of her Sun Beams, broke a part of it off, and a bunch of toys fell off it. Iceboy then kicked its face and broke another piece off of it. Once he did, many books fell off it, and Sungirl caught one labeled "Fairytales." Sungirl said, "Don't mind if I do." Heatgirl kept flying up to the Nutcracker while she blasted it with her Heat Beams and destroyed it piece by piece. Then she made a giant fireball, threw it at the giant Nutcracker, and broke it into pieces. Then she landed and brushed off her hands. After they defeated the Nutcracker, they flew around town looking at all the Christmas decorations. Heatgirl said, "We never had anything like this back on my home planet." Sungirl said, "Well, they may not have Christmas where you come from, but we have it here."

Once they got home. The Justice Brigade removed their superhero uniforms, and Daisy looked at the fairytale book she grabbed during the fight. Once she opened it, a page fell out, and she wondered what it was. She read what was on it and tried to figure out which story it belonged to. Daisy said, "Fairytale book that I hold in my hand, send me straight to Storyland." After she read the spell, the book glowed and opened by itself, and a vortex with a gusty wind tried pulling Daisy into the book. Daisy shouted, "Help!" Her team quickly ran to Daisy's room and saw her holding onto her chair in her room and a vortex trying to pull her into it. The others grabbed Daisy, and Daisy let go of the chair she was holding onto. Once she let go, they got sucked into the vortex and screamed while they got sucked into the book.

Once they got pulled in, the book closed by itself, and The Justice Brigade slid down a slide to an arrow sign. Daisy read the signs and said, "Jack and the Beanstalk? The 3 Little Pigs? Where are we?" Jacob pointed down one of the paths and said, "Not sure, but let's go this way, and maybe we'll find out." The Justice Brigade walked down the path Jake pointed down and saw three houses. Then, a pig came out of the first house made from straw, and Hannah flew up to him and tapped his shoulder. Hannah said, "Excuse me." The first little pig turned around and saw The Justice Brigade. The first little pig said, "Yes." Hannah said, "Could you tell us where we are?" The first little pig said, "Inside a magic storybook, of course." Then, the first little pig screamed in terror and ran back inside his straw house. Frank said, "What was that all about?"

A wolf came and walked right by The Justice Brigade. The wolf said, "Little pig, little pig, let me come in." The first little pig said, "No, no, no. Not on the hair of my chinny chin chin." The wolf said, "Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down." Then the wolf took a natural deep breath and blew the straw house away." Sungirl said, "Hey!" The wolf turned around and saw The Justice Brigade in their super suits. Sungirl said, "That wasn't very nice." The wolf said, "What will you do about it?" Sungirl said, "This." Sungirl punched the wolf away. Then the wolf stood back up and tried to blow Sungirl away, but Aquaboy matched him. While the wolf and Aquaboy were having a standoff, Sungirl blasted the wolf away with one of her Sun Beams. The first little pig thanked The Justice Brigade for helping him. Sungirl said, "No problem. Sorry about your house, though." The first little pig said, "No worries. I'll live with my brother. He lives in a house of sticks."

The Justice Brigade then looked around Fairytale Village. They walked into the dark, scary woods and found a gingerbread house. They thought someone lived there and thought the person who lived there could help them. Iceboy knocked on the door and was waiting for someone to answer. Sungirl then realized who lived there and got worried. Sungirl said, "Guys, we better get out of here." Heatgirl said, "Why?" Sungirl said, "Trust me." Then a witch showed up and saw The Justice Brigade at her front door. The witch said, "You four look lost and hungry. Why don't you come into my gingerbread cottage, and I'll treat you to a snack?" Sungirl pointed at the witch and said, "No, thank you. I know what you are, and I'll never go inside your house." Heatgirl said, "Speak for yourself; I'm going inside." Iceboy said, "Me too." Aquaboy said, "Me too."

Heatgirl, Iceboy, and Aquaboy entered the witch's house, but Sungirl refused. Sungirl pointed at the witch and said, "No one's fatting up my friends and me." The witch said, "Too bad you can't stop me." The witch then cast a spell on Sungirl with her wand and sent Sungirl flying. Then the witch went inside her cottage and started to feed the rest of The Justice Brigade. Sungirl was flying through the sky while she was under the witch's spell. Sungirl said, "There must be a way to break this spell." Sungirl thought about it and figured out a way. Sungirl said, "Wait a minute." Sungirl brought out her compact from her pocket and opened it. The witch's magic reflected off the mirror inside and broke Sungirl free. Then Sungirl dropped to the ground and flew back to the witch's cottage.

Once Sungirl returned to the witch's cottage, she flew in through the window and kicked the witch away. Iceboy said, "Sungirl, what are you doing?" Sungirl saw her team was fat and almost ready for the oven. Sungirl said, "Are you kidding? Have you looked in the mirror lately?" The witch tried to blast Sungirl with magic, but Sungirl kept dodging it. Sungirl then jumped, kicked the witch's wand out of her hand, and caught it. Sungirl then blasted her team with the witch's wand and returned them to normal. After she did, Sungirl threw the witch's rod in the fireplace, and The Justice Brigade ran out of the house. Once they got out, the witch's cottage exploded. The Justice Brigade then left the woods and went to find someone else who could help them.

The Justice Brigade flew up into the clouds and spotted a giant castle. Heatgirl flew up to the door's knocker, lifted it with both her arms, and dropped it so the knocker would knock on the door. Then, The Justice Brigade heard a bunch of stomping coming their way and started to get worried. The door then opened, and a giant answered it. The giant said, "Fe Fi foe sore. Did I hear a knock on my door?" The giant then spotted The Justice Brigade and grabbed them. Heatgirl said, "Let us go." The giant tied The Justice Brigade up and threw them on his shelf with his golden harp. Aquaboy, we got to get out of these ropes before that giant turns us into dolls. Heatgirl said, "Allow me." Heatgirl used her Heat Vision to cut her strings and break herself free. Then she untied her team, and they flew out of the giant's castle and returned to the village. Iceboy said, "There must be someone who can help us get back home." Sungirl said, "I think there is; follow me."

Sungirl took her team to a village, and they looked around from the sky. Aquaboy said, "So, what exactly are we looking for?" Sungirl said, "That." Sungirl spotted a big house at the end of the village and pointed at it. The Justice Brigade landed at the front doors, and Heatgirl almost rang the bell, but Sungirl stopped her. Sungirl grabbed Heatgirl's wrist and said, "Wait. Inside is not our target; the backyard is. Come on." The Justice Brigade peered into the backyard and saw a blonde woman crying in a torn pink dress.

Iceboy said, "Who's the pour maiden?" Sungirl said, "Wait for it." Then, a bunch of magical sparkles appeared near the girl, and a woman appeared beside her. Sungirl said, "That woman is our ticket out. The blonde maiden is Cinderella, who lives here with her two evil stepsisters and her one evil stepmother. They treat her like a maid instead of part of the family and then tear up her dress so she can't go to the ball with them. The woman talking to her is her fairy godmother. She's nice to Cinderella, gives her a new dress, and lets her go to the ball. Watch." The fairy godmother cast a spell on Cinderella and turned her pink dress into a beautiful one for a princess. Then she made her a pumpkin carriage, turned her mice friends into horses, and turned her dog into the driver. Then she got helped into the carriage and waved goodbye to her fairy godmother. Sungirl said, "Come on. Fairy godmother, wait."

The Justice Brigade ran up to the fairy godmother after Cinderella left and asked for her help. The Fairy Godmother said, "Yes." Sungirl said, "We're superheroes, not fairytale people like you and Cinderella. And we're not from Fairytale Village. We got her by accident." The fairy godmother said, "And now you wish that I will wish you home." Sungirl said, "Exactly." The Fairy Godmother said, "I suppose I could. But that spell only works if you want to go home." Sungirl said, "Well, saving the world is a big responsibility." Iceboy said, "But we love doing it together." The Justice Brigade put their hands in, and the fairy godmother used magic to get them out of the book and back home where they belonged. The Justice Brigade got shot out of the book and landed near the fireplace. Then Sungirl shut the book and grabbed the spell. Then she locked them both up in their evidence room, where they kept all the souvenirs they collected from their villains and missions.

The End