
The Journey of Two, One mortal and one God.

Arthur Holloster, and his brother Alexander Holloster went on two journeys. Alexander must save the world from the incoming monsters. While Arthur #### (It's a special thing) Arthur's Romance is pretty obvious. Also suggest tags and other gods or filler dungeons. WIP also don't know how to get people into this.

Aisumnetes · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Climb II

scrapped chapter from the old story

I wake up, in a panic thankfully not screaming. I was sweating seas and then I heard the voice from last night say something, I am not sure but it said something. This time it's voice radiated energy, just by hearing its voice I trembled from the pressure. It's like the voice had a miasma following it.

Third POV

Ragon awoke from his slumber, terrified he decided out of paranoia that he should leave immediately. The sound of birds making the sound 'Kaa' and another one responded 'Caaa!' reminded him of the eagle which used to follow him and would sometimes attack him. It wouldn't have left him alone unless he did something like make a fire or try to beat it with a stick, it seemed to be teaching him. The screeching of a bird made Ragon come back to reality, he looked at the bird to see an eagle grabbing the bird by its talons. The eagle was larger than any eagle he had heard of, it had a curved golden beak , its head was a hidden with a mix of white and a very soft cyan which only appeared in a 1 of 20 white feathers, its tail had the mix of cyan white and a pastel yellow appearing in every 1 of 21 blue feathers. The bird of prey screeched at the top of its lungs once it noticed Ragon, it dove down and scratched Dragon's cheek before he could dodge. Ragon instinctively bounced back a few seconds after he tried to move, his body was unresponsive and seemed to be frozen to time. The eagle swooped down to attack, and Ragon's body finally moved, dodging the eagle by a few centimeters. "That was close!" Ragon exclaimed before grabbing the bird of prey and throwing it into the ground, and was going to stomp it before the eagle let out an ear piercing scream, one which made Ragon's ear bleed. "You!" Ragon exclaimed in pain the eagle got up and leapt into the sky in seconds, clouds hid the mountain and a boom of lightning and the crackling of fire followed. Ragon knew that eagles had hollow bones which made blunt damage more useful, after minutes of thought which turned out to be a few seconds in real time he knew what to do. Ragon grinned and waited for the bird to swoop down, and soon after it did and almost hit him, he karate chopped it in the back of the neck sending it flying down to the ground where he immediately kicked it ten times killing it. Ragon smiled thinking 'I DID IT!!!' or 'OMFG! Or something like 'I SURVIVED, OMFG, I DID IT!!!' Ragon cut off a piece of the eagles beak and took some random materials and made a necklace. Ragon walked for three hours till he heard a sound, something crunching on a leaf. Ragon turned around and yelled a battle cry with vigor to scare off anything. He decided to book it, running for another half an hour before hearing the air 'Thwish' and then a few milliseconds after a 'woosh' from an arrow being shot that went into Ragon's leg making him growl in pain and grip his leg. He gripped his spear from back(Don't fooking ask questions) he ran where the arrow came from to see a man, preparing to shoot another shot. 'Thwish' the arrow let go of the string propelling it into the air. 'Woosh' The arrow collided with the air, creating the sound; The arrow graved his nose, only making him bleed since it disappeared before it could do any damage. He drops his spear and ran for the man jumping at him and punching him, copying a fighting style from one of his visions; the person was a woman which wore black spandex which fits tightly around her body it splits off showing parts of her cleavage, she wears a belt which has metal discs C4 and plastic explosives on it. The girl has long waist length hair which he occasionally sees the girl with neck length short red hair.(Yes it is Black Widow) He grips the man's neck with his legs and lifts himself, once he does that he noticed it was no man ,but a horse man? Man Horse, Centaur. He gulps as he noticed the centaur has a dagger in his hand, Ragon starts yelling 'No,bad! Leave, I don't want you here! Be Absorbed, Please!' Despite his pleas it never happens. The centaur stabbed him in the waist showing anger and his face becoming blue from his lack of oxygen. Ragon grits his teeth, before deciding to grab the dagger and take it out of his waist and into the side of his head; the blood splatters as Ragon stabs the centaur many times in the head,nose, and his last strike stabbed the centaur in the eye. While he was doing this the centaur tried to throw him off, which he couldn't do; A few seconds after Ragon stabbed him in the eye he fell off the falling centaur. Ragon sighed in relief, wait but what the fook just happened?