
The Journey of Elrath's Chosen(Warcraft/M&M/Runeterra)

In his twenties, Lucas Aldaric met an untimely demise, only to find himself reincarnated in a unique amalgamation of worlds, with a few unexpected twists.

QuincyEcht · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs

War Is Truly An Ugly Thing

The colossal gates of Shagr'Ahari swung wide, ushering in a torrent of golems that mercilessly cut through any resistance in their path. A hastening spell, [Haste], imbued each golem with incredible speed, their massive frames surging through the city. The unfortunate defenders, composed of slaves and Lizardmen, were swiftly obliterated. Following closely behind the golems, the Praetorian Legion marched into the city, their silver and gold armors gleaming in the early sunlight.

Approximately fifty Radiant Glory teleported strategically across the battlefield, swiftly dispatching Lizardmen mages and shooters. Meanwhile, dark elf assassins stealthily eliminated pockets of resistance as the main army advanced through the streets. In the skies above, a fierce battle unfolded. One hundred Coatl Riders clashed with Gargoyles, griffins, and manticores. The radiant glow of lightning magic from the Coatls proved effective against the Gargoyles, but the sheer numbers overwhelmed the relatively small squadron of riders. Griffins swooped down, and manticores and Gargoyles targeted the mounts.

Nur, hovering above the ground, expressed confidence, "This battle is already won." She ascended toward the sky, addressing King Aldaric, "I'll personally deal with the remaining resistance. Your role, king Alraric ,should be to safeguard our troops with your magic. I'm more inclined toward offense than defense."

Lucas, observing the battlefield, nodded in agreement, "If Lady Nur wishes to take charge of the attack, it falls upon me to ensure the army's protection with my magical abilities." He swiftly mounted a Griffin, declaring to Malarion, "Teleport the rest of our forces to Zakera's location. Aid her in capturing the second city along our path." With that, Lucas took to the skies on his Griffin.

Gazing upon the battlefield, Lucas witnessed a colossal portal sweeping away the remnants of the army to another front for the day's upcoming battle. Despite Lucas's reservations, the council had decreed that, for the initial confrontation, they should minimize the enemy's chances of survival. Reluctantly, Lucas acquiesced. His staff emitted a radiant golden glow as a substantial surge of mana flowed from the crystal within, enveloping him.

The spell [Mass Celestial Armor] unfolded like a mesmerizing spectacle, casting each member of the alliance army in armor crafted from celestial light. While Lucas marveled at the protective display, his attention was drawn to Nur, who swiftly dispatched a dozen slaves with a [Lightning] spell, reducing them to nothing in an instant.

"Ruthless," Lucas grimly noted, observing Nur's actions. The army, under the effects of [Haste], effortlessly crushed the remnants of the opposing forces stationed within the city, remnants left after Belketh's decimation of their entire forces weeks prior.

Lucas turned his gaze to the heartbreaking sight of hundreds of slaves rushing towards their inevitable demise. The golems, under the [Haste] effect, mercilessly crushed them, their faces filled with despair as if compelled by the collars around their necks to forfeit their lives in a pitiful attempt.

Lucas clenched his teeth, muttering under his breath, "Is everyone's free will so easily discarded in this forsaken world?" His emotions churned as his eyes surveyed the tragic scene of hundreds of child beastmen bodies strewn across the ground. "I'm sorry," he thought, a weight on his conscience, as he continued scanning the battlefield for any remaining enemies. In less than thirty minutes, the entire city seemed to be under their control. The last pockets of resistance were swiftly vanishing, and the town hall was in the final stages of being secured by the Praetorians, following the golems' thorough cleansing.

Near the town hall, Lucas's Griffin touched down, bringing him close to Nur and two of her wizards. "It appears the losses are minimal today," she remarked to the wizards, her gaze shifting to the young king. "We've only lost a few golems and Gargoyles," she informed Lucas, who surveyed the carnage around him. His expression remained unreadable under his helmet.

Without offering a reply to the Djinn woman, Lucas proceeded into the town hall. His silence earned a snort from Nur, who observed his departure with a hint of amusement.

The jewel piece nestled in Lucas's pocket began to radiate light, signaling that one of the Dukes sought communication with him.

"What is it, George?" inquired the young king as he strolled amidst the fallen bodies of the defenders.

"My Lord, the second city has been secured," reported the Duke of the Wolf. "The only remaining city will be targeted once Lord Belketh has unraveled their defensive Matrix."

Concerned, the king queried, "Are there heavy losses?" as he entered the main room of the town hall, adorned with a dozen golden artifacts reminiscent of the Aztecs on Earth.

Reassuringly, the Duke responded, "There are no losses on our end, Your Majesty. Lady Zakera distributed grains infused with necromantic energy that transformed those who consumed them into ghoulish monstrosities. The city was conquered without our direct intervention." The king's eyes widened at the surprising revelation.

"Very well," uttered Lucas with a trembling voice as he glanced at the communication slip. "Inform Zakera that we need to regroup with the main army and proceed towards the last city within the Vale."

"It shall be done, Your Majesty," George replied, concluding the conversation.

Seating himself on one of the couches inside the office, Lucas gazed through the broken window. His hands emitted a blinding light as he slammed them on the desk, shattering the once-beautiful wooden surface into pieces. The king took a deep breath, attempting to calm his nerves. "She employs the same tactics as those Legion and Scourge bastards," he muttered, still trembling for a moment before shifting his gaze to the sky.

'This is war,' Lucas reminded himself, repeating the mantra in his mind. "Sacrifices must be made, even if it's repulsive." He exhaled, regaining composure, and left the office, where two Praetorians awaited him with concerned expressions.

"Your Majesty, Lady Nur has already departed through a portal leading to the main force," one of the Praetorians informed.

"Understood, Commander Xario," Lucas responded. "I want the entire army to follow suit. Use the portal to regroup with the main force and advance towards the last city. I have matters to attend to in Falcon's Reach."

The Praetorian, adorned with red markings on all parts of his armor, nodded affirmatively before departing to relay the orders to the Legion while Lucas transformed his body into a stream of light and flew at incredible speed toward Falcon's Reach.

Lucas materialized on the balcony of the castle, overlooking the once-vibrant Kingdom that now seemed almost lifeless, its population largely deployed to the war. What remained were those untrained in combat and Sisters caring for children born during the conflict. The arrival of autumn adorned Falcon's Reach with the spectacle of leaves cascading from trees, a breathtaking sight that the king acknowledged but wasn't here to admire. Instead, his gaze was fixed on a building constructed two weeks prior.

[Chapel of the Holy Sun]

This structure symbolized Haven's essence, birthing the renowned [Sun Riders], the faction's elite unit. Enhanced by Elrath himself, these superhuman soldiers wielded spears capable of piercing the toughest materials, accompanied by faithful horses ready to carry them to the ends of the world.

"Two weeks of construction, finally," muttered the king, and two Sun Riders appeared before him. Their booming voices greeted him, resonating in the vicinity. The citizens, aware of the legendary strength of the Sun Riders, watched with widened eyes.

"What are your orders?" the Sun Riders asked in unison, their armor reflecting the light.

"You will follow me to the battlefield," declared the king as a portal materialized behind him. He motioned for the riders to follow as he disappeared into the portal.

The two dukes observed Heresh Zakera with concern as she moved amidst the legion of ghouls created after her attack on the now entirely raised city of Poi'Tu. Unlike their king, the dukes viewed these creatures as impure beings deserving only Elrath's Wrath. They saw Lucas as someone who needed to comprehend the true implications of his role—a future beacon for their entire empire. They believed he couldn't afford to be soft in his decisions, as hesitation could poison any empire. The dukes recognized the fine line between consideration and hesitation: the former was wisdom, the latter, fear.

Despite their suspicions about the alliance with impure beings like the Necromancers and the Demons, the dukes refrained from questioning it. George, in particular, felt pride in Lucas. Despite not appearing the typical ruler, he had assumed the mantle admirably, silencing dissidents like a true king.

The dukes made their way toward their section of the army, observing as the Praetorians received care from the Sisters and Vestals, the only ones in the army versed in the healing light magic. The magi, having spent limited time with Lucas, had focused on learning Earth Magic for constructing golems and self-defense.

Approaching the only individual in the Kingdom whose authority matched their own, the Dukes found Archbishop Jeanne. The young woman was coordinating the Sisters stationed around the column.

"Greetings, Archbishop," Thaum addressed as he dismounted from his horse in front of her.

Jeanne turned to acknowledge the two Dukes, offering a bow in respect. "Greetings to the esteemed Dukes. What brings you here?" she inquired, casting a glance around at their surroundings.

"We wanted to invite you to the meeting with the rest of the leaders to coordinate our attacks on the last city," replied George, his gruff voice resonating behind the helmet.

Jeanne looked at the Dukes before frowning, "I am sorry, but I cannot be in the same room as these disgusting monsters," she replied, venom lacing her voice as she directed her gaze at Zakera.

George frowned behind his helmet. Despite being a devoted follower of Elrath, he was not deceived by Jeanne's gentle appearance. He knew that if she deemed someone 'corrupted,' she would be the first to advocate for burning them at the stake. That's why George had opposed her nomination at the helm of the Church.

"But, Lady Jeanne, this is an important meeting for everyone," said Thaum, his ever-naive tone irritating George as he observed Jeanne's façade.

"My teachings go ag—" she started to say before George had enough of this pitiful display.

"Are you a human or a slave?" George's voice resonated, silencing the surroundings. "Does your teaching tell you to go against the will of your king, jeopardize our relations with other factions, and potentially isolate us diplomatically?"

Jeanne clenched her fists upon hearing the authoritative voice of the Wolf Duke.

"Then I will be asking you again, Archbishop, do you want to come with us to the meeting?" George's voice seemed to weigh heavily on her.

"Yes," she muttered, earning a nod from George. He turned back toward the meeting location, stating, "Then we will be waiting for you in ten minutes." Without showing any concern, he spurred his mount and hurried towards the meeting point.

Jeanne gritted her teeth, her gaze following George as he disappeared from view with Thaum that was talking to him.

"Don't you think you've been a bit too harsh on her?" a voice rang out, and a beautiful dark elf emerged alongside Malarion and Lucas, standing before the two Dukes.

George snorted as he regarded Lianna. "I don't think so," he replied, maintaining his resolute stance as he looked at his King.

"Don't give me that look; I don't see any issue with what you've done. I might have done the same, albeit with a touch more gentleness," the king stated as he raised his hands, acknowledging George's approach.

George sighed upon hearing this, his gaze settling on the tent that would serve as the meeting room for the upcoming assault.

"My King, this fight will be far more hazardous than the last ones," George remarked, his eyes fixed on Lucas. "There is a strong garrison this time, with competent mages."

Lucas looked back at his Duke with a smile behind his helmet. "Then we'll pray to Elrath that the plan we concoct here will guarantee us victory against them," he replied to George before entering the tent.


Do you want me to write a part of the next chapter with the plan or I'll keep it a secret ?

I hope that you liked this chapter and btw I put a map ressembling what I thought the continent would look like in the auxiliary section.

See you soon :)

PS:Don't forget to give me stones, I wanna see how much stones I can harvest from you.