
The Journey Of Fate

Its a story about a boy Ash ketchum, who became the best of all in every field from the start he will be the very best. Its an ash x harem story. pokemon is Not owned by me its owned by Game Freak and Nintendo

Antarip_Ghosh · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Showdown at Dark city

Before reaching their destination, the gang met an old Person who played songs on his pokeflute, which woke up pikachu from his nap. They came to the next town, only to find out that there was no food in any of the stores and resturants. The reason for that was frought which meant no food, no water, and no river or stream anywhere.

The gang thought it was odd, so they went to find the source of the problem. So they followed the river and found the soyrce. A snorlax who was sleeping in front of a bunch of thorns that was blocking the stream water.

They knew that they needed to move snorlax. So they tried many ways but it didn't work. Ash rememberd that a pokeflute should be able to wake up snorlax and that the old person they ran into earlier had one. But then Team Rocket showed up and wanted to steal snorlax as well. But the gang was able to defat them before they could given go after the man.

One they found the old man, they asked him if he could wake up snorlax and he agreed . when they brought the old man to snorlax, he told the gang that the snorlax belonged to him, which Ash already knew, surprising the others. They told him that snorlax was blocking the town's water source.

The old man understand and used his pokeflute to wake up his sleeping pokemon. It soon wake up and streched its body. However the river was still blocked. Then Ash rememberd that Snorlax's favourite snack was throns. Snorlax wasted no time in eating up all of throns allowing water to flow through the river again thus saving the town. The gang was glad the town won't have any problems with these two around and left to countinue their journey.


In the world of Kanto, where dreams take flight,

A tale of rebirth in the morning's first light.

With a Pikachu by my side, our bond innate,

We're reliving our journey, it's the "Journey of Fate"

Pokémon, together we'll find our way,

In the anime world, where we're meant to play.

With Ash's spirit reborn, it's never too late,

To capture our dreams in this "Journey of Fate."

From Pallet Town's charms to the Viridian skies,

We'll aim for the stars, with wonder in our eyes.

As Team Rocket schemes and Gym Leaders await,

We'll rewrite the story, it's our "Journey of Fate."

Pokémon, together we'll find our way,

In the anime world, where we're meant to play.

With Ash's spirit reborn, it's never too late,

To capture our dreams in this "Journey of Fate."

A reincarnated soul, with a heart that's pure,

In the world of Pokémon, our spirits endure.

In Kanto's embrace, we'll appreciate,

The joy of reliving this "Journey of Fate."

In Lavender's mysteries and Celadon's grace,

Through battles and laughter, we'll find our place.

With Misty and Brock, by our side, we'll create,

A legend reborn in this "Journey of Fate."

Pokémon, together we'll find our way,

In the anime world, where we're meant to play.

With Ash's spirit reborn, it's never too late,

To capture our dreams in this "Journey of Fate."

As we chase after Mewtwo, through victories and weight,

Our adventures continue, it's a story so great.

In Kanto, reborn, our bond we celebrate,

Our anime legacy, this "Journey of Fate."


Right now the gang had just arrived at the entrance to a town called Dark city.

"So this is Dark city?" Glissle asked

"It really is a Ghost town, Are you sure this city hasn't been abandoned, Brock?" Misty asked

"No this is this right place." Brock replied

"So creepy." Yellow said

They walked through the town and could easily see how desolated it was. There were parctically no people or any other signs of life around this place.

"Hey there is a women there with her son." Yellow said about to wave over at them, but the woman herded her son away fron trainers,"what was that about?"

Ash rememberd this episode. Two rival gyms wanting to be official pokemon gym, who neither care that they were destorying their town in the process. He was really starting to get a bad felling in this city,"Idk."

"We should probably be on the lookout for anything." Brock advised

"Yeah." Glissle said

Suddenly rock was thrown at Ash, Luckily Pikachu slapped it with his tail before it could hit his. Pikachu turned his head to where the rock came from. The gang looked to where Pikachu was staring at and spotted three kids on roof with rocks in their hands. Pikachu looked them at angrilu and the three boys ran away in fear.

"Let's get something to eat and find someone who could tell us what us going on here." Ash suggested.


A resturant owner, Mr. Jim saw what happend and invited them in to get something to eat while he explained a situation to them. The three boys from before were also there. The first one was Troy who had reddish brown hair and black eyes. The second was Alex whi who had black hair and eyes. The last one was Ben who had blue haur and dark blue hair.

"In Dark city, there are two pokemon gyms, The yas gym and the kax gym. The two gyms are in the middle of a gang war, and they will hire and wandering pokemon trainers as soldiers to battle for them." Mr Jim stated

"But i don't see. What is the point of fighting each other like this?" Brock questioned

"They claim that whatever gym wins will become an official pokemon gym." Mr Jim replied.

"That make sense. Becoming an official pokemon gym is a big honor, But they needed the approval of the pokemon Leauge inspector. Since there can only be one official gym per city." Ash said

"And both Gyms seek to eliminate the other before an inspector arrives." Glissle said

"Sound intense." Yellow said

"See they just brawl anywhere they want without even thinking about how the people of the town fell about it. Selfish idiots." Ash said

Ash was able to see another person sitting at another table from the conner of his eye. He knew that the person was Nurse Joy in disguise. He guessed that Nurse Joy wasn't happy with what the two gym leader were doing. Suddenly they heard the sound of breaking windows and building, comming from outside.

"It is them." Ben said

"What is that?" Misty said

"The Yas and Kaz Gyms are fighting again. If you don't wanted ti get dragged into this, you do better go upstairs and hide." Mr Jim suggested

The gang nodded and followed the three boys as they led them upstairs and hid with them.


The gang watched from the window as the yas gym leader's scyther bettling against the Kaz Gym's leader Electabuzz. Uncaring that they are destroying in the process. The people were running for their lives in order to stay away from the fight.

"Is it always like this?" Misty asked

"Yeah." The three boy nodded

"Now I can understand why everybody around here hates pokemon trainer." Brock said

"That is not even a pokemon battle. It is more like a street fight." Yellow said

"This is too much to look at, Do they even realizing what they are doing in the twon?" Ash said

"Of course they dob't, the only thing they care about is battling. It doesn't matter who gets hurt in the process." Glissle said

"Those bullies. They don't even understand what it really means to be a pokemon trainer." Ash said

Suddenly they heard noises downstairs. The gang quietly walked down to the end of stairs. When they got there, they noticed three familiar figures had entered the resturant and started harassing the resturant owner for food, when he refused they sent out Arbok and weezing but before they could do anything Ash had pijachu defat them.

"Team Rrocket Just never learns." Ash said

Pikachu nodded.

At that moment, another person entered the resturant, this time it was a girl that was with the Yas gym. Ash belived that her name was cindy. She came right over to them.

"Hey Ij saw what you did with your pikachu and I am impressed, please you must tell me your name." Cindy said

"Could you excuse us for a moment?" Ash asked

Cindy smile and nodded.

"I know that we should not get involved, but if we don't, things might get worse for the townsfolk. Our best bet is not giving her our real names." Ash said

"Yeha it coulf ruin our repution as pokemon trainers." Glissle said

"Think of a fake name." Yellow said

"This is also a perfect opportunity to see what the Yas gym is about." Brock said

The gang nodded and turned to cindy.

"My name is Isable." Glissle said

"My name is Rock." Ash said

"I am casey." Misty said

"I am leafy. " Yellow said

"I am Blaze. " Brock said

Everyone turned their heads over to Brock with deadpanned looks, "i can never 'no' to a preety girl." He addmited.

"You are seriously pathetic." Yellow said

"Oh, Rock, Blaze, Leafy, casey, Isable, would you consider joininv our cause at the Yas Gym? Unlike those animals from the Kaz Gym, we at Yas are truly worthy of becoming a pokemon gym." Cindy asked

"Lead the way." Ash said

Ash gave Mr. Jim and the boys are reassuring look as they let the woman led them to the Yas Gym, looking around the ruined places only made Ash's mood even worse. He hated how these two gym leaders are destroying the town without realizing it. He really needed to blow off some stream and quick.


The finally arrived and entered the building, saw some trainers using equipment. The Yas gym was more of a fighting dojo. Cindy led them to a room where the leader was there waiting for them.

Cindy explained to her leader about Ash being a strong trainer and that he should join them.

"Before I let you join, how about we have a battle? You and me." The Yas leader challanged Ash.

"I accept." Ash narrowed his eyes at the Yas leader angrily.

"Hopefully this battle will help Ash blow off some steam." Glissle said

"I am with Glissle on this one." Brock said

"I hope yourm are right." Misty and yellow said

Ash gave pikachu a look who understood completly and got into position, "I will use pikachu, call out pokemon."

"Scyther, tear them up." The leader sent out his scyther.

"Scyther use cut." Yas leader ordered

Scyther pincer started glowing as it came at pikachu.

"Iron Tail." Ash said

Pikachu attacked Scyther with Iron Tail and scyther cried in pain and hit the red paint in wall which followed on it.

Everyone watched as scyther got up and blinked its eyes before they turned red. Then scyther began attacking its trainer. Everyone but Ash, Pikachu and Glissle were surprised at this.

"Scyther enough." Yas leader commanded.

"Scyther return." He recalled his pokemon

"That is the first time my scyther has been frightened so badly. You are a powerful trainer." Yas leader said

"You must work for me I need your strenght." He said

"Before I give you answer, explain why you want to be an official gym." Ash said

"For money." He answered

"Huh?" The gang stated dumfounded

"It is a simple means to earn money quickly, official gym statys come with prestige and funding." The leader explained simply.

"Is he serious?" Yellow asked

Ash couldn't belive what he was hearing. This whole time, scaring the town's people recruting trainers all for money.

"Huh? I thought I heard something." Yellow said

"This is stupid, we are leaving." Glissle said

"You think you can just come in here and leave? I don't think so, get her boys." The leader growled

Glissle stopped in his tracks before he handed Pikachu off to Glissle. Then he turned to the men who came at him wasting no time charging at the yas members and proceeding to beat them into a bloody pulp.

"I know this would happen." Ash said seeing what his Girlfriend did.

Glissle took down the last goon before she spin kicked the leader in the face sending him flying accross the room. Sighing deeply, she walked away and the other follwed behinf and they left the gym without another word leaving some flabbergasted trainers behind as they all left.


"Fell better?" Me. Jim asked

"Much guess beating them up along with the leader was just I needed." Glissle sipped her drink clamly.

"Oh man did you beat them down good, Glissle,Maybe they will stop after what you just did." Yellow asked

"I dobt they will stop after that, Yellow. Guys like them are the types to keep on fighting untill the other one is no longer capable of doing so." Glissle said

"So what now?" Yellow asked

"I know exactly what to do." Ash said

"You do?" Yellow asked

"Yeah both scyther and Electabuzz are color sensitive and the colour red in particiular send them into a rage." Glissle said

"We will use that to end this permanently." Ash said


Once again fighting broke out between the two gang outside. The two sides were destroying the building and everything around them as they fought, seeing an opening Ash gave the signal to the others to drop the red paint on both sides which was successful as both pokemon attacked their trainers ending the war between them both as their pokemon took them all down.

Ash then appeared,"well? Have you twk idiots learned your lesson?"

"Yeah.... We can come to an agreement on one thing." The Yas leader said

"The one thing is..., Dealing with you." The Kaz leader said

"Thunder bolt." Ash said

Pikachu shocked them and they were sokn knocked out.

"Had enough now?" Ash said

"Had enough?" The Yas and Kaz grabbed large stick each.

Glissle, Brock, Misty and yellow stood by Ash.

"Now we will teach you." Kaz leader said

"I suggest you run." Yas leader said

"They haven't hiven up." Glissle siad

The two leaders were about to attack...

"Hold right it there." A female voice said as a mysterious person appeared in front of them.

"Huh?" Everyone said

"What?" Yas leader said

"And who sre you?" Kaz leader said

The mysteriouse person held up a pokeball,"I am the inspector from the official pokemon leauge."SHe said

The Yas and kaz leader screamed and paled at the sight.

"Pokeball go." The mysteriouse person related his pokemon which turned out to be chansey.

"Chanesey, chansey." Chansey clapped its hands.

"Argh!" The Yas and Kaz leader face planted on the ground.

"Chansey? That must mean...." Brock trailer off

"That is right. My true identity js. Nurse Jy." Nurse Joy took off her disguise.

Yaz and Kaz panicked.

"Nurse Joy." Brock said with heart his eyes.

"Enough already." Yellow said

Nurse Joy confronted both men," I could never allow people who use pokemon for nothing but street fighting to open an official pokemon gym."

"Please, Nurse Joy." Yas leader started

"Won't you give hs another chance?"Kaz leader finished

They both begged as they bowed their heads.

Nurse Joy smiled," only if you are willing to start over from the begining."she said,"And I belive that you should listen what this young lady has to say."She pointed to Ash.

"Huh? Me? Are you sure?" Ash questioned her.

"I am sure." Nurse Joy nodded and smiled.

Ash nodded, "Good answer, but what you did to them doesn't give you the right to be pokemon trainers, let alone gym leaders. Also your gym would give other gyms a bad name. Pokemon should never be used for street fighting. Also I belive that having a gym isn't about money, recognition or fame, it is to test trainers and pokemon to do their very bedt and trust in each otjer non sensless violence." Ash said

Yad and Kaz looked up at Ash with admiration.

"Now first you have to fix everything you broke in this town and apologize to all citizens of Dark city. Also don't forget to rebuild your friendship with your pokemon and each other."Ash said

Yas and Kaz both bowed their heads at him," Thank you for your kind words, mr rock."

Ash smiled at the mention of his disguised name.

Nurse Joy nodded,"That is a great advice."


And so Dark city was at peace at last. The Yas and Kaz gyms working together with their pokemon to repair Dark city and the citizens were ery grateful towards the gang for helping them.

"Thanks to you all and your pokemon, our children can play in the streets once more and we won't have to be scared of pokemon trainers or pokemon ever again. " Mr jim said, "so thank you once more."

"You are welcome." Ash smiled

"We were wrong about pokemon trainers being bad guy. Now we all eant to become pokemon trainers." Ben said

"Right." Alex and Troy nodded

"And I am sure that we will be as great as you, Rock." Ben said

"Uh actually, Rocxk is not my real name." Ash admitted

"It not?" Alex blinked

"Then what is it?" Troy asked curios

"Ash ketchum." Ash said

"That is a cool name." Ben said

"Thanks." Ash said

"If it is not too much trouble can we have autograph Ash?" Troy asked

"Sure." Ash said

Ash signed his name for all three boys.

"I am sure that you will become great pokemon trainers." Ash said

Then the gang said their goodbyes and left Dark city, knowing that the town will be fine now.

After saving the town and making some new pokemon fans, Ash and his friends are moving on to their next adventure.


Author's Note-Hope you like the chapter. And guess who will be Ash's Next pokemon as well as girlfriend. The next chapter will be realsed soon.

Current Ash's pokemons- pidgeot, sandslash, cleffable, butterfree, ferrow(11), seaking, Garydos, spewerow(20), pikachu, goldbat, charizad(shiny), gardiviore(shiny), lucario(shiny), greeninja(shiny),umbreon(shiny), Alakazam(shiny) and salamance(shiny), bulbasur, oddish(shiny), Arcanine, rattata, beedril, pearsian, scyther, Ninetales, Arbok, Macham, wigllytuff, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, vileplum, parasect and venomoth, dugtrio, charmander(New), golduck, poliwarth, victribell, tentacrul, rapidash, slowbro, Magnetron, farfetch'd, dodrio, dewgong(ofspring of cerulian city gym's dewgong(seel) which he got from daisy), squirtle, umbreon and Espeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Gastly(Normal), Gastly(talking)

Butterfree(pink), haunter, Gengar, primape, Dratini, Gible(shiny), Magnemite, Muk, Grimer, Marowak, cubone, Persian, Horsea, vulpix, Abra, kangaskhan, Growlite, zoura, Tauros, Rapidash, poliwag and porygon

Current Ash's girlfriends-Misty, Daisy waterflower , lily, violet, Glissel, Mealine, Yellow, Daisy oak, sabrina, Erika, Green Oak, Jaine and Aya

Current Ash's Legandry & Mythical -Mew

Current Ash 's powers- psycic(Not activated) and Aura(Not activated)

Suggest some ideas for the story. Sorry for late chapter, I am very much sorry Again, I hope you like the chapter and I am sorry again, The work on other stories had also started and if you like collab stories check out my collab in Pokemonfanfictionfan

And Check out a very big discord between pokefics writers & readers in my bio. Sorry for late chapter again. And everyone Merry Christmas

Antarip_Ghoshcreators' thoughts