

A sport of true excitement it simply gets your heart pumping. At least that's what it is for everyone else but Axel who desperately has to become a high ranking jumper in order to prevent being branded as a failure and being the reason of his brother's death

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A little down the road, we see a teenager running and playing with his younger brother playing some children's games. As they are running, a sudden white flash appears before them as they see three men zoom past them with jetpacks, leaving nothing but a trail of light and dust, all because of one game, a simple sport enjoyed by the entire world, a sport that you can't help but love, the world's number 1 viewed sport, "Jumping". Jumping was a sport invented Im 2050 where 2 teams of three compete to get the hardpoint( a small honeycomb structure like ball) into the zone in a best out of five match. what our little boys have just witnessed was nothing but a simple street game. The players make use of jetpacks, roller blades cannon gloves and a full head protection helmet.

Then the younger brother said "Axel when are you going to become a big jumper?" as this 17 year old boy looked at his 6 year old brother, the only person who didn't hate him when he dropped out from med school to join visual arts because he wasn't getting mentally stimulated anymore, all he wanted to do was make him proud but he couldn't as he hadn't been able to make any teams to play professional Jumping. All he could do was say "Soon John, Soon I will become a great jumper as he looked into the bright neon sky.

Axel and John decided it was time to head home as they had spent almost the entire day outside. When they got back home, John went to shower and Axel started cooking dinner which was Ramen and a half boiled egg. As they were eating, they heard a sudden loud bang on the door. When they opened the door they saw nobody but the landlord standing there, glaring straight daggers into his soul. Axel then asked what was going on when he was given an eviction notice which meant that unless he payed his rent within the next week, he was getting evicted instantly. (I got bored of writing so I'll do a prologue 2 )