
The Journey Of Fate

Its a story about a boy Ash ketchum, who became the best of all in every field from the start he will be the very best. Its an ash x harem story. pokemon is Not owned by me its owned by Game Freak and Nintendo

Antarip_Ghosh · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

The abonded charmander & friends

After goning towards vermilion city Glissel asked Ash, "Do you think Mealnie would join us in future?"

"It depends. "Ash said

As they were talking the sun started to set down so they decided to camp for the day. They set up their camp and ate their dinner and went to sleep.

Time skip to Next day

When they wake up the next day. First they did their daily routine and than continue in their way to vermilion city.

As they are walking Misty said," don't tell me we are lost again."

Brock said rubbing his head ,"I guess we are lost again. "

Misty, Ash and Glissel falls down in drmatic style. After walking for a few hours.

Ash said,"Noting but pidgeys around here."

"Right now least of our worries." Glissel said angrily

Ash than take out map from his bagpack and checked where they were on the map. He looked at it till he saw a red"p" their which indicates a pokemon center nearby."Well, we seem to be in the middle of nowhere."

"But route 24 will take us to the vermilion city and it seems that we're on the right path for it and their is also a pokemon center near." Ash said

Glissel said,"if you have the map you can't take it out sometimes before."

"Sorry." Ash said

As they are arguing and walking a . Suddenly they stoped after few feet of walking when something large cast a looming shadow.

"Huh?hey, Ash look at this thing." Misty said

Pikachu jumped out of Ash's shoulder and walked closer to look at the pokemon with Brock. The shadow pokemon was sitting on a boboulder.

It is like a small biepdal combined with a dinosaur. Most of its body is coloured orange, while underebelly is light yellow colour with yellow flames on its tale.

"Hey that's a charmander. " Ash said

"Charmander?" Misty asked

Ash took out his pokedesk and scanned the pokemon:

[Charmander a bipedal-dianosour pokemon. It has a preference for hot things. When it rains, steam is said to spout from tip of its tale.]

"Charmander is one of the stater pokemon of kanto but the question what's it doing out here." Ash said

Alotough Ash know what's its doing their but he couldn't say it or capture the pokemon directly.

Ash looked at the charmander and noticed how sad it looked. He walked up to it and charmander looked down at him when he heard the footsteps.

"Hi their." Ash greeted,"why are you so sad?"

Charmander sighed,"char charmander(My trainer left me here)"

"Your trainer left you here?" Ash asked, looking shocked

"Char charmander char(But he said he is coming back soon.)" Charmander explained

"When did he say that?" Ash asked

"Char(yesterday)." It replied

"Yesterday?" Ash questioned

"Ash what did the charmander say?" Glissel asked

"Charmander told me that his trainer left him here and told him that he would be back soon." Ash explained

"When did he say that?" Misty asked

"Yesterday." Ash resposnded

"Charmander is determined to stay here, right?" Brock said

"I'm afraid so." Ash replied

Than he turned to charmander. For him, it didn't fell right to just leave charmander here alone. He went into his bah and took out an berry. He held out the berry to charmander, who was surprised at the gesture.

"Here, a little snack." Ash said

Charmander blinked and looked at the berry and Ash. He reached out and gently took the berry.

"Char(Thank you)." Scorbunny thanked him.

"Well, we better get going." Brock reminded them of their situation

"Oh right. Hope to see you again, charmander." Ash said

Charmander nodded with a smile

Than the gang headed off. Unknown to them, charmander stared at Ash untill he could no longer see him.


While walking Ash saw a building along the path.

"Look the pokemon center." Ash said

"That means route 24 isn't far." Brock siad

Suddenly it began to rain hevaliy.

"Hurry." Misty said

They rushed into the building before they get soaking wet.


he stared unblinkingly out the window in worry as the rain countinued to pour down heavily, his foof tapping incessantly as he knew the charmander was still out there. Brock and Misty notiched his behaviour but didn't comment.

"Here's some nice hot soup." Glissel said as she came back to table serving a bowl to Ash.

"Thanks, Glissel." Ash replied absently

"Have some soup, Misty, Brock, "Glissel said as she offere the bowl to them" what's wrong?"She asked when she saw their scrunced expressions.

"Do you think that charmander's trainer left him there?" Brock asked

"I have a strong felling that it's true." Misty agreed

Ash sighed hevaily. Glissel turned to her.

"You're worried, aren't you?" Glissel said in more of a statement tan a question, obiously notiching her behaviour.

"I'm worried about wheather charmander would actually wait this long or not." Ash murmured in reply

"So am I. However, stater pokemom are known to be loyal towards their trainers. So he'll countinue to wait there untill his trainer comes." Glissel said

"Even in the heavy rain?" Misty asked

Ash nodded

"I'm sure the trainer must have gotten him by now." Brock reassured. His reassurance was cut short by racous laughter coming from the group of boys sitting by the fireplace in the center.

"You sure have lot of them." One called

"Sure," the blue haired one with sunglasses said,"just look at them, its a pretty cool collection."He countinued with a arrogant tone.

On said,"way cool"

"You're the man, Damien." The short one with white headband said

"I thought you had a charmander too!" The one sitting next to this"Damien"Said, making Ash frown

"Yeah-,I had but that thing was so weak it couldn't even beat the weakest opponents," Damien whined

By now Brock, Misty and Glissel are frowning too

"I don't like his attituede." Brock said

"Charmander may be weak aginst water type pokemon, but if their trainers try hard enough, they can be strong." Brock backed up

"So what did you do with the charmander?" The same girl as before asked

"Eh-I left it on some rock in the woods," Damien answerd with a shurg,"That thing is so stupid! No matter what I do to it, it keeps on following me, I finally got rid of it by promising I'd come back for it."He grinned at his friends."It fell for it! It's probally still there waiting for me,"He laughed with his friends.

Every word of Damien had said made Ash's blood boil as his knuckles turn white from how hard he is gripping his hand into fists. Having enough, He stood up from his seat and stomped over Damien grabbed him by his shirt collar and lifted him up where they were at eye levels. He glared at him a look of pure fury that promised an enoromus amount of pain and than punched him right in the nose.

"What is your problem?!" Damien exclaimed angrily

"You selfish brat! That charmander is still waiting for you out there!"Ash yelled angrily

" what I do to my pokemon is none of your buissness. "Damien coverd his nose while blood was dripping from it.

" yes it is,"Ash said"especially since I'm going to get the charmander. "He turned to Brock, Misty and Glissel. " You three stay out and also tell Nurse Joy what happend."

"But it's dangerous to go out in a storm to help a pokemon," Misty said worriedly as Ash preaperd to go out, quickly finding a raincoat from somewhere and putting it on."what if you catch pneumonia?"

"I'll take the risk to save a pokemon's life." Ash said before running out with pikachu to rescue the poor pokemon.


Ash and pikachu ran as quickly as they could to the boulder from before. He gasped and gritted his teeth when he came upon the boulder and saw some spearow take the oppurtunity of easy prey.

"Pikachu use thunderbolt!" Ash said and pikachu complied quickly, jumping of Ash's shoulder and using thunderbolt, which faints the birds.

Ash climbed the boulder quickly and gazed at charmander,"Charmander, I know that I'm not your trainer, buti'm going to get you out of the rain now."He promised

Charmander heasitated, but he noticed the look of worry on the boy's face, he let him. Ash carefully picked up charmander into his arms and placed him in his coat, to help keep him a little bit warm. Than he and pikachu ran as fast as they could to the pokemon center.


Misty, Brock, Glissel and Nurse Joy were already there when Ash and pikachu burst through the door.

"I'm back with charmander." He gasped

Nurse Joy ran over to him,"I'll take the charmander while you rest. "Ske said gently taking charmander from Ash's arms.

Ash took off his raincoat and sat down by the fire with pikachu. Brock and Misty gave the two towels to dry themshelves. Ash told Brock, Misty and Glissle what happend.

" Its good thing you got there on time. "Brock said as he helped Ash dry.

" Yeah, or those spearow would have caused bigger damage to charmander."

"What happend with Damien?" Ash asked as he helped pikachu dry

"He left some time ago, " Glissel replied,"but don't worry Nurse Joy contacted officer Jenny and reported him."

"Good to know," Ash said,"I bet he treats his other pokemon badly too."


Waiting infront of the emergency room for the red light above the door to turn off was a tourture, but the gang waited their regardless, Ash pacing back and forth befor resting on the bench and starting up again after few minuteslater when he couldn't sit still. He decided to send his lucario and Alakazam to professor Oak's coral.

All of them were relived when the light went off and Nurse Joy steeped out. She noticed them and gave them a reassuring smile, giving them a peace again as well. All of them smiled at that and approached the door quitely.

"Charmander is recovring. It should be fine by the morning. " Nurse Joy informed the gang

"That's good to know. " Ash sighed in relif, happy that charmander has recoverd

The gang peaked inside, all glad to see the dinosaur pokemon sleeping peacefully on the bed, looking a lot healthier

Ash smiled at the charmander as he knelt and gently stroke charmander's face. Than he frowned when a tought came to his mind,"what if charmander goes back to the rock to wait for Damien?"He questioned Nurse Joy

"That is something for charmander to decide." Nurse Joy replied


While charmander was still recovring, the gang decided to set off.

"I'm still wondering what charmander will do," Brock ponderd"I mean Damien treated him badly."

"That's true Brock," Ash stated, "but charmander is loyal to Damien."

"That's why it's wondering." Glissel added

Brock agreed with Ash and Glissel with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Misty felt the ground underneath her feet sink a bit.

"Something fells weird here." She said

Ash, pikachu, Glissel and Brock went to see what was wrong when they suddenly all fell into a hole.

"Hey what happend?" Brock asked, slightly dazed

Suddenly Team rock appeared before them and said"preapre for trouble!"

"And make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all people within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of true and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



"Team rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"


"Surrender now or prepare to fight."

"Team rocket?!" Misty said

"What else?" Jessie smirked, "we want your pokemon."

"Forget it!" Ash shouted

Team rocket pulled out a sort of a vacuum machine.

"This will suck up their pokeballs and pokemon!" James said


Ash brightened when he heard the familiar call, pausing his motion to grab charizad's pokeball from belt.

"What is that thing?" Jessie questioned

"Char, char-manded!" He replied

"Ha, it's saying you better leave those guys alone right now!" Meowth translated

"It's got to be kidding." Jessie remarked

"Now step aside you insolent little buny rabbit. We don't have enough time to play with you." James added

"Team rocket plays rough, so get movin!" Meowth finished up

Then charmander blew flamethrower at them. Team rocket got burned to a crisp. Charmander was about to blow another flamethrower, but Team rocket ran away.

"Looks like Team rocket's blasting off again!" Team Rocket shouted as they dissappeared into the distance.

Ash, Misty, Glissel and Brock and the pokemon got out of the hole and thanked charmander.

"Well I'm glad to see that you have recoverd," Ash said, "charmander...How'd you like to join up with us?I'm afraid you Trainer isn't going to be coming back...." He offered, catchingthe dionsour pokemon by surprise.

"Hi, charmander! Been looking all over for you!" Damien said, over much to group's surprise

"What are you doing here?" Ash asked

"I'm here to collect charmander." Damien replied

But they started to argue with Damien and Damien unintentiolly reveled his true intetion of abonding the charmander which let him to be burned by charmander. He get angry and said,"Argh!That does it! I'll crush you with every pokemon I got!"Damien snaped

But befor he could do it charmander fired a flamethrower at his face and followed by a thunderbolt from Pikachu.

"Mommy!" Damien screamed and ran before he was faced by officer Jenny who arested him and also gave all his pokemon to the gang so they could take them to Nurse Joy.


As when they went to pokemon center Nurse Joy checked the pokemon and told them all of the pokemon are okay and the gang adopts all the pokemon and be -friended with them, which took them about a day.

The next day all of them bid farewell to Nurse Joy and went towards the Vermilion city.

While they were walking Ash suddenly said to Glissel,"Well what about a...."

To be continued


Author's Note-Hope you like the chapter. And guess who will be Ash's Next pokemon as well as girlfriend. The next chapter will be realsed soon

Current Ash's pokemons- pidgeot, sandshrew, cleffable, butterfree, ferrow, seaking, Garydos, spewerow, pikachu, goldbat, charizad(shiny), gardiviore(shiny), lucario(shiny), greeninja(shiny),umbreon(shiny), Alakazam(shiny) and salamance(shiny), bulbasur, oddish(shiny), Arcanine, rattata, beedril, pearsian, scyther, Ninetales, Arbok, Macham, wigllytuff, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, vileplum, parasect and venomoth, dugtrio, charmander(New), golduck, poliwarth, victribell, tentacrul, rapidash, slowbro, Magnetron, farfetch'd, dodrio and dewgong(ofspring of cerulian city gym's dewgong(seel) which he got from daisy)

Current Ash's girlfriends-Misty, Daisy, lily, violet, Glissel and Mealine

Current Ash's Legandry -None

Current Ash 's powers- psycic(Not activated) and Aura(Not activated)

Hey everyone I have a question for you. Do you think I should update once or twice a week and write a long chapter or update with one day gap but a short chapter. Please tell me in the comments.

Antarip_Ghoshcreators' thoughts