
Chapter 1: A New Beginning

On a stormy evening, inside a large courtyard house in the Imperial Capital, there were sounds of childbirth.

Qin Tian, the head of the Qin Family of the Capital, a man known for his domineering arrogance and strong disposition, was pacing around a room.

Within this room was his wife, along with several trusted midwives, divine doctor Lin of the Lin family, and Qin Tian's wife, Xu Meiying, who was currently in the process of birthing their child.

This child is our protagonist, who would later be named Qin Junfeng.


Qin Junfeng opened his eyes. He was extremely puzzled after his birth.

"Why is my eyesight so bad?", thought Qin Junfeng.

This is a normal thought for a newborn baby with an adult soul. However, Qin Junfeng still did not know that he was a baby.


Doctor Lin left the room after confirming that everything went well with the birth.

With his high cultivation in the Meridian Opening Stage, he only needed to make a few actions during the birth, and that too from a considerable distance.

"Lin Fan, how is my wife? Any my son?" said Qin Tian, in a worried tone.

"They are both fine, and I have also discovered something interesting. Your son has an extremely high talent in cultivation, and I foresee that he won't face any bottlenecks until the peak of Meridian Opening! With his high talent and abundant resources, he might even have the potential to reach the fabled Innate Realm!" Doctor Lin responded.

"Good! Good! I can't outlive my son, after all!" Qin Tian laughed.


Qin Junfeng was shocked. Wasn't he dead? He clearly remembered dying to a bolt of lightning right after he registered his business at the government office.

He cursed his bad luck, and more importantly, his families bad luck! He was part of the scholarly and military Qin family, which was known for the past 1000 years as one of the most influential families of China. They produced famous scholars, poets, ministers, and even military generals.

However, they had never had a businessman in the family. At least, no successful ones.

Qin Junfeng decided to change that, and become a businessman. However, he failed. He failed like every single member of the Qin family before him.

"Why am alive now? And where am I? Which one of these people are my parents?"

[System activated]

[Activation complete, congratulations to the host for a successful reincarnation!]

"A system? I didn't think I would be this lucky!" Qin Junfeng laughed, being a person who read one too many webnovels.

[This System is the Fate Controlling System! This is an auxiliary system designed to provide the host with an opportunity and method to control and improve his own fate. Through actions and connections with people with high fate, the host can increase his own fate!]

"What is fate? And who exactly has high fate?"

[Fate is the importance of an individual in the eyes of the Heavenly Dao. People with high fate have better opportunities, better luck, and actions generally go smoother. There are many illusory advantages to high fate. Individuals with high fate are usually individuals favored by the Heavenly Dao. Considering the host's previous world, these individuals would be protagonists. There are also individuals who are connected to people with high fate.]

"So there are protagonists with a protagonist halo, and novels exist in the real world?"

[Yes, that would be a very accurate definition. However, every individual has a fate value.

Fate Value: How important a person is, as defined by the Heavenly Dao.

0-10: Ordinary person.

11-100: Minor achievements, usually a martial arts master, or possessing extraordinary skills.

101-200: Having achievements noteworthy anywhere

201-1000: Protagonist level, or characters closely related to protagonists.]

"Alright …. what are the functions of the system?"

[This system is a purely auxiliary system. There are three main uses of this system. One is the Heavenly Eye, which can inspect a person's characteristics. Second is the fate capturing function. Through making connections with individuals with high fate, the host can increase his own fate. Fate is separate from Fate points, which can be captured by changing the fate of individuals, directly or indirectly. Third would be using fate value to accelerate the host's cultivation. Third is the life script function. When encountering an individual involved with a protagonist, the host can view the life script of the protagonist.]

"Alright. Show me my character panel."


Host: Qin Junfeng

Cultivation: Mortal

Talents: Cultivation (7 star), Business (5 star), Leadership (5 star), Medicine (4 star) ….

Fate Value: 0

Fate Points: 0


"Cultivation? It's nice to have a chance for immortality, and it seems it my be possible, looking at my talents."

[Ding! Host receives 50 fate value for being the son of Qin Tian, a protagonist!]

[Ding! Host receives 2 fate value for being born under the oversight of Lin Fan, a protagonist!]

"I am the son of a protagonist? I didn't expect to have such a background from the start! However, it seems like it is very difficult to gain fate value, as I only received two from being born with a protagonist overseeing my birth" Qin Junfeng mused.