
The journey of Rosé through the Multiverse

This is a Fanfic The story takes place in the world of Naruto/ Boruto (Vol .1 )(will add more chapters when the original story progresses) The second volume will follow the story of Rosé in one Piece (vol.2) I do not own any character other than the [Main Character][ summons ] and the [ abilities] [The cover photo is mine] I am writing this purely for my satisfaction .

Rosee_Iamm · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs

Punk Hazard (R18)

While they were ascending they encountered a white storm of the legends which no one has ever survived ,they were sucked into it,Rosé had Manipulated the surroundings and had Taken the Ship out of the storm unnoticed,Outside of the storm the Encounted a Pod of island whales,it was a fascinating sight to behold, Rosé Communicates with the whales and tells them to Carry Black Diamond ,While the Whales were doing this Brook played music which even the whales enjoyed,it was a wonderful experience.

Once they ascended above , Black Diamond was caught up in a storm and were surrounded by a fleet of Marine battleships,Rosé already knew they were A mirage so he ignored them and continued Lazing around on Robin's lap ,The ships disappeared with the Rain and , Then it began raining again and it wasn't Any normal Rain ,The rain drops were Extremely massive ,Nami who was aware of this place informs them about it saying "They have entered the Maubeugemour Sea, home to weather conditions unlike anywhere else".

The Rain suddenly turns to chunks of hail,They were all Defending the ship,but

an avalanche of snow falls from the sky,Robin then uses her powers to shield the ship from the snow.

The weather changes again, as the ocean splits underneath them,Franky uses coup de burst launches the ship to safety,A lightning bolt was about to strike them but changed its course suddenly shock Nami the others as the had no idea at what just happened and were confused as It wasn't the fist Time that something like this happened.

Afterwards Rosé and the others changed out of their Wet clothes,Rosé was wearing Black Trousers and a black shirt with a red and gold waist coat along with a Royal red Cape ,The weather was extremely warm and everyone was complaining about it ,Rosé was sitting under a shed and was enjoying His drink with Robin and Perona ,Sanji was preparing food for everyone.

Rosé then heads down to the Studio with Zoro as he was going to make him a Tattoo while Sanji prepared food,The Tattoo Rosé made for him was A Tattoo of a Asura holding Three katanas in his Hands with a Japanes Dragon behind it and was surrounded by skulls and Roses.

After the Tattoo was done the Rosé and Zoro went to the deck where there was a lot of commotion,Luffy was running around chasing a shrunken person calling her a Food thief ,Rosé was already informed about a intruder as soon as the ascended from the deep sea but chose not to do anything,The mini intruder Flipped Franky who was blocking her ,The crew surrounded her and she transforms into a large female giant, She begins attacking,Before the Attack lands Rosé speaks "If Black Diamond is Damaged I hope you'll know the consequences,"The crew and the intruder tremble at his words,Luffy picks her up and tosses her overboard,Sanji realising she cannot swim rescues her .

She awakens back on the ship, as the crew greets her warmly,Luffy tells her he finds her ability to grow and shrink fun. She explains she was born a Giant and ate the Mini Mini no Mi Devil Fruit, letting her change her size. Franky asks what else she can do, to which she replies she can grow smaller and slip into an enemies body, where she will expand and blow them to pieces. Finally, she introduces herself as Lily Enstomach, or Lily the Glutton as others call her.

Nami asks Lily why she was aboard their ship, as she explains she was searching for her father while She was floating around at sea in a glass container when their ship emerged from beneath the depths and shattered her container,The Straw Hats ask who their father is, to which she happily tells them that he is greatest pirate chef in the New World. Now curious, Sanji asks who he is. Lily tells him her father is Panz Fry as Sanji knows his name.

Lily tells them he is a volcano cooking chef, with Luffy now becoming more and more curious. Growing excited, Lily goes into great detail about him gathering rare herbs that grow around volcanoes and million year old salt crystals from between molten rocks, and then cooking over the volcano mouth. As Luffy grows more exited, she tells him of another dish of his. A frying pan filled with an assortment of foods from the sea and mountains, cooked over the volcano called Thousand Person Paella. She describes the taste like running through a field of flowers in heaven.

As they fantasize over food, Lily suddenly snaps back to her dilemma, panicking once more. Robin notes she's heard of Panz Fry, that he steals victuals from the World Government, Marines, and other pirates and feeds the starving. Luffy calls him a hero, much to Lily's flattery. She begins to tell them she has been traveling with her father, but he went missing a couple weeks ago. The Marines had taken him, and she had been traveling from island to island in search for him. She found out he was to be taken to Impel Down, because of his high bounty. She traveled to the Maubeugemour Sea after overhearing her father would be transported through there, hoping to intercept the ships.

After hearing her story, Luffy offers to help her rescue her father. The rest of the Straw Hats agree to help her, in exchange they get the chance to taste his heavenly volcano food. Lily happily agrees and promises they'll have enough food to make their stomachs burst.

Rosé was looking at them from above and was smiling, Perona's was sitting behind him and playing with his hair changing thier style,As Black Diamond catches up with the Marine ships,Panz Fry is being held on a raft heavily guarded by four warships.

Nami was responsible for creating a plan, she pairs Luffy with Chopper, Robin, and Brook to be the diversion squad. That they take the Mini Black Diamond II and distract them from a distance. Sanji, Usopp, Zoro, and Lily are paired as the infiltration squad. Their task is to use the Shark Submerge and sneak aboard the raft and free Lily's father. To escape with the prisoner, they are to detach the raft from the ship and whisk it away with Coup de Burst. Nami asks Franky to stay aboard the Sunny and prep it for the Coup de Burst.While Nami herself would be commanding from a distance on the Shiro Mokuba I. She reminds them that the weather might suddenly change and to take extra caution.Nami then looks at Rosé asking for approval, Rosé nod his head and heads back to his cloud from where he would watch them .

On the Marine warship, Vice Admiral Momonga interrogates Panz Fry. He tells him he's never heard of a pirate who so brazenly boarded a Government owned cargo ship before and asks why he did it. Panz Fry explains he merely wanted to take back the food that left many islands starving. That as a cook it is his duty to provide food for the hungry. Momonga states the islands problems are because of pirates like him, and to not shift the blame. Momonga then informs his crew somebody has been raiding pirate ships lately and they might be a target because of their prisoner.

The Straw Hats rescue plan begins, as Robin uses her powers to take out the crew on one of the Marine ships. Brook sends his spirit to terrorize the Marines causing panic and confusion. Zoro and Sanji break the chains binding Panz Fry, Luffy ignores Nami's order and reveals himself to the Marines,The marines seeing the straw hats are involved start trembling and checking to see if Rosé was present but seeing that he was not there Feel relieved.Luffy and Zoro begin fighting with the Marines, Zoro clashes blades with Momonga . Lily reunites with her father, Panz Fry along with the nearby ships are suddenly attacked by a barrage or torpedoes,Rosé Manipulates the Torpedoes heading towards Panz and has them hit the Warships.

The ones who fired them then reveal themselves to be the Neo Marines,Luffy trys to fight Shuzo but is knocked into the ocean by him,Zoro jumps in after Luffy to rescue him,Momonga recognises shuzo as a former marine,They then have a conversation in which shuzo reveals that he was doing all this for the sake of a person named "Z".Shuzo then tells Alpacacino to kill Panz Fry.

Lily enraged, reverts back to her giant form and attacks. She goes on a rampage on the ship, attempting to skewer Shuzo with her fork. Shuzo asks her why she is attacking him, to which she tells him her name and that she is Panz Fry's daughter. Shuzo responds that since she is a pirate too, she'll die with him. As he is about to attack her, Sanji jumps in and blocks his attack diverting his attention to him. Sanji then orders Lily to shrink down, to make herself a smaller target.

Luffy who was rescued by zoro goes on to fight Shuzo,while Zoro battles Momonga ,Sanji and Robin were protecting Panz and lily while fighting the Neo pirates,Usopp watching events from his submarine asks Nami what they should do, as she herself continues to survey the battle from afar. She then begins to notice large geysers appearing called Thrust Up Streams. Much like the Knock Up Stream that took them to Skypiea, but much smaller.

Franky meets up with Nami, as she tells him the weather is going to shift. She contacts everyone to get back onto the Sunny, as the eruptions will soon begin. As Zoro and Luffy continue their fight, Luffy begins to use his Haki as Zoro is able to push the Vice Admiral back from his attacks. He redirects Zoro's strikes causing one of the warships to get destroyed. Franky launches the anchors that hook onto the raft, as the Thrust Up Stream begins its eruption.

It begins destroying the remaining Marine ships around them causing confusion between Shuzo and Momonga, Franky informs Nami he is unable to use the Coup de Burst, noticing the raft is too big , Nami then comes up with a new plan to use the Thrust Up Stream eruption to launch them and the raft to safety. A guyser erupts underneath them launching them away .

Black diamond then leaves Maubeugemour Sea and is docked on a reef,Panz then prepares a Meal for the crew as thanks,Rosé was sitting on Black diamond and was smoking ,Lilly and Panz who had finally Seen Rosé kept staring at him for minutes until they were pulled out of it by Luffy,Panz was extra motivated as he wanted to please Rosé .

Rosé Notices the many submarines that had followed them , they were all rushing towards the reef to crash into it and destroy it as they ran out of torpedoes to use ,Rosé seeing this Uses[Astral Lighiting ],Multiple Red lighting strikes Strike the ocean and electrocute all the submarines causing them to Explode.

The sudden Lightning and the explosions Catch the attention of the crew,Shuzo who saw his Followers die in vain comes out of his submarine enraged ,Luffy seeing Shozu engages in a battle with him .

Luffy uses multiple attacks but is unable to harm Shuzo even when using Haki,Luffy was being Pushed back by him,Rosé spots Alpacacino Fire a cannon ball towards Luffy , Rosé causes the Cannon ball to explode with just a thought.

Everyone was shocked at seeing the cannon ball explode mid air especially Shozu and his partner Alpacacino,Luffy continues to attack Shozu ,Shuzo uses Shigan, stabbes Luffy with his fingers.

Lily then asks Usopp to help fire her into Shuzo's mouth ,he moves out of the way causing Lily to go into Luffy mouth ,Lily begins to grow inside Luffy, contorting and stretching his body as she becomes huge once again. He grows to the size of a Giant,Luffy begins attacking, but Shuzo is able to dodge him ease.

Luffy then enters Second Gear and the fight begins once again,Meanwhile,Rosé takes out [ Silent Death] and Fires a Flame Bullet Towards Alpacacino and the Neo pirates setting them ablaze and completely disintegrating them, Luffy had managed to defeat Shuzo and had sent him flying.

After they had defeated him ,The crew along with Panz and Lily sets sail to look for provisions as the food they were about to make got destroyed when they were fighting,The group then starts fishing,after they collect enough,Panz Fry is able to make his famous food for them under the heat of an active volcano. They share a large feast together and enjoy themselves,The crew then depart continuing their journey in the New world.

A few days Later,Luffy sees a volcano erupting on an island and decides to head there even though none of the New World Log Pose needles are pointing there,Luffy hears the Den Den Mushi ringing, but Robin states that there is a 50% chance that the distress signal is merely an ambush set by the Marines. Luffy decides to answer anyway and hears a man calling for help, stating that the unit is being killed by a samurai, and that they are on Punk Hazard. However, the man is presumably killed before the conversation can continue. Zoro asks Rosé about the samurai, Rosé then tells them " samurais are the swordsmen of Wano Country, who have a closed-door policy to outsiders and are not affiliated with the World Government".


Luffy, Zoro, Robin and Usopp set out on mini Black Diamond to explore the island,Rosé after all this gose back inside as it was raining and lays down on Nami's Lap watching the events unfold,But was interrupted when Nami starts Kissing Him.

Rosé then carries Nami to his room where he Lays her on the Bed and sits on top of her ,Rosé then kisses her and starts nibbling on her lips his tongue slowly invaded her mouth ,Thier tongues then intertwine with each other engaging in a heated battle.


Rosé then breaks the kiss and starts Kissing her on the neck moving down slowly,he then takes off her yellow bra and admirers her Beautiful plum boobs,Her pinks nipples were screaming with excitement,Nami was completely Flushed , Rosé Fondles one her Boobs while he Suck on the other occasionally Bitting and pulling on her sensitive nipple causing her Moan,Nami had her hands on Rosé's Head Ruffling his hair .




Rosé after a few minutes of Playing with her breast makes his was towards her stomach where he kisses every inch of it and then Tickles her by licking her Navel ,Rosé then removes his shirt Exposing his well built body and then gose on to Remove Nami's jeans exposing her Thick thighs ,plum buttocks and her Yellow Panties which were stained with love juice ,Rosé kisses her on the inner portion of her thighs slowly making his way towards her Panties ,he removing them exposing her beautiful Labias covering her slits.

Rosé spread her pussy lips and admired her small hole which was contracting and relaxing excited for what was to come,He then put his mouth to her pussy and teased her clit with his tongue and then sucked on it causing her to tremble with pleasure.


Rosé then inserted his tongue into her vagina and began eating her Pussy which was dripping with Love juice, While he ate her out he Fondled her Boobs squeezing and Playing with her erect nipples.



After a few minutes of eating her out Rosé inserted his middle fingers into the pussy and fingered her while her Sucked on her slit ,Nami was close to climaxing so she locked her legs around Rosé and Pushed his head further .



Nami had reached climax,her eyes had rolled back and her back arched ,she trembled like crazy while continuously squirting her Juice into Rosé's Mouth which he drank,Rosé did not stop Fingering her extending her Orgasm longer .



Nami had lost all control over her body and lay on the Bed trembling uncontrollably,Rosé then kissed her Pussy before making his way towards her lips ,he then pulled her into a passionate kiss.

After Rosé removed his pants releasing his erect member,He then put his shaft infront Of Nami's Face ,Nami then got up still weak from her orgasm and kissed the tip of his dick ,Nami then pushed Rosé on to the bed and Began stroking His shaft while she licked the tip lovingly ,she then slowly took his shaft into her mouth while she gently Massaged the head and glands with her tongue,the feeling off her mouth was amazing.


Nami continued sucking his dick while she massaged his balls without her hands occasionally sucking on them causing Rosé to groan with pleasure,She then changed to Sandwiching his shaft between her Breast and giving him a titjob while she lathered his shaft with her saliva .


Nami had gone back to sucking His cock, her tongue wrapped our his shaft pleasuring the sensitive areas while she massaged his ball ,Rosé had reached his limits ,he pushed his dick down Nami's throat releasing a load of his semen into her mouth ,Nami didn't swallow it immediately,She had kept it in her mouth and showed it to Rosé before swallowing it .

Nami then got up and sat on top of Rosé ,She Rubbed her pussy on his dick teasing him and them went on to kiss him,Rosé had grabbed her by the ass and was spanking while she spread her ass cheeks open.



After a few minutes of kissing Nami finally broke away and then slowly positioned his shaft under her pussy and slowly began inserting it inside,While his shaft entered her Tight pussy Nami had her head back and eyes closed enjoying the warmth of his shaft .


As soon as the whole this was inside Nami's lay on Rosé and her body trembled as she had a Small orgasm just from him entering her ,Rosé enjoyed the her tight pussy wrapping around his shaft and was groping Nami's ass spreading it open and massaged her Anus ,Caused her to Jump up.


"Ohhhh....Rosé….Not there!!"

Nami was unable to move so Rosé had changed position and was now on top of Nami ,She had her Legs spread ,He pulled her into a passionate kiss while he played with her plum breast and slowly started moving .




Rosé after a few thrust feeling that her pussy had adapted to his shaft started increasing the pace while he massaged Nami's clit with his thumb,Marking her whole body with bites and hickeys.




Nami was in cloud nine as she had already had multiple orgasm ,she was trembling continuously while Rosé pounded her pussy without while teasing and Nibbling on her Nipples .


"Ahhhh…..Rosé…..ahhh….I love…..you.❤️"

"ohhhh…..I'm cumming ...again….ahhh"




"Ahhhh….i….. can't take…..it...anymore "


*Spank* *Spank*

After 15 minutes of continuous pounding Rosé had Finally reached his limit, He then thrust his dick deep inside of Nami shooting out a load of his Semen into her wet greedy pussy which was clinging on to his dick not wanting to let it go ,he groaned from the pleasure.Nami who had reached and insanely Pleasurable orgasm had her back arched ,Eyes rolled back and once more squirted her Love juice on Rosé,Nami had lost all strength in her body and lay on the bed with a smile exhausted and satisfied .

Rosé then you out his shaft and lay next to her,she turns toward Rosé and kisses him passionately.They then snuggle and Nami falls asleep in his embrace.


Meanwhile Rosé watched the group that had set out , They had come across a Red Dragon which did not excite or scare them as they have seen Nala and this dragon looked like a joke to them ,Robin gose on to call the dragon ugly ,while Luffy and Zoro wanted to eat him as they had heard from Rosé that dragon meat Tastes absolutely delicious.Luffy attacks the dragon but hardly deals any damage because the dragon's scales are so hard. The dragon sends Luffy flying, and Zoro starts attacking it, only to discover that not only is the dragon resistant to damage but also strong. It seemingly starts to speak again, asking them if they are allies with "that Warlord of the Sea". Luffy rockets up to the dragon's back and makes it bite its wing, wounding it and noticing some human legs on the dragon's head. Zoro is then shot into the air by Usopp and decapitates the dragon with a single slash.while Zoro and Ussop grill the Meat ,Luffy chased after the lower body of the samurai which was stuck on the ground ,Luffy had gone and gotten the lower body stuck on his his back ,After eating the group made thier way towards the Frozen part of the island.

On the ship, Rosé noticed some people spread Sleeping gas around the ship putting the Straw hats on deck to Sleep ,Rosé lets them be be taken away,Sanji ,chopper and Franky were the only ones to be taken away while they left Brook be as they thought he was already dead .

They were then taken to Room on the island ,where once they woke up they encountered pieces of a head in the room with them. They put the head together (although his top of head and chin reversed), and the head tells them that he was cut up by someone, the head then shares information with them.The crew decides to break out, so Franky uses his Radical Beam to blow the door down. Sanji picks up the head and arranges him correctly, revealing to be a samurai.

The crew emerged into a room filled with giant children,The children ask if the group is part of the frozen people while most of the boys gush over seeing Franky's robotic appearance,The samurai

asks the kids if they had seen a boy named Momonosuke. However, his appearance frightens the kids.

The hazmat attackers soon reach the room, forcing the group to run for it. As they do, one of the kids, a giant boy, begs the group to take them off the island. The other kids join in, telling the group that they have recovered from whatever sickness they have had and wish to go back home, which immediately concerns the Straw Hats.

On the ship Nami had woken up and Rosé tells her that they need to go on to the island as the crew members had been kidnapped which caused Nami to panic,They then dressed up while Black Diamond sailed Towards the frozen part of the island,Rosé had already dealt with the intruders remaining on the ship and had gone to Perona's Room ,She was sleeping on her Bed with all of her stuff toys ,Rosé told her about what was happening and tells her to protect the ship while they are gone to which she nods while still being half asleep,Rosé smiles and kiss her on the head before leaving .

After they arrived at the frozen Side ,Nami and Rosé made their way on the island exploring it while looking for the others,Rosé had also seen the arrival of the G-5 marine group on the Frozen island after Tracking The distress call they had received.

Brook who had awoken gose on to inform Luffy and the group about what had happened and that the ship had been moved towards the snowy section of the island.Before he could continue any further the connection gets cut .

Luffy and the group encounter a group of centaurs,the group deals with them with ease ,Usopp checks them over and finds a Den Den Mushi with the name "CC" imprinted on it, surmising it to represent the initials of some unified centaur clan. With another mysterious clue on their hands, the group progresses to locate their friends.

Back in the Biscuit Room Sanji and Franky continue fighting the gas masked men while Chopper escapes with the kids ,Brook is fighting said Samurai's torso, and mistakes it for a ghost. The torso tries to attack Brook, but Brook deflects the attack and begins to run away, noting that the torso uses a two-sword style.

Meanwhile, in the Caesars Room, he is informed that Smoker has arrived on the island. He commands his men to hide the ships in front of the facility, and to hide themselves. He then turns into gas and puts himself inside a beaker.

Elsewhere, Smoker and his battalion have finally emerged onto the landmass. They arrive at a door, ready to arrest anyone who is there. Out of the door emerges Trafalgar Law, now one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Law asks Smoker why he is at his vacation home, and the Marines reveal that Law sent one hundred hearts to the World Government to get his position as a Warlord of the Sea. Smoker tells Law that even to people concerned with the government that Punk Hazard is off limits, to which Law counters that the same applies to Smoker too.

Rosé and Nami had caught up with,Chopper and the others,where Chopper informed them about the situation.

Rosé was surrounded By the Kids who were there ,He played with all of them and after they told him that their parents asked the Punk Hazard staff to cure them, and that the staff came one day, and took them, without letting them say goodbye, due to the danger of the disease. Rosé asks Chopper to on check them later to see if they have really been cured, and he agrees.

While's walking they reach a dead end ,Rosé punched the Door destroying it,The room was freezing cold where they saw a bunch of Frozen bodies ,The kids then exclaim that they do not wish to go in there,Rosé Assures them that nothing will happen to them and they ignore the room and look for another exit.

Back in the Biscuits Room, Sanji and Franky discover the lower half of the Punk Hazard staff's bodies are those of sheep,Law and smoker were having a heated conversation outside of the Facilitie,Rosé and the others created a way out of the Facility by destroying any thing on thier way, At the same time Franky busts out of the facility in his Armored Me tank form, with Sanji and the samurai head, and two children with him.

Outside of the Facility they come to face Law and the G-5 force who were looking at them with thier mouths hanging,Rosé then tells the kids to head back inside,The marines were chasing after them but were stopped by Law who uses his Devil Fruit ability to capsize their warship. Law states that he cannot let them leave the island anymore, and Smoker begins to fight Law.

At the lake in the center of the island, Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Usopp have their plant boat shot out from under them by centaurs on the side of the lake, forcing Zoro and Usopp to support Luffy and Robin. Zoro moves to attack, but a shark drags him beneath the surface,The centaurs prepare to finish the job, but Brook freezes their gun barrels shut, causing their weapons to backfire. This gives Zoro, Luffy, Robin, and Usopp time to defeat the sharks and emerge from the water dripping wet and frozen. They then decide to attack the centaurs and steal their warm clothes.

Back at Vegapunk's former research facility, Law has sliced the warship in half and placed half of it on a rock, rendering it unusable,and steals all the Den Den Mushi from the Marines, preventing them from contacting the World Government,Law continues to fight the Marines soldiers along with Smoker and


Back at Vegapunk's former research facility , the gaseous entity that is the master of the satyrs meets with Monet, who tells him about the arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates on the island.

Law has beaten smoker and had stolen smokers heart from him,At this moment Luffy and the group arrive at the location,

Luffy expresses his gratitude to Law for saving his life two years prior,Law tells Luffy that there is no need to express gratitude and says that they will be enemies if he is also going after the One Piece.

Meanwhile,behind the research facility,The kid tell him that they are cold to which he makes a Heat Barrier around them ,Luffy and the others arrive,They then go on to have a conversation about what happened till now and that the reason a distress call was made was because of the The samurai who reattached his head to his legs ,making Luffy sad on losing his centaur legs,The samurai tells them that he only did it to save his son, and that he sliced anybody that got in his way. He then tells them he is sure that his son must still be inside after seeing all the kids that were held captive.

Meanwhile Rosé who was keeping an eye on everything around the island discovered , Smoker, in Tashigi's body reveal to his company that this is none other than the infamous Caesar Clown, who was a former colleague of Dr. Vegapunk, a wanted felon, and an expert on mass-murder weapons.

Inside the facility, Caesar has called someone on the Den Den Mushi named "Joker" who has given him permission to eliminate the Straw Hats , the G-5 soldiers and someone called Kin'emon and a warning to avoid Rosé at all costs ,the Will-O-Wisp and sends his minions to capture them, even allowing them to use poison if they have to.

Rosé then gose on to talk to Brownbeard who states he loathes those that make up "the Worst Generation", which are comprised of Marshall D. Teach and the Twelve Supernovas Exculding Master Rosé of course,Rosé smiles hearing him say that,Seeing this Brownbeard along with everyone around him were completely Enchanted,Rosé claps and tells him to continue ,He then reveals that he lost his crew and his legs thanks to Basil Hawkins and wound up on Punk Hazard, claiming it was once an island full of greenery as well as a research facility for Vegapunk who developed weapons and drugs for the military.

Around four years ago, a chemical experiment failed and destroyed two of the three labs which make up the ruins of the island. The gas released from the explosion killed the plant life and the laboratories' personnel fled, leaving behind the prisoners. Those that were in the untouched facility survived and holed up there but those unlucky few on the outside were paralyzed from the legs down by the nerve gas. Then one year later, their master, Caesar, appeared, cured them of the poison with his powers and made devices that allowed them to float off the ground.Not too long after that, Law arrived and used his abilities to replace the handicapped limbs with parts of animals. When asked about the dragon Luffy's group encountered, it was revealed it was a creature made by Vegapunk to guard the island which could adapt to any environment.

Back in Vegapunk's lab, one of the centaurs who was defeated by Luffy and the others was put in a gas chamber and Caesar recorded everything that happened to him before killing him. He claimed that the explosion he did four years ago was part of his done on purpose and was not an accident . Caesar vows to show the World Government that he will prove he is the greatest scientist in the world.

The samurai had gone ahead to look for his torso, Sanji, Zoro and Brook follow after him ,Meanwhile,Chopper was performing Tests to the kids.One of the kids, Sind, collapses in pain and after Two other giant kids collapses as well,Chopper rushes to Sind and asks what they would normally do at that time of day which Sind responds they would get a checkup and then pieces of candy and after eating them he would feel better.Chopper shares the results of the tests he performed and told them that what he found in the kids' bodies was NHC10, a stimulant drug, that is only used by selected doctors around the world (which was Dr. Kureha, which is why Chopper knows about it) but it highly addictive in larger dose. He surmises that the kids have been given the drug in the form of candy to keep them from running.They also tell Rosé that Sind and the other kid were normal sized when they first came to the island, meaning they have been there the longest. From this Rosé deduces that the kids are being used for experiments

Rosé was irritated hearing this,he shouts telling everyone to Leave them alone, Rosé uses [Astral lightning] and creates pink lightning needles in his Hands and throws it towards the kids striking thier nucleus accumbens curing them of thier addiction ,All the kids were put to sleep and when they wake up they would be back to normal not having any craving for the drug.

Rosé ,Nami and Chopper stay back looking after the Kids while ,Luffy, Robin, Usopp and Franky headed to the main lab,Rosé feels the presence of two people coming towards them,Rosé erected a protective barrier around them with sound proofing ,The Hideout was attacked by Yeti Cool Brothers who bombarded them with explosions,Rosé had destroyed all the cannon balls as soon as they left the Launcher by just by a thought,Rosé used [Astral lightning] and summoned Red lightning(4 Billion volts )The sky above the island turns red and two humongous Red lightning Strike down towards the island hinting the brothers completely erasing them along with the a large area of the Island,The area where the Lightning struck had a giant hole that was so deep that it seemed endless.A few seconds later the sound of thunder resounded around the island deafening everyone on the island for a few minutes.

Luffy and the other seeing the lightning strike next to the area where the hideout was rush back,when they arrive ,They see in kids sleeping comfortably, While Nami,Rosé and Chopper were playing cards .

Rosé seeing the group asked what happened,To which the replied that they saw red Lightning strike in this direction,Nami and Chopper say that they haven't heard anything ,Which leaves Robin and the others confused.

Law approaches the group and First greets Rosé,He then tells them about an "important key" that is stored on Punk Hazard that could throw the New World into chaos.He then asks Luffy to form an alliance with him, and that he has a plan to depose one of the Four Emperors,Luffy accepts the offer, after Law tells him that he plans to go after "Kaido",Usopp and Chopper are fervently against it, while Robin simply agrees but warns Luffy that there is a chance that Law may betray them,The crew then looks at Rosé wanting his opinion,Rosé just smiles and says "I'm okay with whatever you decide ",Luffy smiles hearing This and the questions Law if he would betray him, Law replies no. Luffy then proudly states that even if Law is not a "good guy," Luffy trusts his crew and their strength, shamelessly flattering chopper and Ussop them into agreeing.

Rosé seeing them chuckles and gose back to Checking on the Children,Law seeing them explains,how the children were test subjects to make giants, most likely for armies, and that the project initially started with the World Government,Rosé hearing this released bloodlust that drops everyone to the floor,Rosé quickly snaps out of it and apologises,He then takes out a cigarette and smokes it.

Meanwhile at the G-5's location, the Marines were engaged in battle against the transformed and supposedly dead former prisoners. With Smoker and Tashigi unsure of what is going on, the Marines continue to fight. Elsewhere, in Vegapunk's intact lab, a Den Den Mushi is continually ringing, which Caesar continues to ignore, knowing that it is his minions requesting help. Caesar then laughs as he decides to release his "pet" on his "visitors". In the Fire Lands, two centaurs run for their lives after opening a "door" on Caesar's orders. They desperately try to make contact as they are being chased by a giant monstrosity. Smiley, also known as Slime, then releases a cloud of what appears to be poisonous gas that seems to suffocate the centaurs.

Meanwhile, Zoro, Sanji and Brook continue with their search for the samurai, They then get a clue that the samurai's torso had fallen into the lake as he was able to somewhat feel it ,Before they can go ahead and retrieve it ,they spot figures coming toward them,it was the Centaur Patrol Unit they fought earlier,They were running from something and completely ignored the group in their retreat. Zoro realizes something is wrong points out a giant shadow in the distance.

The crew had then left,Law and Chopper went to the lab to examine the drug ,while Robin Luffy and Frank had gone to look for Caesar,Rosé ,Nami and ussop stayed back with children .

Infront of Caesar's Lab ,Luffy and the others Arrive Flying and crash into a boat attracting the attention of everyone while Robin descends with wings ,The G-5 unit as well as Caser's Men,Luffy and Robin engaged in a battle with the Two groups while Franky destroys the door of the Lab.

Just as Luffy's group is about to head in, some of the slime suddenly lands on the ship the G-5 Marines have acquired. Both sides are bewildered on what the slime is. The G-5 men try attacking it, but it starts emitting toxic gas and the slime pieces suddenly merge together, making it bigger. One of the Marines suggest pushing it into the water and stupidly tries to do so but get sucked into the slime. His fellow comrades pull him out with the Marine yelling he cannot feel his face. As some of the Marines try to tend to him, another Marine comes up with a flame thrower and tries to burn the slime. It seems to work at first, but the slime suddenly explodes, destroying the ship and all the men on it to the shock of everyone on shore.

Caesar's men are relieved at first in that the slime destroyed itself but more pieces of it suddenly appear on the mainland. Both Caesar's and Smoker's men panic and try to get out of the way of the raining slime. Caesar suddenly appears, gloating that the slime will take care of all of them. Because it does not like water, it is throwing itself piece by piece to their area to avoid the lake. Indeed, where Zoro's group is, the slime is spitting itself over the lake, much to the confusion of the group. Caesar continues to gloat but as he starts to explain himself, Luffy suddenly tackles him.

Back with Zoro's group, Brook claims that he read a book about slime being creatures that can melt the clothes off women, much to Sanji and Kin'emon's interests. Zoro chides them otherwise, noticing that the slime that falls into the lake is killing the fish. Realizing that the lake will be contaminated if this continues, Sanji volunteers to go into the lake despite the freezing temperature to go retrieve the samurai's torso. Leaving Zoro and Brook to deal with the slime that are heading for them.

Rosé who was with Nami kisses her on the head and says"I'll be right back ", and disappears shocking her ,Rosé had appeared above "Smiley" and used Astral Lighting Prison,A giant net of red lighting shoots out of Rosé's hands surrounding smiley paralysing him,Once the net had completely wrapped around him Rosé then lifted the creature into the air and started tighten the Lightning net compressing the Creature into a tiny Ball that Rosé held in his hands ,Rosé Then sets it ablaze with[Rosy Flames of carnage] eradicating it and head back.

Zoro , Brook and Kin'emon who saw the smiley disappear across the lake were confused at what the hell was happening,The pieces that had already been shot across were still alive but Rosé decided to let them be,Zoro and Brook then continue fighting against the slime .

Meanwhile,Luffy and Caesare were engaged in a fierce battle,Luffy underestimated Caesare and had gotten careless,Caesare had removed the oxygen from the air causing them to be unable to breathe and falling unconscious ,he had also beaten both Franky and Robin as well as Smoker and Tashigi,After his fight Caesare noticed that the slimes had stopped raining down and only only a few of them had remained which caused him to scream in rage and ordered his subordinates to find out what happened to the main body of Smiley.

Meanwhile inside the lab,Law who was walking with Monet as a distraction suddenly feels immense pain and collapses,A man named Vergo makes his appearance.He had in his hands Law's heart which he had given to Caesare as to gain his trust ,He tells Law that "they" do not trust Caesar and have sent Monet in as a deep cover agent to monitor him, revealing that he arrived on an inbound SAD tanker from Dressrosa. Law tries to attack him, but Vergo clutches his heart stopping him,He then coats a bamboo stick he is carrying with Haki and beats Law down.

Back on the shore, Sanji finally completes the samurai's body. The samurai introduces himself as Kin'emon of Foxfire and he thanks the three for getting him back to normal,However, the four find themselves surrounded by the slime who were immune to physical attacks . Kin'emon steps up, claiming he is called "Firefox" for the fact his sword slashes and burns. He slashes the slime causing it to catch fire and explode. However, the four are unharmed as Kin'emon explains his Firefox Technique allows him to cut Flames, he then claims that there is no flame that he cannot cut.Zoro rebuffed Kin'emon and said "Do not make such bold claims as Rosé also uses Flames on his blade and his techniques are on a different level ",This shocks Kin'emon .Zoro tells him not to take his word to heart as he was just stating facts,Zoro requests to come along to rescue his son.Meanwhile, Zoro, Sanji, Brook and Kin'emon continue to run from the slime. The slime reveals itself to be a Devil Fruit Zoan user, and has eaten the Sara Sara no Mi, Model: Axolotl. It is also revealed the slime's name is Smiley.

Luffy, Franky, Robin, Law, Smoker, and Tashigi are all captured in a cage, and Robin asks if it feels nostalgic, because Luffy and Smoker were locked up together in Arabasta as well. Vergo reveals himself to be not only a vice admiral, but also an underling of Joker. Luffy then asks Law who Joker is, and Law reveals him to be Donquixote Doflamingo, and also states he used to be an underling of him."

Rosé was back at the hiding spot and was sitting with Nami and ussop playing cards ,Caesare then approached the base but when he spots Rosé he immediately runs away, after he had left Rosé tells Nami and ussop to head Into the lab once the children are awake and wait for the crew.

Caesare who had gone back to his lab,went on to broadcast to all the Underworld brokers and cites his intention to do an "experiment" on all his captured subjects as a demonstration of his weapon. Among the people watching are Big Mom's crew and Captain Kid's who proclaims he is not interested in the weapon but curious as to what is going on.

In the Ice Lands, a giant piece of candy has been placed on the ground. The underworld brokers continue to watch the broadcast. Caesar starts to narrate what Smiley will be doing and explains how he killed the island four years ago. Caesar reveals that Smiley is the H2S bomb in the flesh. Caesar reveals the name of the weapon to be Shinokuni,After the kid Smiley all merged together ,it heads towards the candy and eats it , a reaction builds up inside of it and it begins acting weird,Mini Smiley suddenly lets out a roar and its small Body begins to dissolve. Soon the blob dissolves into gas and begins to spread. One of the centaurs is caught in it and is suddenly petrified.

He then has the cage the prisoners are in taken outside by a crane, citing that he wishes to prove that his weapon can kill any high bounty pirate, Marine vice admiral or Warlord of the Sea. The captives' prison box is hung outside.

Caesar begins to celebrate and comments that before his gas weapon could only paralyze the victim but left them alive. However, he created a new type of gas that turned the victim's body to ash and paralyzed them completely. As the brokers continue to watch Caesar's men getting paralyzed, Smoker's men likewise see the effects on the video and notice the gas heading straight for them.

Rosé makes his entrance and stands before the Gas that was rushing towards Zoro and the others,Rosé erects a giant wall of [Rosy Flames of carnage] that surrounded the gas trapping it into a humongous ball of flames ,Rosé then lands on to the Floor and strarts compressing it,The Flames were not Burning the gas and had only Trapped it,The Humongous Ball was then launched into the air ,once it reached high enough it Explodes ,The explosion had covered the entire Sky above the island with pink flames which then turned to Roses and rained down covering the island and the ocean.The Roses that rained down were not Normal Roses this time ,They were made up of Azidoazide azide which when ignited would explode.

Everyone who was watching this was enchanted by Rosé' figure and his display of power ,including all the underworld brokers and whoever was watching the broadcast,Rosé looks at zoro and the rest and tells them to head for the Lab and look for Nami and Ussop, which they obey,Meanwhile,Luffy and the others had begun their escape operation,

Law begins setting their counterattack into motion. He asks Franky to burn a nearby ship to create a smokescreen and then reveals that he had swapped some of the Seastone chains in the laboratory with normal ones, allowing him to break free. He switches Smoker and Tashigi back into their original bodies, demanding their cooperation in return for their lives. Tashigi, embarrassed as her top is unbuttoned, quickly agrees . Seeing no choice, Smoker reluctantly agrees to the condition. Law teleports his group into the lab and opens the shutter door to let the G-5 Marines enter the facility.

Inside the Lab after everyone had regrouped ,Law requests everybody's attention and tells them that after every has dealt with thier work, they would regroup next to a door with "R Building 66" on it. They then all split up. Kin'emon says he needs to rescue his son, and Zoro, Nami, Sanji, Brook, and Usopp go along with him,Rosé was looking for the door along with the kids.

Luffy goes alone to defeat Caesar,Smoker goes to confront Vergo ,

Meanwhile Caesar, Vergo and Monet were lost in thought as they did not feel any anger for Rosé who destroyed their plans,They were pulled out of thought when a subordinate comes in and reports the invasion of the Straw hats ,Marines and Law .

Luffy and Smoker, having reached Caesar at last, break in the door and Luffy assaults Caesar with a Gear 2-enhanced punch, They then go on to engage in a battle again .Smoker seeing that Vergo was not there heads out .Caesar was getting beaten to a pulp as Luffy now knew his trick of removing oxygen,Caesar seeing this escapes,Luffy tries to pursue him, but Monet gets in his way, claiming "Joker" will kill her if something happens to Caesar.

Rosé and the kids had already made thier way toward the door and were waiting for the rest to arrive,Rosé was watching all the events unfold , At the passage connecting A and B buildings, Sanji and Vergo begin fighting where Vergo cracked Sanji's bones during a connected attack which prompted him to retreat ,Meanwhile,Law had invaded manufacture room of the SAD, which prompted a Emergency announcement and had Caesar and Vergo panicking.

Vergo had contacted Doflamingo who is on the island, Dressrosa, informing him of Laws betrayal.Doflamingo orders Vergo to destroy the SAD room and extinguish Law and that he will be sending Baby 5 and Buffalo as support and for everyone to return to Dressrosa when they have completed their missions.

Meanwhile, Monet seals Luffy in a ten-layered snow hut. Luffy says that Monet cannot defeat him in a battle, to which she agrees but states that there are other ways to win without having to rely on her fighting powers. She then suddenly hugs him and begins to weaken him with her powers, attempting to coax him into unconsciousness. Luffy, however, simply blasts through the floor with a Gomu Gomu no Jet Spear and falls into the basement.

Rosé looking at this could not stop laughing as luffy had just helped Monet by trapping him self ,Rosé then watches the fight In the SAD Room, Vergo shows up,Law attempts to use his Devil Fruit ability to retrieve his heart, but Vergo steals it back from him and brutally beats him to the ground by using his heart to immobilize him,Law manages to hit Vergo with a Counter Shock, but the attack is ineffective on Vergo. Vergo informs Law of the message from Doflamingo, "what a shame." Law then tells Vergo that he is the one miscalculation in his plan. Vergo then prepares to execute Law, but Smoker suddenly appears. Vergo says that he will kill Smoker, no matter what methods it takes, to which Smoker answers that they should finish the battle quickly, as he does not like looking at trash.

Meanwhile,Luffy was exploring the underground area, he comes across yet another dragon and inquires who the dragon is. Surprisingly, the dragon can actually speak,The dragon identifies himself as Momonosuke and soon both Luffy and he get acquainted before he tells Luffy how his situation came to be. Unlike many of the kids there, he actually stowed away aboard the ship that was abducting kids from their homes and taken to Punk Hazard. The kids all acted friendly with him, however, due to his samurai upbringing, he shrugged off any help that was given to him, promptly starving himself for ten days. Eventually he reached his limit and explored around the lab, finding Caesar's control room or the "forbidden room" and an Artificial Devil Fruit in a glass case. He promptly busted it open and scarfed down the Fruit .

In the B Block Inspection room, Usopp, Kin'emon and Brook have split off from the group to find some Seastone handcuffs at the request of Robin, using Brook's spectral powers,In the SAD room, Law recovers as Smoker and Vergo continue to duel to the death,Zoro was confronting Monet ,Monet then transforms into a terrifying, demonic like snow woman, capturing Chopper and Nami in her body and nearly biting into the two. Robin uses her Hana Hana no Mi abilities to make arms on Nami's hips and shatters Monet apart,Monet is frozen in fear from Zoro's gaze . Zoro cuts her in half but does not use Haki, thus she survives thanks to her Logia powers. However, Monet is still too terrified from fear to pull herself back together properly. One half of Monet's body manages to get up and attempts to stab Zoro in the back. However, Tashigi interferes and finishes her off.

Meanwhile Luffy and Momonosuke emerge from a garbage chute in front of some of Caesar's men, with Momonosuke passed out and now being carried by Luffy. Luffy grabs one of the guards and demands to know where Caesar is. The guard tells Luffy that Caesar is in Building R, to which Luffy immediately sets off for Caesar's location,Luffy had arrived and engages in battle with him.

In the SAD production room, Vergo defeats Smoker, though it is revealed that Smoker was only acting as a diversion so Law could retrieve his heart without resistance. Law then warns Doflamingo, who's been listening the whole time via the Den Den Mushi, that he cannot stay on top forever and that he is going to defeat Vergo, but Doflamingo tells him otherwise recounting an earlier instance where Law mouthed off to Vergo who gave him a beating that apparently traumatized Law. Just as Vergo covers himself in Busoshoku Haki and prepares to eradicate his former associate, Law bifurcates the Vice Admiral in half.Law has sliced up Vergo and hung his pieces along the railing. Vergo swears Law will regret this as he does not know of Doflamingo's past and tries to get Smoker to tell him the truth of the world. Nonetheless Law slices his head in half and taunts him before bidding "Pirate Vergo" farewell.

Caesar realizes he cannot win and tries to bargain with Luffy, stating he can become his subordinate. But Luffy hits him full force with his attack, the Gomu Gomu no Grizzly Magnum, knocking Caesar through the wall and down a passageway leading outside. The brokers who are watching this are astonished by Caesar's defeat. Some even start putting in calls to their bosses about what happened, including Pekoms and Tamago.

Rosé had Taken the kids back to Black Diamond where he meet up Franky ,Franky was in general Fanky entertaining The kids when they notice,

Baby 5 and Buffalo,Franky opens fire upon the pair, hitting Buffalo. Baby 5 returns fire with her gatling gun, but Franky is unharmed by the attack and instead throws his shield at them. Baby 5 transforms into a sword, and Buffalo cuts the shield in half with her. Baby 5 turns into a missile and is propelled towards Franky,Rosé creates a wind vortex on his hand and launches it toward the missile changing its trajectory ,Baby 5 reassembles herself from her bomb attack and come back to fight with Franky .

Rosé had moved the kids away from the area ,meanwhile,a huge explosion occurs in the Sad room causing the whole laboratory To begin collapsing,Caesar who was supposedly given somker' heart stabs it wanting to kill him but it turned out to be Monet's heart killing her before she could Blow up the whole island,Rosé seeing this thinks"I am going to destroy it anyway!".

Upon realizing that Baby 5 and Buffalo are still alive, and the island still stands,Doflamingo tells the pair that he will be there shortly,he was flying over the sea with the help of his strings .

Franky fires a mobile version of the Gaon Cannon, the General Cannon, at the two. This manages to blow them away heavily wounding them,The group had finally broken out of the lab and arrived at the shore.

Law identifies the Donquixote Pirate members. When questioned by Luffy if they were his friends, Law coldly states the two are his enemies,Seeing themselves outmatched, Buffalo and Baby 5 retrieve Caesar and attempt to make a quick retreat. Law prepares to stop them only for Nami and Usopp to offer to do it themselves. Nami creates an enormous thunder cloud above the pair which shocks them with a lightning strike. The attack knocks out Baby 5, however Buffalo and Caesar are still conscious but knocked out of the sky. Caesar pleads with Buffalo to protect him. However multiple projectiles fired by Usopp quickly take him out. Caesar tries to escape alone but the last projectile turned out to be Seastone handcuffs which quickly negate Caesar's abilities and render him unconscious. With this the Donquixote members are defeated and fall into the ocean. Law proclaims the first step of his agenda has been completed.

With this everything had come to an end , Everyone was was recovering ,The marines had drawn a line to separate the two groups,Rosé was talking to Smoker and had handed him the responsibility of reaching them home after threatening him that if anything were to happen to them his head would role.Sanji has fixed a stew which he got from the Kamabakka Kingdom. He serves Momonosuke first as he had heard he had not eaten in days. The boy is reluctant at first, but Kin'emon, grateful to Sanji, convinces him it's alright. Soon the kids, the Marines and what left of Caesar's former subordinates hall gather around to eating and enjoying their victory.

Rosé was sitting an playing with the kids but it was cut short after it was time for them to leave ,They were all hesitant to leave but Rosé convinces them as they would be reunited with their Parents who have been looking for them all this time ,Rosé then says his farewell to them .Rosé was back on Black Diamond where he had beaten Carsar to a pulp for experimentation on the kids and after he was done he Used [Mind control] and left him on the Deck bleeding.Rosé sat on the deck and smoked a cigarette while looking at the ocean which was covered with Roses.

Meanwhile, Doflamingo is crossing the sea, as he notices a raft. The raft holds the decapitated heads of Baby 5 and Buffalo as well as a Den Den Mushi. The Den Den Mushi then speaks up, revealing to be from Law. Law tells Doflamingo that he has Caesar, and it is time to conduct business.Law tells him that he should be. worried about Kaidou, If Kaidou learns that Doflamingo cannot produce any more Smiles, then he will have to suffer the consequences. A terrified Doflamingo panics and asks what Law wants in exchange for Caesar, to which Law tells him to resign from the Warlord title before the next day's newspapers' release. He then goes on to say if the next day's newspapers have the news of Doflamingo's renunciation of his title, Law shall contact him again, but if the newspapers do not have the report, then Doflamingo best take care of himself. He then drops the call, leaving Doflamingo enraged.

After the Talk,The crew is gathered in the common room where Luffy ,he informs the rest of the crew about the alliance he formed with Law's crew and his intention of dethroning the Emperor,Law then explained his plan to the crew.

Meanwhile,Back on Punk Hazard, Smoker has been beaten and about to be killed by Doflamingo who says he will find the Straw Hat Pirates and Law without his help. Just as he is about to strike the killing blow, Aokiji suddenly shows up and halts him, stating that Smoker is his friend,Despite Aokiji's presence, Doflamingo continues with his attempt to kill Smoker anyway but is quickly frozen by Aokiji's Devil Fruit ability. However, he manages to break free. Seeing nothing to gain from engaging Aokiji, Doflamingo takes his leave.

Rosé was laying on his cloud with Perona,Nami ,Robin,Fang and Nala.Nami and Perona were styling Rosé's hair,Robin lay next to him and was reading a book,Nala and Fang were sleeping,Rosé was watching the group along with Momonuske play with scar and Leon who were summoned back recently , Zoro and Kin'emon were sparring in the training room, Law lay on the deck with his hat over his face ,Sanji was preparing Snacks for everyone.

After the Marines had Left Punk Hazard,Rosé Had sent a Black lightning strike towards The island,when it struck it ignited the Rosé's that were on the Island causing a chain explosion that completely destroyed the island leaving absolutely nothing remaining, The impact of the explosion was felt all the ways till Black diamond,Rosé was really happy with the results of his new type of Roses.

Rosé then gose on to snuggle with Robin,Robin seeing this smiled and put her Book down and Kisses Rosé on the Forehead ,Perona and Nami joined in ,They then fell asleep together.

After a few hours of sleep,Rosé had gotten up and went to eat food,The girls were still sleeping,After eating Rosé had gone to the studio with Sanji as he wanted a tattoo after seeing Zoro get one ,The Tattoo Rosé made for him was A full body Ifrit that was Covered in Flame,and around him were skulls that had Roses in thier eye socket all ,the tattoo spanned across his whole back,While Rosé was working on the Tattoo he had many visitors ,The Two samurai who were taking a tour around the ship had come along with Law and Ussop,The most troublesome one being Luffy who kept sulking because Rosé didn't make a tattoo for him First ,They had all sat and watched Rosé make the Tattoo till he finished that was after 3 hours ,After Rosé was done Luffy pestered him to make one For him immediately,Rosé had to deny it since he needed to think of a fitting design and have it drawn out before he could start and told Him to wait till Tomorrow,Luffy hearing this agreed and rushed out To play screaming in joy, Law,Kin and Momo were completely enamoured by Rosé ,Rosé smiles and asks"Do you'll want one as well ?",To which all three of them nodded,Rosé laughs and says sure but you'll will need to wait a little longer.

Rosé then gose back to the deck where he sees Zoro and sanji arguing about who's Tattoo was Better,Rosé seeing them Chuckles,Later at night they were attacked by a person named Breed who had eaten the pet-pet Fruit ,He had sent a bunch of Animals he tamed to attack the ship which included one of the Kung-Fu Dugongs from Alabasta.Nala ,Fang ,Scar and Leon had dealt with the intruders and had freed all the animals from the slave collars ,Nal had also gone and destroyed the entire ship along With Breed who was in it .

All the Sea monsters that had been Freed had come on to deck and had surrounded Rosé ,They all showed their love and Gratitude by hugging Rosé ,He played with them for some time,Fang was coaching the Kung fu Dugong ,After a few hours of playing they said thier goodbyes and The sea monsters continued on their adventure.