
The Journey of the Red Dragon Mario and Swordsman Luigi

Two cousins meet for an anniversary, exchange gifts, and get sucked into the mushroom kingdom as a result. See what adventures the bros may have in a new world.

Kevin_Martin_4147 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter 3 – Princess Peach Toadstool

"The castle's right this way Kevin!" exclaimed Cap. Toad, as he also greeted his fellow Toads along the way.

"Coming, coming, it's just there are many curious Toads. You forgot to tell me earlier that humans are extremely rare." complained Kevin, as he also greeted and replied to many questions from the Toads.

"Ah, Captain Toad, what a surprise to see you here." stated an old looking Toad nearby the entrance to the castle.

"Hi Toadsworth, this is Kevin the human. Kevin, meet Toadsworth, he's the royal caretaker and butler of Peach."

"It's nice to meet you sir, but is the princess busy, we have some important information related to my situation as a human."

"Hmm…I remember Peach saying she was meeting with Toadette, her advisor, about what the two of them would do now that she was back from vacation." answered Toadsworth, who opens the entrance to the castle and leads them towards the throne room.

"If that's the case, would it be okay if we interrupted them, as a new human would be of great help towards many of their plans. That is, if you are ok with that Kevin?" asked Cap. Toad, as they reached the throne room door.

"If she assists with the search effort for my cousin, then I'd be happy to repay her with assisting in their plans." answered Kevin as the door opened and they walked inside.

–Throne Room, Peach's Castle–

"Look Toadette, we don't have time to check these rumors about Bowser, our kingdom is more important…" shouted Peach, as their argument reached its apparent climate according to the princess's volume.

"Um, excuse me princess?" Toadsworth reached out to grab the attention of the princess both physically and with his words.

"WHAT!" screamed the Princess, as she turned only to stop short at seeing Kevin.

"Hi…" Kevin let out, fully aware that she's probably never seen another human in her lifetime, and how jarring it would be to see one in the middle of an argument about the kingdom.

"You…" Peach approaches, pushing aside all the toads.

"Uh…calm down, I get that being human is special but…" Kevin states as he summons his gauntlet, feeling the menacing aura coming from the princess.

"Face me. I wish to see if you have a gift similar to mine." demands the princess, as she summons an initially pink and magenta umbrella that warps into a blue and yellow umbrella with a face on top that contains both sapience and sentience. It chooses to remain silent for the upcoming battle.

"Oh ok, but if I win, you have to help me find my cousin as your main priority. If I lose, I will assist with your plans first, and then we find my cousin." decides Kevin, as he suddenly shouts…"Boost!"


"Let's go."